Chapter 7
Khalid glared impatiently down at his watch, then back up to the table he was supervising. It was a high stakes table in one of the casino's back rooms. He was glad he decided against buying in tonight. He was anxious to get back to his woman, and the game was going longer than expected. Ash had texted a few minutes before to let him know that Shania was in the casino. Khalid was eager to join her for a game and then escort her upstairs for a private meal.
Shania had been more forthcoming last night than on their previous evenings together. He had finally allowed her to discuss her work and, in doing so, discovered a topic that she was exquisitely passionate about.
She had introduced the subject herself as they sat in a corner booth at the casino buffet, where he had met her.
"What did you tell my supervisor at the shelter about my leave of absence?"
Khalid frowned down at her. "Why does it matter, Shania? You're here now. You won't be going back to your job any time soon, if ever."
"It matters!" she snapped, frowning back at him. "You handle other people's lives with a heavy hand, without thinking about consequences, without understanding the nuances of those lives that you carelessly smash."
Khalid drew in a quick breath. "Watch your tongue!" he growled, his temper flaring. Somehow, she could usually get away with saying whatever she wanted to him, regardless of his previously feared temper.
He shrugged. "Granted, it takes a certain amount of ruthlessness to keep my business interests running smoothly, but I am capable of understanding more than you give me credit for. Tell me about these... nuances."
It was a demand, rather than a question. But Shania was eager for him to know what he'd taken her away from. He needed to know that he couldn't just play god in people's lives without regard for the consequences.
"Every day that I worked in that shelter, I made a difference in other people's lives. It was a place where a smile could positively change a person's outlook from grim and despairing to something approaching happiness. I had the privilege of working with some of the most determined people you can imagine. People whose whole lives could fit in a box, but that would still work incredibly hard to improve things for themselves and their families."
Shania positively glowed as she spoke. Khalid began to feel jealous for one of the rare smiles she had bestowed so freely to others. "It can't have all been as wonderful as you describe it. I know some of the lowlifes that end up in that place."
"No, it wasn't always wonderful," she said simply, but passion still shone in her eyes as she spoke. "I've seen terrible things, like drug overdoses and suicide attempts. I worked with the police on a regular basis. But feeling like I could make a difference in the lives of people who are too often rendered invisible or marginalized makes a difference. There wasn't any place I preferred to be."
A shadow passed over her face. Khalid suspected that she was thinking about her life with Aiden. For once, rather than feeling jealous, he felt sorry that her life with Aiden had been so disappointing that she preferred to stay at the shelter than in the arms of her husband.
Khalid drew her into his body and tilted her face up to his. "Thank you for this enlightenment. It means something that you trust me enough to tell me how you feel."
A small smile curved her generous lips. He felt himself harden as he looked at those gorgeous, lush lips and imagined them caressing his body.
"Enough to let me go back to work?" she asked breathlessly, looking up at him pleadingly.
Khalid drew his arm around her neck and pulled her face up to his for a quick, hard kiss. "I'm sorry, princess. No."
There had been a flash of sadness in her eyes and, although she didn't physically move away from his embrace, he felt her withdrawal nonetheless. He had been immediately called back to work and unable to escort her back up to the suite. Regretfully, he had relinquished her back into Ash's care.
When he had gone up to the room later, he had checked on her, at first believing she was simply hiding from him, sulking after the unsatisfactory conclusion to their conversation. She'd been sound asleep in bed, wearing a cotton nightshirt that rode high on her thigh, revealing flawless brown skin and rounded thighs. He itched to run his hand up over her thigh and under the nightshirt, caressing the warm skin that would be beneath. With uncommon self-control, he forced himself to leave her room and committed to a ruthless workout in his gym.
That had been the last time he had seen her. He was looking forward to spending time with her tonight, perhaps leading her further down the path to intimacy. Earlier in the day he had gone to an expensive jeweller and purchased a gorgeous ruby set that would look stunning against her skin. He would apologize for being unable to promise her more freedom quite yet and then he would patiently come up with a plan that would eventually allow her to do some of the things she used to love.
Khalid thrust a hand through his hair and glared at the card table from his seat at the bar. There were some volatile players in the room and the stakes were too high to leave them alone without a babysitter. Though Khalid trusted his dealer, he didn't trust any of the others at the table. He was about to check his watch again when the door burst open.
"Hey!" one of the players shouted angrily at the uninvited addition.
Ash ignored the game and, making a line for Khalid, leaned in to growl, "She's gone."
Terrible anger rushed through Khalid as he glared at his most trusted bodyguard. He swiftly brought his temper under control and bit out, "How?"
"She paid a woman off to distract me. She's been gone five minutes."
Khalid nodded sharply. She was smart. It must have been a good diversion or Ash would have noticed. Despite his hulking appearance, Ash was no idiot and loyal to a fault.
"Come," he said, jerking his head to the door and leaving the players in the room without a word.
The two men swiftly went to the surveillance room. Khalid stood brooding with deadly intensity while Ash explained to security what he needed. Video of Shania's exit from the hotel was brought up on the monitor within a minute. No one in the room wanted to piss off the boss while he was in this mood.
Khalid watched silently as Shania left without a backward glance and boarded one of the free shuttles that ran between the hotel and various locations in the city. The timing was so perfect he knew she had studied the bus schedule. She'd been planning this from the moment he had decided to keep her for himself.
Betrayal burned hotly within him, tearing at his chest. He had believed she was growing more content with him. He had trusted her shy glances and soft, hesitant touches. He had allowed her a place in his home. He had not forced her into his bed, which he easily could have. And under other circumstances, would have.
Khalid reached out and touched the screen briefly, where her image had been standing right before disappearing onto the bus. His hand curled into a fist and dropped. She wouldn't get far, he would make sure of it. Just like he would make sure she regretted her decision to leave. She had unleashed the part of him he had so carefully kept from her.
Ash took out his cell phone and swiftly dialled, speaking low into the phone. He hung up and turned to Khalid. "The Bentley will be out front in two minutes."
Khalid nodded. "Take care of the game for me and then I need you to meet with Bertelli later about the city contracts. I plan on taking care of this myself and I want no disruptions."
Ash nodded and watched with a slight frown as his boss walked swiftly toward the casino lobby. Ash had rarely seen Khalid so visibly angry before, and usually when Khalid lost his temper, devastation reigned and people died. Khalid had barely broken a sweat over the beating he handed out to Aiden Galveston. He hadn't been remotely as affected by the loss of that money as he was by the loss of the girl.
Not that Ash had any doubt Khalid would retrieve her. But things were about to change. Ash worried about sweet Shania in the hands of his ruthless boss.