The familiar yet annoying alarm woke me from a sleep I didn't want to leave. After blindly turning it off, I stared at the ceiling to get my mind together.
Monday morning.
I turned and pulled the covers tighter around my shoulders and mentally planned my outfit and what I had to do during the day. Planning seems redundant when anything can disturb that but I like to keep things focused.
I had to. Over the weekend, that little seed of curiosity grew after I won a mock battle with my father over the weekend. Our run ended but he wanted to see my progress. Though it was learning, he didn't hold back. Surprisingly, I stood my ground and won. My brothers and Mason were truly shocked but my father had a look of worry. Won't a father be delighted his child can now defend herself?
Though out my entire routine of getting ready for school, more questions formulated leaving me in a daze.
"Emma! Breakfast!" Jonah's shout and loud knocking pulled me out of it instantly. Checking the time, it seems I'm a bit behind.
"Morning." Greeting him when I opened the door, he stretched forth his hand and opened it. I shook my head and took the half-folded bills in his hand and tucked it into my pockets. Normally I will protest but I will simply be ignored. Not that I needed it but the twins give me money for lunch every day even when I refuse. I know I have extra in my purse waiting to be used.
"Noah gave me last night," I muttered.
"That was Noah. Come on, Mason is waiting for you," he said softly before leading the way downstairs.
I followed him into the kitchen to see my hungry best friend shoveling pancakes into his mouth. "You're ruining the image of a beta's son," I stated trying to hold back my grin.
"This image screams high metabolism and delicious food," he said gulping down some juice.
"Enough you two. More eating, less talking. Emmy, make sure to have a good meal now and a light lunch later. Your swim meet this afternoon is your last, so do your best." My mother fussed over me while showing her moral support for my upcoming sports event.
My family was very supportive of my activities. Whether it's swimming or track and field, I had the best cheering team. The twins were star players in football and soccer when they attended Bronson High. Now it was my time.
"Don't forget 3 pm!" I said with great confidence.
"We'll be there honey don't worry," Mom said kissing my head as Noah and Dad came in. Noah sat next to Jonah and they both began to eat. I paused on my meal to watch them. It was my favorite morning show since I was young. Simultaneously they both took 3 pancakes, drizzled them with syrup from left to right, placed pieces of strawberry and banana on the right side of their plate then placed their coffee on their right side also.
"Never fails to amaze me," Mason said out loud as he too was watching them. They both turned toward him and shook their heads.
"Hurry. You will be late" Dad said kissing my cheek then Mom. He nodded and smiled at his sons before he left the room.
"Come on, Emma let's go," Mason said heading through the door. Taking my last bite I hurriedly said goodbye to my family and ran to meet him.
Our high school was like any other. Cliques were formed. The social queen was made. Hot guys were worshiped.
I'm a bit of a quiet observer. I got along with everybody to an extent but only close with Mason. My only real friend. Most of the time, we were considered an item among the student body no matter how many times we tried to correct their assumptions. Most of these assumptions were girls who wished for Mason's attention. Glares came as a second nature to me from them which brings us to my current situation.
Mason was holding both our bags with his arm around my shoulders as we entered the hallway. We were goofing off, as usual, walking to my locker as girls openly stared at him and none too subtly started to fix their clothes.
'Calm down girls. It's too early for this,' I admonished inwardly.
Here's my secret confession - this guy with who I share my deepest thoughts and have embarrassing moments around is definitely one handsome plus adorable guy. His shaggy blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and plump kissable lips, not to mention his perfectly toned body are what girls love. I'm a girl so I will admire his looks.
He only had 2 girlfriends but they didn't last. They somehow felt threatened by our friendship and broke up with him, he somehow never seemed to mind.
"Incoming," I muttered, holding my bag open for him as he sorted my books for the next two periods.
"How many?" he asked closing my locker.
"Three. I think one of them is looking for a date to prom. I heard she rejected a few candidates," I said fixing his hair as he looked at me.
"Thanks. I can deal with that," he said turning around to the three girls approaching him. I stood quietly next to him as they sang out their "Hi, Mason!" To an outsider, their voices were like nails scratching against a blackboard.
"Hi, everyone. Good morning. Is there something I can do for you ladies?" He said giving them his charming smile. Yup, and they are blushing.
"We were wondering...If you're going to prom with anyone?" One asked as they all glanced at me.
