Chapter 6
Curiosity flashed in Kyle Montgmery's eyes. "I assume you don't do that with all your guests?"
"Of course not." She bit her lip. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, but I was caught in a very bad situation."
"Let me guess. Your parents are trying to meddle in your life and get you married off."
Her eyes widened. "How did you guess?"
"My folks keep trying to do the same with me. I guess neither set has figured out yet we're old enough to handle that ourselves."
She blew out a puff of air. "Of course, now I have to figure out how to explain this was all a big hoax." Then she brightened. "Or we could tell them that, after the first few minutes, we decided we really didn't like each other."
"But that wouldn't take care of the problem. Especially if that jerk that was here is the boyfriend-in-waiting."
"Not in my life," she snapped. "But you're right."
"So, how about this? I'm really here so I can hang out for a few days and get away from the rat race. Maybe we could pretend this is real. Then, when I leave, you could tell your parents we're trying the long-distance thing for a while, at least until you get them off your back."
She stared at him. "You'd do that for me?"
He shrugged. "Why not? You're definitely an eyeful." He grinned. "And a damn good kisser."
Pepper's face heated again. Could she do this? The thought of telling her parents her engagement was a fake and having to fend off Judd Wallace again made her ill. But playing "let's pretend" with a stranger?
"Well?" he prodded. "I'm game if you are."
She studied him with curiosity. "What's in it for you?"
"Hell, I'm the winner. I get to be the fiancé of a beautiful woman who's a champion kisser." He wiggled his eyebrows. "And maybe I can talk you into a few more of those kisses."
I'm making a big mistake, and I'm probably going to Hell for it.
"Only if you let me comp your stay here."
"No way. This is a business. Like I said, I'll take it out in kisses."
Pepper had no idea if he was kidding or not. She was so grateful to him for getting her out of a tight spot that at the moment she would have agreed to anything.
"I think we can negotiate. Meanwhile, let's get you checked in. And I have two chocolate muffins hidden away that I can serve you with my peach iced tea or a freshly pulled espresso."
He nodded. "Let's do it."
She blinked when he dropped his credit card on the desk. American Express Centurion. The Black Card. They didn't get too many of these at Hibiscus House. What on earth kind of business was he in that he had the very limited edition credit card? Then she gave a mental shrug. Not her business. He was here to do...whatever he was here to do. Hang out, avoid the rat race.... He'd saved her from a desperate situation. She didn't need to ask him any questions.
She busied herself with his paperwork, running his credit card, getting his room assignment. He might not let her comp him, but she was damned well going to give him the Hibiscus Suite on the second floor. She snuck little glances at him as she processed his reservation. He was tall, she figured well over six feet, and lean but muscular. His thick brown hair had a slight curl to it and framed a face so masculine it took her breath away. The day-old scruff on his face that she wanted to rub her fingers against only enhanced his appeal. Bad boy, she thought. The kind who made you think of sex in capital letters. If she had to pick a phantom fiancé, she was glad it had turned out to be him.
But I'd better behave because this is not for real.
"Okay." She slid everything into a little folder for him, including a key card. "Two years ago we switched out from the old-fashioned key locks to something with more security. Your room is on the second floor, two doors down from the stairway."
"Great. Let me get my stuff upstairs. Then, if the offer is still open, I'll take you up on those secret muffins and iced tea."
As soon as he hit the stairs, Pepper headed to the kitchen. She dug out the two muffins from where she'd hidden them in the huge industrial-size refrigerator and popped them into the microwave. She hated nuking the things - sometimes it affected their tender texture - but there'd been no place else to hide them. Then she fixed Kyle the glass of iced tea she'd promised him. She had barely set everything on the counter for him when he walked into the kitchen, a bemused expression on his face.
"A suite, Pepper? Really?"
She shrugged. "You're my fiancé. People would expect nothing less. Here. Sit. Don't let anything get cold."
His fingers brushed hers when he reached for a muffin, and she wondered if he felt the same unexpected charge of electricity she did. She looked over at him, and when their eyes locked, she saw the awareness in them. For a long moment, neither of them moved, then, abruptly, she yanked her fingers away. So she hadn't just imagined the chemistry of that kiss.
She watched anxiously as he pulled off a piece of muffin and popped it into his mouth, wondering exactly why she should care so much. He closed his eyes and moaned.
"Oh god. If you can cook like this, I'll marry you no matter what."