Read with BonusRead with Bonus

A Wolf, A Vampire and H-Town

Sterling put on the best vampire impression. “I vant you to know, I’m honored to be here.”

Demetri stood. “Yep, this was a horrible idea.”

Laughing Sterling leaned back into his chair. “Yeah, you definitely should have called Jordan or Elijah for advice.” Demetri’s face flushed. He couldn’t talk to Jordan, he already knew what he would say and after the punch Elijah’s wife landed on him he was almost certain she banned him from speaking to him. So Sterling was his only choice. “Tell me what’s going on?”

He sighed. "I don’t know if I’m honest. It’s like, on one hand, she pisses me the hell off and then does things and I find myself confused. Like she literally freaked out because she thought I’d gotten hurt by the sun as if she didn’t-“

"Beat your ass?” Demetri glared at Sterling. "My bad. Continue.”

"She does my damn head in. She pisses me off but for some reason, I can’t kill her.”

"Okay probably not the best person to give you the following advice but hear me out. You CANNN’TTT kill everything that makes you uncomfortable. Maybe we try a different approach?”

Steam blew from Demetri's nose. "Fine, what do you suggest?”

Sterling grinned. "I already know your problem.”

"I just told you it’s Alexus.”

“It’s because of Alexus, but you’re not jittery because you want to kill her.” Standing, Sterling leaned over Demetri's computer and typed something in. "Listen to this, it’ll solve all your problems.”

The soft melody flowed through the computer of a song Demetri had never heard. "What is-“

Sterling shushed him. He closed his eyes. "Here it comes.”


Demetri looked at Sterling. "Are these angels?”

“I THOUGHT THE SAME THING WHEN I FIRST HEARD THEM! That was until Little Red explained what they were talking about and I realized-" He laughed, “No-no they certainly are not.”

Listening to the song, Demetri found himself confused. "Why are they knocking the boots?”

"You're saying it wrong. It’s KNOCKIN’ no G”


"DA- D.A not the”


Sterling shook his head. "Yep Little Red told me if I was going to be all in the Kool-Aid, I better know the flavor.”

"What is Kool-Aid?” Sterling sighed and shook his head.

“Different lesson for a different day. The point I’m making is that’s your problem. You’re jittery because Alexus knocked your boots.”

Demetri’s face turned beet red. "I still don’t understand Sterling."

Sighing again, Sterling took off his combat boots. Placing the huge boots on the desk, he pointed at them. He picked one up. "Okay, this one is you-“ He picked up the other. "This one is Alexus…God I’m about to throw up.” Knocking the two boots together, he saw Demetri’s face turn the shade of the curtains.


Sterling laughed loudly. "I know it was more like-“ He took the boot that represented Alexus and knocked it hard against the other. "SHE KNOCKED THE LINING OUT THAT CAPE, DIDN’T SHE?” His laughter growing at the fume written all over Demetri's face. "Hey man, don’t be embarrassed it happens to the best of us. Ask my brother, Little Red can suck an eight ball out a garden hose.”

Demetri’s mouth dropped, but Sterling being Sterling, kept going. "And as much as I HATE talking about their sex life, Elijah told me that Rachel knocked his boots so hard one time, he had to shift and tag his wolf in.” He laughed. "But that failed because her wolf is worse than her, and she shifted and-“ Sterling threw a boot against the wall.

Demetri stood. "Bye Sterling.”

Laughing Sterling grabbed his shoes and put them back on. "Fine but before I go, tell me one thing-which move got you?”

Face red, he looked down to the table. "She-she did this thing with her hips-”

Sterling closed his eyes as if in a memory. "Yep, that’s a Pierce sister special. I call it the buckin’ bronco.”

A few days later

"Are you alright? Why’s your face so red?” For the past few days whenever Demetri looked at Alexus, his face would turn beet red.

He coughed. "I’m fine. Are you excited about meeting the clan?”

She was. She was more excited about having people to talk to that could relate to what she was going through. Her sisters visited every day, and she found herself over their place a lot as well, but she also knew they were growing families, and she wanted to give them space. Morgan had even postponed her honeymoon, and though she shrugged it off, it made Alexus feel horrible. She was yet again imposing on her sister’s lives. They were yet again, cleaning up her mess. She tugged at her sleeve as they walked. "Do you have friends in the clan? Some you could introduce me to?”

Demetri scoffed. "I’m the Primus, I don’t need friends.”

"Everybody needs friends.”

"Not me.”

She thought about how lonely that must be. "D-do you know how to make friends?”

She heard him huff. "I’m certain if I wanted to make friends I could. I’ve literally slaughtered millions, protected thousands, bedded hundre-“ His words stopped at the last statement, seeing her pull at her dress and her eyes travel to her shoes. He coughed, "If I wanted to make friends, I could.”

"You should try tonight.”

“I WILL NOT!” She sighed, deciding best to let the conversation go. As they arrived at the meeting spot, Alexus froze. “Now what’s wrong?”

She looked at him. "Do you think they’ll like me?” His silence made her face fall. "Right.” She said entering. They were going to adore her, he knew that, but to tell her that would be to admit that they weren’t the only ones. That was something he really couldn’t process and so instead he remained silent.

Alexus entered the dimly lit building and looked around. Vampires everywhere some looking at her, some deep in conversation. As soon as they saw Demetri, the music stopped, and they all stood and bowed. He nodded his head, allowing them to continue whatever they’d been doing. Looking back at him, Alexus took a deep breath and pushed forward.

“OH MY GOD! I LOVE YOUR DRESS!” A woman approached her jumping up and down!


"IT HAS POCKETS TOO!” Alexus and the woman both shoved their hands into the pockets of the dresses to show the other leaving Demetri confused about the interaction. "I’m Stacy- I’m new too!”

Alexus's eyes brightened. "Really?! I’m Alexus.” The beautiful redhead grabbed Alexus's arm ushering her to the bar.

Demetri eyed the women in confusion.

That’s all it takes?

He didn’t understand. Clearing his throat, he searched the room landing on a somewhat familiar face. His huge body towered over the vampire.

"Okay-hmm, I can do this. It certainly can’t be that hard.”

The vampire looked at him in confusion. "Uh…Primus-“

"DON’T INTERRUPT ME!” The man zipped his lips. Demetri placed his hands on his hips. "Okay…let’s see. I quite enjoy the way your hat makes your swollen head not look as engorged.” He saw the man's lip quiver.

"You-You think I have a big head?” That wasn’t the reaction that Alexus had gotten, and he found himself irritated with the interaction.

"Hm..let’s see…AH YES I SEE NOW THE PROBLEM! I’m supposed to do a compliment on a compliment, not a compliment laced with insult. Let me try again. I particularly enjoy the way this interaction makes me not want to kill you as much as I usually do.”

"You want to kill me?” Demetri rolled his eyes.

"Bloody hell, you’re making this much more difficult than it needs to be. I SAID I DON’T WANT TO KILL YOU AS MUCH TODAY!”

"B-but that means you wanted to kill me before.”


Terror lined the face of the vampire and he shrank. "I-I like your cape, the color matches your eyes.”

Demetri smiled and nodded his head pleased. "I’ll allow it. Now we’re friends.” He said punching the man in what he meant to be a playful manner but sent him across the room. His eyes tore to Alexus, his face reddening as he realized she’d seen the entire interaction.

Stifling her laugh, she joined him at his side. "Wow…that was….well that was something.”

He seethed. "I told you I don’t need friends.” Embarrassed, a Primus who tried and failed at making a friend stalked out of the clan meeting.

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