Chapter 4: Nice to Meet You 3
It felt like there weren’t enough hours in the day; Laura’s schedule was crammed with orchestra practice, lessons with her students, and private gigs with her quartet. If she had it her way, she would be able to focus on just one position, but there weren’t many opportunities in a city this size for cellists. For now, her string quartet would have to fulfill her longing to bring music into the lives of others.
That’s why when she received a message later in the afternoon that there was someone interested in interviewing the group this evening, she jumped at the chance of securing a paying gig. So, she finished up with her last student and once again was on the go.
They were all equals in the quartet, as far as talent went, but she found herself in the role of keeping morale up. If only they could get a few concerts, they would be on their way.
Right now, she and her fellow members were playing “ambient music”, the kind of easy listening that is hired for cocktail parties and corporate functions. Now that she had dumped Luke, Laura hoped she would have more time to devote to making this group a true success.
Ricky arrived fifteen minutes early to meet and interview the string quartet for a charity event his firm hosted once a year. Usually there was canned music of oldies but goodies from a DJ, but now that he was a partner, he wanted something more upscale and memorable.
Right as he checked his phone calendar to confirm the time, a beautiful woman toting a cello and armed with a key to the studio arrived. Ricky was immediately struck by her incredible appearance. At five foot ten with a slender and curvy figure, a full head of shoulder length, tight, curly, silver hair, she instantly got his attention. Laura, however, just considered herself to have slightly above average looks at best.
“Ricky,” he stated, taking the lead in introducing himself after she unlocked the door.
“Laura. Nice to meet you.”
He held the door open for her to go in. A gentleman to his core, he also offered to help her with getting her large instrument into the studio.
“I’m used to it, thanks,” Laura acknowledged. She was tall, but he was taller. This man did not disappoint in the looks category either. She looked up at him. Ricky was about six foot four, had a muscular build that seemed to ripple under the confines of his business casual attire.
Not bad, she thought, not bad at all. She surprised herself by being so easily lead astray by something so superficial, and redirected her thoughts back to the reason for the meeting in the first place: a paying job. The other members had not yet arrived, so they had some time to chitchat.
“Welcome to The Celestial Cluster Chamber Music Company. This is where we rehearse,” she said, “The other members should be along shortly and we’ll answer any questions you might have.”
She applauded herself for managing to maintain some professionalism in the presence of this hot fudge sundae delicious package of manhood.
“I hope you’ll play,” he intimated.
“Oh, yes. Of course,” disappointed that she had left out the most obvious part of the interview. He seemed to read her mind, and he attempted to allay her fears that she had lost the job before even playing.
“I’m a celestial virgin. It’s my first time ever hiring musicians. I just assumed that your music would be the icing on the cake of the interview,” he replied, then continued, “What instruments are in this string quartet, anyway?” Though it sounded like small talk, Laura knew that the interview had begun. Just as she was about answer his question, the other three members arrived.
“Two violins and a viola”, Laura said, and as if on cue, the others walked through the door, “Otherwise known as Janine, Mary, and Benjamin.” She was almost certain by now that they had lost the opportunity based on her own failure at adapting to what was Ricky’s interview style.
“Folks, this is Ricky. He’ll be interviewing us and listening to some of our most popular chamber music.”
He waited for them to set up music stands and tune their instruments before he suggested, “Let’s hear the music first and then I’ll ask you any questions I have, okay? Thanks. You may begin.”
Laura counted her lucky “celestial” stars that she and the others had just practiced the kind of music that a prospective patron, such as Ricky, might want to hear. Now he was here and Laura did not want to disappoint him.
They did not. Ricky closed his eyes and kept them closed throughout each movement of their musical composition that was unlike any chamber music he had ever heard. It was as though The Celestial Cluster Chamber Music Company lived up to their name in this private, heavenly concert. Laura’s eyes darted from him to the music and back.
The music, the cello, the piece: this was her moment and her big chance. His body language and closed eyes boded well if music was the deciding factor. They finished the piece and waited for their first and only ever patron to come back to earth.
“Bravi! Bravi!” Ricky said, standing up and applauding them. “I have nothing further. You’ve got the job!”
“Thank you! Thank you!” Laura responded excitedly and rushed over and hugged him.
“Can I have your number?” Ricky asked while they were still squeezing each other. Ricky could tell that Laura was confused and embarrassed at hugging this total stranger and now employer. They disengaged from physical contact and Ricky finished his thoughts by saying, “...so that we can coordinate dates and times, discuss your fee, and draw up a contract,” he beamed, “Who was the composer?”
“Me,” Laura stated, filled with confidence after his excited response to her craft as a cellist and composer.
“It was like nothing I have ever heard. It is exactly what we need to put this event over the top,” Ricky said. “Call me on my office number and we’ll get everything settled. The office, that’s where I spend most of my time,” Ricky continued. “Unfortunately I’m out of cards at the moment. I’m a partner at the law offices of Tate and Tate. You can google the firm and find its number. My assistant will put you through. Just ask for Ricky. I’ll fill her in tomorrow. Feel free to invite or bring some friends. Maybe we can meet at your convenience and discuss the...uh...details.”
“Definitely,” Laura agreed.
“You are amazing,” he said in almost a whisper with his eyes locking with hers for a few, sweet, lingering moments. Then he left her with the quartet, with Laura unsure if he meant the compliment for her alone or the entire quartet and their music.