The Dress and the Beast
I had no more peace so I left Poseidon's Drop.
But my unwavering sense of adventure could not keep its eyes off of the nearing ship. As the sun rose higher into the sky, my father wasted no time in preparing the coast for the ship's arrival. It was still too early for them to come ashore but I stayed amongst the safety of the trees as I stared out across the sea. The ship did not look so little anymore. The curious buzz of conversation could be heard from the soldiers as they sat about waiting. I stayed here.
The beach was busy for this time of morning, it was nice. Usually it was quiet and I roamed around alone but I quite liked their company, though nobody could see me yet.
I did not appreciate the size of the ocean as at least an hour had passed and the Northerners were still a world away. My day would start in a short while and so I forced my eyes away from the glittering sea and walked towards the beach.
I was met with surprised murmurs from the soldiers as they stared at me passing by. The majority were respectful, giving me space and I said my thanks, but there were the odd bad seeds who made crude comments on my thin night dress as they believed I could not hear them. I always did.
"Your Highness, we did not know you were out here still. Otherwise I would have personally made arrangements for your escort back to the palace."
Xavier was a good soldier, it came as no surprise when father appointed him as the head guard last summer.
"No need, Xavier." I look around at the other soldiers, who mostly kept their gaze below mine.
"I am going back. But do sound the horn when they arrive. The children shall enjoy it very much."
Xavier smiled brightly at the mention of the children and nodded.
"Of course, Your Highness."
As a princess you had many duties, both royal and self ambitious. One I desperately anticipated was the story telling I promised to the children of Covas. Every morning from now, not so long after daybreak, one would find me in the local school surrounded by little ones, only having finished learning to walk.
"And Thor, with his mighty hammer cried out fury across the dark sky. Some mortal had made the god upset. Thunder soon rolled out of the sky, crackling and loud. Children clung to their mothers, babies cried out as the lightning could be seen so bright that they reflected in the darkness of their pupils." It was oddly silent. Tales of different gods and infamous warriors were a personal favourite.
I had to calm down my breathing, I was always passionate about story telling. Daisy looked at me from across the dainty classroom and chuckled behind her hand. Was this not a good start? It was then I looked down at the children and realised their confused and frightened expressions as well as the tight jaws of their mothers.
"I am sorry. That was a little dark for such a perfect morning." Sheepishly, I tucked away a few stray strands of hair behind my ear and I swore I even heard someone mutter, indeed.
Other than my scary stories, there was an excitement brimming beneath the surface I could feel it.
"Do not worry Your Highness, the children will soon adapt to your colourful stories."
Once I took my leave of the near enough traumatised children, Daisy began preparing me for the welcoming of our guests.
We walked outside and the people were quick in step and bright in face. I could hear the waters from here. The ship was indeed anchored and being unloaded by soldiers.
"They must be in their chambers already, preparing themselves for luncheon." Daisy wonders aloud. My heart quickens at the thought. I am alarmingly intrigued by these new people. Covas was not one for visitors. The world thought it best to leave us alone as our island was queerly too far from the mainlands but not quite close to the Earth's edge. Simply put, people who did not have to did not come.
"And I must join them?"
Daisy stops us walking.
"Of course! You are the reason they have journeyed across the sea, Your Highness."
"Yes yes, alright I suppose I should get ready."
Walking into the palace was a different experience today. Servants holding foreign luggage but I had not seen a Northerner yet. I made my way to my chambers, eager to see what mother had set aside for me. I had no doubt she was going to choose my dress for this occasion as she, understandably, could not leave it entirely to myself to look 'on trend'.
My breath catches in my throat as I see the dress. It is dark red and the neckline is not so modest. Somewhat respectable but eye catching.
I am quick to put it on and sit down at the dresser, awaiting the servants to fix my hair. They choose to tidy away my dark tousled mane into a pretty bun and leave my makeup light, only to highlight the brown in my eyes with kohl. I was pleasantly surprised at the reflection. I do hope the Northerner is good looking otherwise what a waste!
"I am ready."