Chapter 10: Search prt. 2
Akatani's Pov
As Akatani wake up from the bed he immediately go to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
As he was done using the bathroom he immediately change his clothes and wear his uniform, he then turned on the TV to hear some news. The thing he saw in the TV was about the 2nd volume of his book and there are now lots of people who keep supporting him, because of quirk issue especially the 20% of the population now there are now lots of people who keep on fighting in order for them to be treated as a human being not for having quirk.
This makes young Akatani smile and happy that there are now people who keep supporting his story. Meanwhile in the second news he saw and hear people who dislikes his story they evenly commented that he works as a villain, some say he's an Anti-hero. This makes Akatani angered he immediately turned off the TV and proceed to the thing that he must to do which is more important.
"It's time to practice for the show and be more Extraordinary." He said as he grab his violin to practice.
Naomasa's Pov
As Naomasa keep searching every information on where is the boy Izuku Midoriya has been but all he got was no luck.
"Really there's nothing information about him anymore I'm there is got to be something." He said as he lay down his head and noticed the book Extraordinary "I hope I got something clue or information about this book." He said as he noticed the authors name "That's weird this is supposed to be an Autobiography of Izuku Midoriya yet why is the authors name is different." He said as he realized something and widened his eyes of an information he discovered he immediately called Nezu from the information he got.
Akatani's Pov
Young Akatani was outside in the school ground with his violin to practice his new performance and some students are watching him far or near.
Right after the moment he start the music.
(Shine - Kimberly Hope (Original Song))
As he played the music everyone is amazed from the music he play then a same sparkle happened again yet a little different.
He created a lots of sparkle without swirling around it was a blue sparkle that illuminate the night sky, were it describes as a 'Sea of Stars'.
As he keeps playing lots of students are amazed again as they've watched a performance from the night.
As he is about to finish his performance the sparkles are getting more and more until he finished his practice.
The a huge around of applause coming from those people who are amazed of his performance as he bowed down to show his gracefulness.
Heroes Pov
As the heroes of U.A. gathered around for the they also see detective Naomasa besides principal Nezu.
"Okay Nezu we are all here now." Eraserhead said
"Okay this meeting isn't about something else you see Detective Naomasa here found one information about Izuku Midoriya."
"WHAT!!!" Everyone said in unison
"It's true I found one clue on where to find." Naomasa said
"Great that's a good news." All Might said
"Yeah so that we can stop this terrible big issues from every people outside then." Present Mic said
"Okay then first I want you looked at this." He said as he showed the book of Extraordinary to all heroes.
"The book Extraordinary." Midnight said
"What is it all about then?" Mt Lady asked
"I want you guys look at the Authors name you might know why I'm showing it." Naomasa said as they looked at the Authors name was 'Akatani Mikumo'.
"And what is it then?" All Might asked
"This autobiography is about the story of Izuku Midoriya and why is it the authors name is different, every autobiographies authors name is supposed to be there name yet why is it was named from Akatani Mikumo aren't that so suspicious to you all." Naomasa said as everyone noticed something really is wrong about the the autobiography
"Your right but who's Akatani Mikumo and where we can find him." Kamui Wood said
"That doesn't matter now what matters is we found our first clue on where to find Izuku Midoriya is." Eraserhead said while every Heroes nodded from the words he said.