Chapter 1

Rhea POV

"I am not sure how much more I can take of Randall," I tell Tyler.

"You got this girl," he says as he goes through tonight's list of perverts.

Randall has always been a complete Pervert to me. He makes my skin crawl. I need this job or I would have left a long time ago. It looks like telling him No would work. If he touches me again I am going to lose my mind.

"Easy for you to say. He is not all over you all the time," I say. Why can he not just listen to me and let me vent? I love Tyler to pieces. He has been my friend since I came to Crystal River. He has no idea what it is like to be a woman working with Randall. Tyler is supportive and he makes a mean margarita. I do not know where I would be without him in the city.

"It looks like you got a pretty easy night. You have three clients and it's nothing that serious," Tyler says as he flips through the list.

I keep doing my hair as he goes through the list. I curl it every night in big curls. For some reason the men here really like it. As long as they do not touch my hair I will keep fixing it big and curly. Why they like these big curls is beyond me. It is not like I am going to let them touch my hair. That is a big NO-NO!

"Hey, that guy is on your list again. The one that brings the champagne and food. He is kinda creepy," Tyler says. Tyler loves to tease me about my clients.

"He is creepy. But he is very nice. He just wants to talk. He brings me some different strange food every time he comes. His name is Damien Alexander. Last time he left me a huge tip and his cell number. I never called him. I am not trying to end up dead," I say to Tyler.

I have to admit I have thought about calling him. I wonder what he is like outside the club. That is also a big NO-NO. We are not supposed to engage with clients outside of the club.

Tyler smiles that big smile of his at me.

"Maybe I should be working fantasies instead of the talent. Then I could make the big bucks like you. Maybe land me a big fish," Tyler says.

"Yes, you should. This is easy. You just dress up and play along. If it gets too creepy... well you hit the panic button. But then who would make sure I got the best clients. I need you working my client list," I say.

"Hey this weird," Tyler says. Tyler scans his tablet looking at the list and looking at me.

"Tyler you look stressed what is it? Please do not tell me the other two are weirdos," I say.

"No. Mr. Alexander booked you for three blocks instead of one. Looks like he is wanting you for the night. OOH LAA LAA" Tyler says.

"What the hell?" I inquire.

"Looks like he is trying to request you for the full night and when it was rejected he bought three blocks of time," Tyler says.

"Approve the night if you can. This will definitely be an easy night if all I have to do is listen to him and eat whatever amazing food he brings," I say.

"Are you sure?" Tyler asks.

"Yes. Do it! Before some weirdo books me," I tell him.

I pull the ringlets out of my hair and spray my hair with strong-hold hair spray. I fluff it a little. If Mr. Alexander is coming I need smoky eyes and big eyelashes. Tyler is watching me apply my makeup with much interest. I wish he would just ask I would help him with his. In time I am sure he will.

I need something really hot to wear for Mr. Alexander tonight. I go through my closet looking for something he has not seen before. I think the long black a line with the slit up to my thigh is perfect, white bra with a white button-up top.

I hold up the outfit I have chosen and show Tyler. "What do you think?" I ask.

Tyler smiles. "I think you are about to land the big fish," he says.

"You are an idiot Tyler. Now sit down and let me throw some lashes on you before you head back out. I know you want to," I tease him.

Tyler sits down in my chair. I carefully place a few individual lashes on him.

"I am not gay. You know that Rhea," Tyler says.

"I never said you were Tyler. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be pretty," I encourage him. He will come out when he is ready.

Tyler's tablet started dinging. He glances down at it. "Woah Mr. Creepy booked you for the night. Look if he gets weird just let me know and I will get one of the big guys to toss him out," he says.

"I know you got me, Ty," I respond.

I kiss him on the forehead. I got to get dressed. As I dress I watch Tyler admire his lashes. I love him, my best friend. I slip into my white bra, then the button down, and finally the skin-tight a-line skirt.

"Tyler before you go can you slip my heels on me," I ask.

He looks at my dress. "I really think you should wear those over the calf black boots. ooh la la," he says.

"Either way, I need help. You know how clumsy I am. I cannot get them on by myself. So you are up. Get to handling the talent," I say with a laugh.

Tyler grabs my boots out of the wardrobe and walks over to where I am sitting.

"You owe me big. I expect a tip for this," he says.

"I will buy you breakfast in the morning with the big tip I am about to get," I say.

"Deal, I want pancakes from the place across the street. OOO and blueberries. Maybe some eggs and cheese," he says.

"Tyler, Why do you think he wants me for the night? I am not going to sleep with him. Could he really want to just talk that long," I ask?

"Maybe he is in love, Maybe he is bored, Maybe he is going to kidnap you," he says with a huge cackle.

"Get serious, idiot. I bet he thinks he can get more than we offer. Which is not happening. No way in hell I am sleeping with a client. I hate this job but I do follow the rules," I say sternly.

"Hey. There is no one more professional than you in this fantasy club. That I know. I know you would never cross that line. If anything goes wrong. Just hit your button. If you are nervous I will cancel him. I am pretty sure he is harmless," Tyler says.

"You are right. I am the one that said do it. It will be an easy night with an easy client. Right, Ty?" I say.

"Yep. Now get your sexy ass up and get to your fantasy room. He will be here soon," Tyler says. He kisses me on the cheek and leaves the room. He is right. I need to get my ass in gear and get my fantasy room ready for Mr. Alexander.

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