Chapter 6
Xavier Black
I watch kid after kid step up to the microphone and spell words that I can't even pronounce, much less spell but that doesn't make this any more interesting than watching paint dry. Candice looks so nervous every time someone gets a word wrong but she looks even more nervous when they get it right. I know how much this means to her and that's the only reason I'm here.
What surprised me this morning is the dark haired girl sitting next to me. I didn't think she would actually show up but I'm glad she did because she kept her promise to Candice and saved me from having to deal with my upset sister if she hadn’t showed up. She hasn't said a word to be of course but I'm not in a hurry to talk to her either. From what I hear she wants nothing to do with me even if it's at the cost of her own life. I don't really care either way I'm getting what I want and if she dies because she didn't marry me her blood wouldn't be on my hands.
"Skyler, you came!" Candice says as throws her arms around the dark haired girls waist. I stare at them, well aware I've been moved down on Candice's list of favourite people for the time being but I don't really care. She won't hold that spot forever because my sister just loves me more than she loves anyone else on this earth.
"Of course I did, you did wonderful." She praises Candice as she fingers the silver ribbon on her chest.
"It's only second place though. I wanted to be first place." She says and I sigh.
"Well, I believe your smart enough to be first place if you want to be. You just have to study a little harder and if you ever need any help I'm just a phone call away." She says and Candice smiles up at her like she just told her fairies exist. "Now, I believe I was promised ice cream." She says and Candice nods finally turning to me.
"Yeah, Xavier can take us but after lunch. We always have lunch first." She says and gives me a hopeful smile.
"Of course, lunch and ice cream for the winner." I say and this time she doesn't argue with me that she didn't win because she only got second place. She just hugs me before dragging Skyler to off to meet some of her friends. I silently follow them and when I feel we've been stalled long enough I make them say goodbye. Skyler agrees to follow me in her car and Candice chooses to drive with her. She makes Candice get in the back and I'm glad I didn't have to tell her to do that. Now I just hope she makes her put on a seatbelt because Candice forgets to do that all the damn time.
I pull out of the parking lot and watch as she follows me in my mirrors. She keeps up with me quite well, but then again I'm not driving fast because she's got my sister in the car with her. When we pull up to the restaurant Candice gets out talking Skyler's ears of about some girl in her class. I would think she would be annoyed but she just laughs and nods along at all the right moments, not looking at all annoyed at my sister who can't seem to shut up.
"I want fries." Candice says as soon as we sit down.
"How about some chicken to go along with those?" Skyler asks her and I expect her to put up a fight because Candice rarely eat anything except for fries when my mother isn't around to stop her.
"But nuggets, okay? I don't like the chicken that's rolled in crumbs." She says and Skyler laughs while telling her what it’s called . "Yeah, I don't want that." She says pulling her face. I refrain from telling her that chicken nuggets is exactly the same thing on a smaller scale but I don't do that. "What are you having?" She asks Skyler who shrugs.
"I think I'll have a Garden salad and a steak." She says and Candice pulls her face at the mention of salad's. I swear the girl will eat junk all her life if we allowed her to. The waiter comes around to take our drink order but we order everything since everyone already knows what they want to eat. "Are you going to go to the party?" Skyler asks Candice and I frown at them.
"No, I wasn't invited, she invited all my friends and not me because she says I'm too childish for a twelve year old." She says with a sigh, trying to act like it doesn't bother her but I know it does.
"Well, if you want you can come to my house and we can have our own little sleep over. I can pick you up and we'll go get some cute pyjama’s and have our nails done and everything. I'll even invite my best friend and we can stay up late and watch movies." She suggest and I swear I've never seen my sisters eyes light up that bright.
"Yeah, we can do that. Can Xavier come too?" She asks and my eyes widen.
"If he wants to. It's your party and you can invite whoever you want to." Skyler says much to my annoyance. I can see this amuses her deeply and I would think she wouldn't want me near her, much less having a sleepover with me and my sister but she doesn't seem to mind to make Candice happy, even if it's at the cost of her own.
"Yeah, he has to come, maybe you can get to know each other more and you'll want to marry him. He's really not that bad and he doesn't smell like the boys at school so that's good." She says and again I expect Skyler to react harshly but she just smiles at shrugs her shoulders. "I have to go to the bathroom." She announces, leaving Skyler and I alone as she gets up and walks off.
"Okay, what's your deal?" I ask her and she frowns, like she doesn't know what I'm talking about. "Why are you so nice to Candice? If you're not planning to be apart of our family don't give her hope that you're going to stick around forever to have sleep overs and go to spelling bees and shit like that. She doesn't need you walking out on her." I tell her and I swear I've never seen a woman glare at me the way she's doing, not even my mother.
"Who said anything about walking out on her and giving her false hope? Just because I can't stand the sight of you doesn't mean I don't love your sister. I'll swallow dirt if it meant that I was protecting her." She says and I give her a blank look.
"You don't think it's going to kill her when you die?" I ask and she gives me an annoyed look.
"Well, I'll just have to pray that I don't die anytime soon. The last time I checked God still liked me." She says.
"If you don't have my protection you're going to die." I tell her and she glares at me.
"I don't have to marry you to be protected, that's insane."
"No, it's not. I only protect the people that works for me and family and since you're neither that doesn't apply to you." I tell her and everything goes quite until Candice is back at the table and talking enough for all three of us. Skyler tries really hard to act as happy as she was a moment ago but I can tell my words bothered her. Good, maybe she'll stop being stupid and make some smart choices for once in her life.