As you guessed it, we both go to dances together. That's a normal move between friends.
"Actually... I..." He started to say but a deep voice interrupted him.
Mason's body froze before moving once more. He turned to see the newcomer with an expectant look on his face. He knew this person.
I noticed these quick changes and spun around after my shock wore off. I know this voice. I know this person. How can I forget them?
My heart was in confusion just as my head was. Memories of our past and the present became blurred. He isn't supposed to be here. Did something happen? We spoke briefly a few weeks ago. Did something happen since then?
Staring blankly at the man before me, my surroundings became louder. Their whispers were no longer low. It's obvious that this man's presence will cause a stir.
"You look beautiful as always," he said softly. I nodded my thanks and tried to hide my blush. Such a charmer, I complained inwardly with a smile.
"Still shy I see. I missed that," he continued touching my cheek, that one touch brought back so many memories. Unconsciously I pressed my cheek against his palm. Questions about his presence here swirled through my mind but I couldn't voice them. He was home.
Aiden Sorenson my first and last boyfriend. My first love.
That was before he left for two years to go to a boarding school in England. As the Alpha's only son, he's clearly the next leader of Moon Dust but he must be trained to be one, hence his overseas schooling. It broke me when he left, we stayed in contact but it wasn't enough for us to stay together. I won't lie and say that I didn't miss those beautiful grey eyes of his focusing on me, making me melt at his feet. I even missed running my fingers through his shoulder-length brown hair. I missed him entirely.
I didn't realize how close he got till I felt his lips on my cheek which made me jump back into Mason.
What was he doing? What was I doing? I am at school. Doesn't he care about how this looks?
Nothing should happen between us, he's the next Alpha and should be looking for his mate. Heck, I should be looking for my mate but this was Aiden. My first love.
"Still got that effect on her huh, Aiden," Mason said laughing. I looked around and saw everyone looking in our direction. The most uncomfortable ones were the hateful and envious glares from the girls.
Why did he have to come back now? I was over him. Well, I was sort of over him. I mentally groaned. This is hard.
"What are you doing here? Is something wrong?" I asked softly looking down at my hands. He held my hands in his warm ones, I knew he can tell I was about to freak out.
"I can't miss your prom and graduation. You know this, Emmy, " he said caressing the back of my hand with his thumb.
I was trying my best to stay strong. Moon Goddess help me out here.
"I... uh... I know. Still, you...." I started to say but the bell rang cutting our conversation. I quickly left him and made my way to class. Smooth, Emma, real smooth.
I was the first to enter my history class so I had some time to recollect myself.
'I've missed you, butterfly.'
The message spoke volumes but I chose to ignore it. I blocked him out as I placed my head on my desk while the class begins to fill up. My mind was in chaos because of one person.
I missed you too.
She still looked beautiful as the day I last saw her. Her eyes still gave away all her emotions without knowing it. I was happy when my father called me back home. I grew nervous at the thought of seeing her again with her chosen mate by her side. After seeing her still at Mason's side and having no scent of another man on her - I was relieved.
I know I have a mate out there but Emma had a place in my heart. She's the love of my life. Seeing her unmated state, cemented my thoughts. She's the mate I want, no other. Even my wolf Ace seems to be attracted to her. We both were contented with her. Only her.
"You should come to her swim meet later," Mason commented. All three of us have been friends since we were kids, growing up I always had a crush on her and grew jealous whenever Mason got her attention the most. It was he who convinced me to tell her my true feelings, I was surprised when she accepted me. Emma was a true gem.
"She still swims?" I asked.
"You know our girl would never give that up."
"Is she... looking for her mate?" I asked my friend as I walked along the familiar school halls with him.
"She's not even bothered by it. I asked her but she told me she doesn't care about a mate yet till after college. She does understand what will happen if she meets him before then though," he answered giving me a wary look.
"You think she still wants me?"
"Emmy loves you but being honest here she's scared to give in to it fully. She doesn't want to hurt you or herself when..." my friend said stopping in front of the science lab.
"....we find our mates," I finished for him.
Mason looked at me with pity but I smiled and brushed it off.
"Don't worry man I'm good," I said playfully punching him on his shoulder.
He shook his head. "Good to have you back home bro. We missed you," he said giving me a man hug. "Likewise," I said leaving him to go into his class.
We only have now, butterfly, and I won't let it pass.