Chapter 11: What Did You Say?
Zach could tell from her lack of nervousness that Grace truly believed what she said. He couldn’t wrap his brain around it. “You’ve come back in time.”
She nodded. He wandered back to her kitchen for the second piece of pizza. The first one had scalded his mouth so he ate the next one gingerly. As he chewed he mulled over her words.
Sitting on the couch she hugged the pillow to her as if for warmth. What was he to make of her? Her hair still called to him to touch it.
“How? Some machine?”
“This isn’t science fiction.”
“It’s some kind of fiction.”
Her jaw set. “Look you can believe me or not. I actually don’t care. I’m tired from my shift and I have an early one tomorrow. I need my sleep.”
She stood and without ceremony tossed the sofa cushions aside. Then she pulled open her bed. Zach watched her not sure what she expected of him.
“Leave,” she said as if reading his mind. Maybe she could do that too.
“We aren’t finished.”
“We are for now. I’m going to bed.”
A car pulled up to one of the garage bays. “Dolores is here. I’m sure she’ll wonder why you’re up here,” Grace said.
“She might.”
“That might be more explaining than you want to do. She might get jealous.”
“She has no reason to be.”
“We both know that, but she may not and pregnant women are emotional. Go.”
He dropped the crust into her sink and turned to leave. “We are not done.”
“Fine. Find me tomorrow.”
“Come to my office.”
She didn’t even look at him. He’d already been dismissed. When had he lost control of this interrogation? “I could have someone bring you in.”
“For what?”
“Questioning. Making threats.”
“Yeah, I look real dangerous.”
Zach didn’t reply He just left thinking that she could be dangerous, but not in the way she thought.
Zach sat alone outside the River Vue Motel the next morning, his camera pointed at room 14. Another slimy place with another cheating spouse. This time the wife cheated out on her husband.
Her FBI agent husband had already done the initial surveillance, but wanted an outside source for when he sued for custody. Two little kids would have a new home soon.
The injustice of it all made Zach cringe, but fair was fair. If you didn’t keep your vows, you had to lose something.
The door opened and the women stepped out, dressed in a different suit than last night when Zach had followed them. The day had dawned bright and he could see her clearly in his telephoto lens.
Click. She looked around, but there was no way she could hear him from across the parking lot.
Click. She unlocked her car, surveying the lot again. She shrugged and slid into her vehicle. Zach took a picture of the license plate, then packed away his camera.
His phone rang just after he started his car. He stretched before answering.
“Hey, Ed.”
“Got news. I’m on my way to talk to a Grace Harmony.”
“Because the fire in that apartment was set and she was the last one there.”
His mind flashed back to what Grace had said about Dolores’ alleged death. She’d been shot then a fire set to cover the crime. “Can I tag along?”
“No. Hodgins found out I let you on the scene. He flipped. I’ll give you details when I finish.”
“Thanks, Ed. I owe you one.”
Zach pulled out of the lot, wondering why it was too much of a coincidence that Grace talked about a fire then her last apartment iss torched.
Some part of him could not see her as an arsonist. She’d been in her apartment, most likely, when the fire had been set. He hoped, but no one had been there with her. Or maybe someone had.
Jealousy streaked across his heart. He shook off the emotion as he parked back at his office. He had no time and no desire to get involved with an alleged psychic and certainly not an arsonist.
Zach sat on the edge of Grace’s bed. He reached out a hand to brush away some hair. His molten gaze saw through to her core.
A rakish grin creased his face. “It’s just me.”
As if she’d been scared. She wasn’t. Her heart fluttered as desire streaked through her. His chest was bare leaving her to peruse his smattering of chest hair. Define muscles bunched as he drew in heavy breaths.
Her name tripped off his tongue as if he’d said it a thousand times.
Her breath hitched as his hand traveled from her face to the top of her t-shirt. A finger dipped below the neckline, but couldn’t reach anything.
She flipped off the shirt, eager for his hands to touch every part of her.
His gaze poured over her, his grin broadening. His erection strained his unbuttoned jeans. He stood and in one practiced motion he dropped his pants and underwear.
His penis looked to be reaching out to her. She took it in both of her hands. It throbbed as if it had a life of its own.
“Oh, God, Grace.”
He disengaged her fingers then sat again. Pushing her against the pillows he straddled her. His mouth laved across one breast then the other sending sensations through her like sparks.
The room spun. She clung to the sheets as his mouth worked its magic down he stomach. Her core moistened in anticipation.
One finger played across her center then dipped into her now creamy canal. Her breath left her.
“Come for me Grace.”
He stroked until she couldn’t wait for the crescendo of feeling. Her breath came in pants and she bit her lip stifle her urge to stop him.
What was she doing?
What was he doing? Here?
Just when she thought she would shatter the alarm clock shouted with the traffic report and her body ached as if from ecstasy.