THEIR last professor before lunch break dismissed them early. That is why Ara decided to go to Jason's classroom so that they can go straight to eating lunch after his class.
As she told her friend earlier, the engineering college building is far from their building so she needs to walk quite a distance. But that was okay with Ara especially since Jason has always been very kind to her. And to all the people she had been with since she entered that famous university, the young man never left her side.
Ara was expecting herself to catch her breath because she had walked for about fifteen minutes inside the university. She secretly laughed to herself because of that. She had no idea which room or what floor Jason was in so she had no choice but to wait for the concrete bench that she saw across the Engineering Department's college building.
While sitting there, Ara immediately noticed some eyes that she could see peeking and staring at her.
That is normal for her because the color of her hair and eyes is not really common in the Philippines. She and Bella inherited that from their Italian father whom they had never seen ever since they were born.
It didn't take long and she saw some students coming out of their classrooms so she decided to get up. Maybe she'll see Jason here in case he comes out. But what if the young man passed the other exit?
That was when the young lady shook her head and after a while, she finally decided to just text Jason. After a few minutes of not receiving a reply from the young man, Ara decided to just look for his classroom.
If she only knew that she would be the center of attraction for all engineering students who pass by, mostly men, she would have just waited at the library.
That was true, and that was the only reason why her feet seemed to be burning out of that place so that's exactly what she did.
After all, at both ends of the building, there is a staircase, she will just climb around all the floors to check each classroom.
Ara shook her head once again and then felt annoyed and scolded herself secretly.
She will for sure be very hungry for what she will do.
The building has four floors and how many classrooms? She does not know. But she would rather have that than she was there on the bench and sitting but every passerby was looking at her, she was not comfortable with that.
Maybe that feeling is normal, especially since she has never had a boyfriend.
She had suitors in high school, but her studies were her priority so her attention was not focused on those boys who tried to win her heart. That was despite what their parents had already told her and her twin Bella that it will be okay for them to have a relationship. What matters is they should be more inspired to learn in achieving their goals.
She was already on the third floor of the building, when from the second classroom of that floor from the staircase she just went through, a handsome and tall male student stepped out.
He's got a nice fair complexion or what others call mestizo.
Ara could not help but feel the rapid throbbing on her chest due to the seemingly magnetic charisma he possessed. She noticed that he was also staring at her face and that caused her to feel even more secretly happy.
Ara was about to approach him to ask if he happens to know her friend but that was stopped when the man she was looking for came out of the same room, none other than Jason.
"ARA! Why are you here? Didn't I tell you I'm going to your room?" that's what Daniel heard from his classmate Jason ask that beautiful woman who even though he didn't admit it, made his heart beat faster.
She is so beautiful.
A kind of beauty that is not difficult to align with the face of the blonde women he sees in well-known international magazines.
Her naturally red lips are so beautiful and seem to promise a sweet and very passionate kiss. And because of that, Daniel can't help but secretly admire the woman.
Also, her deep blue eyes that can be compared to sapphire seem to be hiding so many secrets, he wants to know all those secrets.
She has black perfectly and seemed to be drawn eyebrows. And so did her long and thick eyelashes that even if you say he's a few steps away from where she was, are still visible to Daniel.
The contrast of her dark lashes and eyebrows is very nice with the color of the woman's eyes. And it also fits her blonde hair.
She is also tall with a slim figure, which is probably one of the reasons why Ara also decided to wear flat shoes. After all, it fits her beautiful legs and her feet are like a doll's feet. Very lovely.
Ara ...
A very pretty name for a very beautiful woman like her.
And he can't be wrong, maybe this is also the woman he saw walking earlier in the quadrangle. As well as the one on the roof deck, he was not sure if this was also what he saw walking on the road opposite their house two months ago.
Ara and Jason were going downstairs when he noticed that the woman turned to him for the last time.
Daniel could not understand himself what kind of naughtiness entered his mind but he could not stop himself when a flirty smile flashed on his lips, along with a mischievous wink. And what he did was what caused him to see Ara's sudden blush that spreads all over her face.
That is the reason why Ara gave him a sharp look before she took her gaze away from him.
Daniel could not help but let go of the weak and yet amuse laugh that he was holding back.
He did not know but he could strongly feel that this woman would be special in his life. And that will only happen if he makes a way to get close to her. But before that, he must first determine that she Jason's girlfriend.
Because if he is the one to be asked, it seems not.
He strongly feels that this magic moment is the reason why he landed here in Manila. And that's Ara.
He does not believe in love at first sight but what kind of emotion he feels now, he does not know what he will call. Strong energy seems to want to bring the two of them closer and why does he seem to be the only one who sees it often?
Right, is it because he is the man and he should be the first to make way?
Then Daniel went back inside their classroom to pick up his sling bag. Before he could forget, he also had to eat lunch and he might lose it in his mind thinking of that beautiful woman, Ara.
With the last thought, he laughed to himself again.
He could feel something strange and he can't explain it. He is curious as to what he is feeling right now, including everything that has happened in recent days.