Chapter 6 -Part 1-

Chapter 6



They announced my arrival to the ball, and I stood at the top of the stairs, standing elegantly as I eyed the guests carefully, Patravia, the kingdom where I have grown my whole life, but never had the chance to visit or see.

It was odd thinking about it, I read about my kingdom all the time, but had it not been going out two nights ago, I would’ve never had the chance to visit the kingdom, and see what it really was, how the people were, and who they were, in my eyes, only the palace servants and other royalties existed, I’ve never seen any commoners, well, that changed now, but of course no one here knew that.

I went down slowly, careful not to trip on my heels, and also giving the ones who were watching a show, I had been trained how to go up and down these stairs so many times, how fast I was supposed to go, where I was to look, which was in front of me, no matter who stood from the guests, I was not to spare them a glace, in fact, I was to keep my head high, show my confidence and pride, it was somewhat a source of power, at least that was how my tutors described it to me, every girl should be jealous by just looking at me, and every man should be wanting to have a single glace from me, but none would be getting any.

I smiled at my father and bowed as he stood to receive me, extending his hand out for me to take his as he handed me to none other than Prince Caspian, his blonde hair neatly combed, his blue eyes sparkling as he looked into my emerald green eyes, any girl would’ve been swooning to be at his feet, but sadly for him, and luckily for me, I wasn’t any girl.

Truth be told, father had arranged that him and I be married, he was the only man he saw fit to me, it was him or no one else as he threatened, I would be ending up alone in the girl’s tower, despite me telling him that I did not want to, I was not ready for marriage, I earned a slap that night for talking back at father, and an hour of scolding from mother, then an assignment from my tutors to write -I must never disrespect or talk back at my king- a hundred times, I had never talked back at father again and simply went along with what I was forced to do, though I had never spared the prince any glance or words that were unnecessary, unless we had to talk I would avoid him, unless he was in my view, I would not look at him, I could tell that he knew that I didn’t want to be with him, but this was an alliance marriage, and sadly for me, Caspian has been in love with me since we were friends when we were kids, I had grown distant of him when I found out his feelings for me, and yet he has never lost hope that one day I would be falling for him, it was sad in my opinion, chasing after a person that has been showing you that they did not want you in so many ways, but then again, he was more stubborn than I was, the only difference was I was to be punished if I ever showed it, while he got away with what he wanted.

“Princess, looking lovely as always” Caspian smiled, he brought my knuckle to his lips and softly kissed it keeping his eyes on mine, his eyes loving yet mine were as cold as ice, just like they always are.

“You look just as dashing” I complimented meaning it, his tux really did look heavenly on him, but that was how most of the guests tried looking, everyone had to look at their very best on occasions like this.

I removed my hand from his earning a glare from father which was quickly replaced by a fake smile, he grabbed my arm harshly, yet he was careful not to let anyone see what he was doing.

“You will behave as a princess should, and respect your future husband” father hissed tightening his grip on my hand, I winced but made sure not to make it visible as he hurt me probably making a mark, knowing that tomorrow I would be having a bruise on my arm, I simply nodded in hopes that he would let go of my arm.


They announced making father’s eyes tense, he let go of my arm and I had to rub the ache away in fear that anyone would be seeing the red mark that he had left on me, father’s body turned to face the man who was entering, his eyes met mother’s and I could swear I saw genuine fear in them making me frown in confusion before I raised my face to look at this intimidating king was only for my eyes to catch familiar blue ones.

There, in all his glory, wearing a tuxedo, people bowing to him as he walked down the stairs, even father who would never bow to anyone, bowed to him, I bowed following in suite, though it was protocol for me, I was a princess and I would always bow to kings and queens who arrived to balls or events and were announced about.

Keeping my head down, I couldn’t help but smile, then somewhat panic as I realized that the man who had been with me two nights ago, was none other than a king, my heart racing in fear that he would be telling father that he had met me and where he had, it would put me in way too much trouble.

“A princess like yourself should not be bowing” King Niklaus said standing in front of me, he put his finger on my chin and raised my face softly making me look at him, my eyes met his and I found a genuine beautiful smile on his face, one that made me smile as well.

He took my right hand in his and brought my knuckle to his lips and I could swear his eyes lit up when he saw the bracelet he gifted me around my wrist, he gently kissed my knuckle and the sparks that coursed my body made goosebumps rise over my arm making the king chuckle lightly.

“Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?” The king asked softly, his blue eyes meeting my green ones, I smiled and involuntarily nodded as he intertwined his fingers with mine, this time turning his gaze to my father who seemed to be glaring at us.

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