I slept terribly, nightmares plagued my sleep all night making me toss and turn, even waking in a sweat. My anxiety forcing me to get up and check all the locks again. Then lying in bed trying to go back to sleep, my mind wouldn’t stop questioning if I really checked the lock on the windows or the door making me paranoid so I would check again. When I had no choice but to haul my ass out of bed, the noise of my alarm blaring loudly next to my head. I felt like a zombie. Dragging myself to my feet, I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the facet. Only nothing came out. The pipes shuttering and groaning, but no water. “Fuck” I scream annoyed, realising the water had frozen in the pipes overnight.
The one morning when I need a shower to wake myself. Walking into the kitchen, I pick up the jug to find it empty.
“Not today Satan” I yell, flipping him off with both hands as I march to my room and grab a fresh blouse from the cupboard and some black slacks. Quickly getting dressed. I threw on my flats only for my toes to go straight through the end. “Really? Could this day get any worse” I groan before getting up and digging through the kitchen draw.
Duct tape, duct tape, fixes everything. Grabbing a role of black tape, I tape my flats that now have a mouth for my toes to play peekaboo. Giving my toes a wriggle, they seem to hold, but just in case, I wrap more around the end of my shoe to make sure they hold in the snow. Buttoning up my blouse, I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Looking at my reflection, I look like shit. Like I haven’t slept in a good week as I have huge dark bags under my eyes. Any bigger I could smuggle my wallet in them. Thinking of my wallet, I duck out to my handbag and dig around for it.
Panicking, I tip my bag upside down. The contents spilling on my bed. My wallet was gone, and I don’t remember picking it up. I could try going back the way I came and see if I can find it. The thought alone makes me shiver in fear. Chucking my phone in my bag, I toss it over my shoulder before grabbing my jumper and pulling it over my head. Pulling my hair into a high ponytail, I unlock my door and take a deep breath, willing myself to actually leave the safety of my van. When I swing the door open, I quickly rush out before locking it as I turn around, I see something sitting on the top step. Looking around, I eye the package suspiciously.
It was a cardboard box. Bending down, I pick it up before opening it. My blood running cold and my heart hammering in my chest so hard I thought it would bounce out. My breathing coming in short pants as panic takes over. Anxiety being my biggest weakness. Takes nothing and everything to set it off and nothing feels worse as adrenaline pumps through your veins, just because your brain becomes a little irrational. I knew I wasn’t being irrational this time though as I looked down at my wallet.
They know where I live; they know where I live. What if they come back to finish off the job? I look around in panic to make sure they aren’t lurking around. Gripping on to the handrail of the stairs, I try to ground myself. Something I can feel. Check the wooden handrail. Something I can see. Snow, check. Something I can taste; my toothpaste check, check, fucking check. Yep, very much alive still. I tell myself, willing my heart to stop racing and beating erratically. Forcing my feet down the stairs, I practically run the entire way to work bursting through the glass door, the bell jingling loudly as Lisa spins around from serving someone and stares at me bewildered.
“Geez Evelyn, the way you burst in I thought we were being held up again” She said coffeepot in hand.
“Sorry” I gasp, trying to catch my breath as I place my hands on my knees. Standing up, I look around. The cafe was retro, with its red and white checked flooring and brightly coloured bench seats and table decorations. Looking around, I notice the person Lisa was serving was watching me. I drop my eyes; I could feel his eyes on me as I walked behind the counter and grabbed my apron. Lisa set the coffeepot down and I grabbed a mug, filling it before gulping down the liquid gold. “Rough night?”
“You have no idea” I tell her, finishing my cup and pouring another.
“Vick isn’t in yet, hopefully he doesn’t stop in at all today” Lisa says, walking past and squeezing my shoulder. The morning was abnormally quiet. Like no one came in except the man that Lisa served. Watching him from behind the counter, he looked up, and I averted my gaze. Something was off about him. He was gorgeous with dark hair and thick lashes and a strong jawline. He was bigger than most people in this area, too. This man clearly worked out, by the size of his biceps alone I would assume he lived at the gym. He was dressed nice too, which was a little odd for this side of town. He didn’t fit in at all, stood out like a sore thumb. His button-up shirt hugged him tightly, and I could tell his chest was just as muscular as his arms. Lisa pulled me out of my daze though when she tapped me on the shoulder.
“It’s quiet, I am going for a smoke. You right on your own with the Mr hotty” She said with a wink. I chuckled and watched her duck out the front, placing her apron on the empty table next to the door. As soon as she walked out, the man moved, making my eyes snap to his. They were emerald green, and I couldn’t look away as he approached and sat on the stool at the counter. I watched his lips move but didn’t hear a word he said to hypnotised by his eyes.
“You okay?” He says a smirk on his face.
“Huh” Good going Evelyn.
“I said can I have some more coffee” He said pointing to the jug behind me.
“Shit sorry, I spaced out” I said turning around and grabbing the pot before refilling his cup.
“Evelyn” He says looking at the name tag attached to my shirt.
I nod before looking to the door for Lisa, hoping she would be back in soon to save me from my awkwardness.
“I’m Orion” He says making me look at him. What a weird name, I thought.