Chapter 1 -Part 2-

“Do you wish or desire anything Princess Kiara?” Emily asked, I shook my head waving her off with my hand, I refused to look at her unless it was necessary, she knew that.


“Feel free to leave, both of you, I’m going to sleep” I said coldly, the bed was already made and all I had to do was remove the blanket from on top of it to get under it, I could do that on my own without having them chaperoning me.

“Yes your grace” Emily said quietly, both her and Natasha bowed before I heard them knocking the door, Lorenzo, my personal guard opened the door for them and they walked out not saying a word leaving me alone in my chamber, my thoughts going wild, if I could just go out for one night, I only desired one night, not more.

Maybe, if I did?


I looked at the window from my bed, tempted to do the craziest thing that I would have ever done in my life, but knowing that if I did that I would probably end up in the girl’s tower for the rest of my life.

But it would be worth it.


My mental battle kept going on for a while before I got out of bed and walked toward the window checking how high I was above the ground, I was pretty high, but if I could just maneuver my way down to the throne room veranda, it would be easier for me to jump, but risking the fact that mother and father might be there only meant that I would be in more danger.

But I had run out of options, and if I were being honest with myself right now, I was willing to take the risk, no matter what the consequence, therefor with that thought in mind I walked toward my closet and changed into a pair of pants, I believe they were called jeans? I had gotten them as a gift from my cousin a long time ago, but of course I was never allowed to wear them as my parents thought that it was outrageous to even have them and have ordered that they were thrown out, Emily had helped me keep them as she pretended that she did throw them out, earning my trust back then only to break it when she told mother and father on me.

I put on a black long-sleeved shirt and white shoes which I tied the laces to in fear that they would end up opening and that I would end up losing a shoe.

Now, it was time for the hardest part, which was getting down from the window and to the throne room veranda, the veranda was on the floor under me, though the problem was that my room was too high up as the throne room’s ceiling was huge, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me as I took a bunch of scarfs and tied them to the bed post, then got one of my biggest and longest blankets, using it to help me as I tied it as well before throwing it out the window, it reached above the veranda and if my eyes weren’t cheating me, I could jump down without hurting myself.

Taking a deep breath, and quickly pulling the scarf to check that it was tied properly as I didn’t want to end up falling and injuring myself, that would not only mean that I had injured myself but that I had let my planning go down the drain, and I could NOT afford that right now.

I took a step toward the edge of the veranda’s railing as I climbed on it holding the scarf for dear life, I looked at my bed suddenly worried, but forcing myself to go down, not wanting to chicken out, not after going this far.

Taking a deep breath, I slid down the scarfs and sheets, fighting back the urge to yell at the sudden speed, it wasn’t until seconds later that I was in front of the throne room’s veranda that I felt every nerve cell in my body stop for a second before I took in the fact that the lights were closed meaning that my parents weren’t in there.

Hopping down from the scarf, I took a deep breath before jumping down from the railing of the veranda smiling at being free in open air without being chaperoned on, but I still needed to be careful, it was only a matter of time before they found out that I wasn’t in my chamber, and I wanted to be OUT of the palace before they did.

With that thought in mind I ran toward a secret door which was in the back garden, how I knew it was there was because I studied every part of the palace ground by map, therefor despite the door being hidden, I knew where it was, and knew that it was not guarded as that door has been closed for almost a hundred years now.

It’s now or never princess.

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