Read with BonusRead with Bonus

2. Jerk face


Waking up so early in the morning was the something I hated. I loved my sleep and it meant so much to me. But, I guess today was worth it.

Chloe woke me up from my sleep this morning, with a phone call. I sleepily reached for the phone before picking it up.

“H-Hello.” I stammered sleepily. My phone almost dropped out of my hand. I had the most craziest night ever. I had to look up Chloe’s fashion magazines I borrowed, for job vacancies.

“Eleanor!! Thank goodness!” she cried out, like I have been long and lost for so many days.


“You need to come to my place right now.” She said.

“Why? What happened?” I asked.

“Remember my uncle’s recommendation I told you about?” she said.

“Yeah, what about it?” I asked.

“You have been accepted, girl. The company liked your body features. They believe you'll be their perfect model!”

I sprang up from bed immediately.

“Wait, what?” I shrieked.

“You heard me right girl. Come over now. I have the perfect outfit for you.” She giggled out.

“Whoa… I'm on my way now!” I said. She hung up after that. I immediately rushed to the bathroom.


I was blessed with mum's beautiful features. I think that was what made my dad to fall for her in the first place. Blue eyes, a pea sized nose and my color of hair which resembled chestnut.

Chloe had always said she envied my stature. And, honestly I don't know why because my stature wasn't any good.

I was tall like mum. Not too tall though. Just a normal tallness like most models. I had long legs which Chloe described to be elegantly shaped. Busts, moderately sized which complimented my round bum.

“Are you sure this outfit suits me?” I asked, wriggling my brows at my appearance in the mirror. She had dressed me in a red sleeveless jumpsuit which had a sweetheart neckline. My hair was curled with her demonic gadgets. It was given a similar look to the one she claimed she saw in a fashion magazine.

She made sure to put my face in a makeup that made me appear like a sophisticated woman of the world. My legs were in a silver stiletto. She practically threw everything in her closet at me.

“Off course, I wish I had that type of body. You know what? Stop over thinking and let’s go.” She said. Chloe’s stature wasn’t bad. She had a raven hair and was thicker than me with broader hips. She was that fashionista. In fact, I loved her style.

“So typical.” I let out.

“You could say that again.” She replied with a wink, grabbing my hands.

On getting to the company, I was amazed by how everything was. Pink Moda was a glass building which looked so expensive from the outside. As we highlighted from Chloe’s sleek sport car, she threw her purse at me, ordering me to hold it to complete my look.

The company had a tight security. It took a lot of passes to be allowed to even enter. This was even funnier. By the time we had gotten in, we saw no one to attend to us. Thus, we sat down because everyone looked so occupied.

Chloe took a call. I saw the color of her face change as she did. This made me wonder what had happened.

Chloe stood up saying,

“I’m really sorry I can’t be with you babe. Matt is not feeling well.” She said. I nodded in reply.

Matt was her boyfriend. They had been dating for a year now.

“Just do everything I told you.” She said, rubbing my hands one last time. I saw her leave hurriedly.

It then dawned on me.

I was the only one in Pink Moda. This meant I had more chances of embarrassing myself. I stood up and began to wander around with the purse in my hands. I noticed the building had a welcoming vibe. It was professional and at the same time that.

I noticed someone carrying two files oncoming. I watched the person step in front of me. I nervously looked up only to see the stranger looking at me.

“Are you the new employee?” She asked.

I nodded at her question.

“Yes, I am.” I responded.

“Your first task is to carry this file to Boss Liam’s office. Do not leave there until this document is signed.” She ordered.

“Ok.” I replied about to go.

“Hold on a sec.” she said, grabbing my hands.

“Make sure you please him. He has a really bad attitude.” She said, whispering the last part so nobody would hear.

“I would show you your department members later. The floor and door number is on the file.” She eased out.

“O-Okay.” I stammered. I was nervous about this first task. That was my thought as the woman walked away.

I mean, what if it didn’t go well?

I breathed it off.

After that, I started with entering the elevator. There was a young man inside when I entered. I acknowledged him before entering.

“Are you an employee here?” he asked. I nodded my head.

“Yeah, I’m new though.” I said.

“Hi, I’m Jackson.” He said, stretching his hand forward.

I smiled, knowing some of the people here were nice.

“Eleanor. Eleanor Reyes.” I replied him. Just as I did, the elevator binged open. He stepped out first. I then did too.

“It was nice meeting you.” He said, walking away. I mean he didn’t give me a chance to reply at all.

Looking down at the file, I looked for the number of the door. It read as 204. I then roamed through the narrow corridor, looking for door 204. I pressed the bell.

“Come in.” It was a muffled voice. I immediately opened the door ajar. The first thing I noticed about the office was its broadness and sleekness. It was well furnished.

I continued with walking and halted in front of somebody’s table. It was a man which was definitely Liam. He faced the wall with the office chair he sat on. I couldn’t see his face from how he sat.

“Boss Liam. Here is the document you are required to sign.” I said. I hoped my voice didn’t sound nervous or anything.

“Drop it there.” He coldly said. The supposed boss didn't even turn back to acknowledge that someone was actually standing in front of his office desk.

“I’ll be waiting.” I said, with reluctance, folding my hands stubbornly.

“No, you can leave.” He said.

“I was ordered not to leave until you sign the documents. So please do,” I said, demonstrating to the papers.

The boss growled, turning the chair around. As he did, his hair went in a slow motion in the air. For a moment, I was out of breath, curious at who this person was.

His clear face came to view that instant. This made me shocked at what I saw. My face went in confusion that instant. Indeed, it was that jerk face who had injured me with his reckless driving.

Who threw money at my body, treating me like a stripper in public…

“You?” we said in unison.

Oh, I couldn't believe this was happening.

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