The King in the North

I sit besides my parents, silently awaiting the fate they had chosen for me. Any minute now will the beasts of the North walk through those doors and this sickening feeling refuses to leave me. I may look confident with such a dress on, however I feel the walls begin to crumble.

"Father, please reconsider."

My voice is weak, timid before the king. His eyes sag in pity but his mouth stays silent.


"No do not ask that of me, sweet. Trust in us." Her voice is pleading.

"Trust in your father."

I clasp my hands tightly together and promise to plunge into self despair later. But now I must face my destiny.

"Your Highness." Here they come.

"Rolf - son of Thorin. King in the North."


My breath escapes me as a tight, broody force of tall, burly men enter the court. Gasps and sighs ignite the room as we all but stare at the rude intruders. Their footsteps ring in my ears and their thick, winter coats drag behind their wide backs. Many of them have their hair twisted into braids, strange beads adorning them. One stood out to me because of his pure blonde hair. Once the sound of movement ceases I look up. I hear a soft whimper but realise it has come from me as I lock eyes with that man in front. His gaze is hot and raw as they efficiently sweep my body. But it is strange because his face softens once they land on my face. I do my best to ignore it and turn my head.

"Welcome, son of Thorin. I must offer my congratulations on your recent coronation as king." The viking snigger behind him but he keeps his face blank. I deserve an explanation, for I only thought that I would be marrying an earl, not a king. That would make me queen, that would mean I leave Covas...

"But Fathe-

"Thank you, Your Highness." The Northerner interrupts and one quick, cold look slices through me.

"Please, you shall address me as Miko now that we are equal."

The other king tilts his head towards my father and his face lights up in a twisted sort of smirk I could not help but find appealing, sexually appealing. I feel unsettled, as much as the lone ship that rests at the coast of our island. I feel abandoned and in waiting for a fate I had not chosen.

"I was told that you would have the final decision once you had seen the princess. Do you have your decision?"

Again the Northerner's eyes sweep over me and it is as if the clothes on my body have disappeared. His stare is careful, calculating and in depth. He whispers to the tall one besides him, who then says the words that finalise my very future.

"He accepts."


The room buzzes with joy and the criers ring the bells throughout the kingdom yet again. This was it. I shall be married by tomorrow.

"Father, you owe me an explanation." I say once it is just my parents.

I stand firm, demanding nothing less. He nods solemnly and gestures for me to follow him into his study.

"Your marriage is now to a king, yes. So that means you shall become queen. It also means, when the time comes, you will return with your husband to your home in the North."

I gasp, covering my mouth, closing my eyes wiling not to show my tears. I was taught strength, integrity for when the time for duty arrived, I would oblige nonetheless.

Father brings me close into his chest, as if I were a small girl again.

"Your marriage will bring a powerful alliance. So formidable no one shall ever threaten us again."

Threaten us? We were threatened?

"I know sweet. So many unanswered questions. But pity this old man and save them for later as I cannot satisfy you now. Trust in me."

Trust. It is now seeming a more heavier burden than I first believed to have beared.


"Their way is ancient. Dismissive almost. Marriage is not a sacred constitution but merely a label given to those who wish to keep the same partner for the remainder of their lives."

Daisy unties my hair, watching my face in the oval mirror before me. I ushered out the rest and only insisted on Daisy tonight. I needed my friend.

"Daisy, I am to be married tomorrow to this beast of a man I have yet to meet personally. And you are telling me how little marriage means to them? Maybe my parents have too much faith in me, maybe I should stick to becoming a story-telling spinster."

Though my words seem a little spiteful, my adventurous spirit was purring with deep satisfaction. The unknown, like stepping out with naked feet into uncharted waters, was the comb that released sparks of what felt like fullness.

I may be getting ahead of myself here.

Daisy chuckles and leans her head on mine.

"The New King could not stop staring at you." The new king, it sounded so strange because my father was still alive. He was Miko, King of Covas.

My pulse quickens at her statement.

"I doubt it. He barely looked at me."

"You would think that since your head was kept down whilst he did." Daisy crouches before me.

"Do you know of what they say of him?"

Like a child, eyes glazed over in wonder, I wait silently for her next words.

"He is a man of the future. Smart, always looking beyond the water even though you and I believe it eternal. The Northern King desires change."

"Change for what?"

"Change for his people; the land they call home. Some say he did not even want the crown but the death of the previous king forced a name, and the people called his."

A man who was ambitious but did not desire power?

I bid Daisy good night and sink deep into my sheets. For this one night did I wish it were the waves instead washing over me as I was as lost in my head as I would have been out there.

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