At times like these, is when I pity myself. With my identity as a 'wolfless' girl and Aiden's disapproved girlfriend, shopping with female friends was a fantasy for me. It was two days before prom and I have yet to find a dress. Things like this need a woman's touch.
Shaking off my self-pity, I searched for my mother to make this trip with me.
"Mom?!" I called out after finding her in the library. Stepping in the smell of aged pages and lavender filled my senses. Three walls boasted floor-to-ceiling bookshelves with wheeled ladder access to all the bookshelves. Her large mahogany desk sat in front of the large bay window that overlooked the woods behind the house.
My bare feet touched the hardwood floor, feeling the coolness formed by the air conditioning. This was my favorite room in the house.
"Mom" I called out again. She literally jumped out of her seat and closed the book.
"Oh hey, sweetie," she said nervously brushing her hair from her face. She shed her first reaction and moved to a welcoming smile when she noticed my curious look. Over the past few days, she has been heavily focused on research. I've asked to help a few times but I was chased out every time. I returned her smile to cover my disappointment that have been brewing lately.
"I need a bit of company to go dress shopping," I said quietly biting my nails.
"Is there a certain guy you will like to impress?" She teased.
I can feel my face heat up with embarrassment. "He said I don't need to but I want to look really nice for him," I said softly but loud enough for her to hear.
"He's also your boyfriend, sweet girl," she said coming around to hug me, "We will make him fall to his knees".
The trip for two turned into a trip for four. The twins invited themselves to the excursion. WHo am I to stop them?
From the quiet confines of the family car to the energy-filled shopping mall, I had to acclimate myself to the noisy environment before looking for a suitable dress shop. The plan in my head was to find three shops and choose the dress I like the most but I know that won't happen. My mother was going all out for this. A look of distress coated my face when she pulled me from store to store looking for that perfect dress.
Noah dotingly patted my head and reassured me that it will be all over soon. Jonah on the other hand was prolonging the decision-making by adding more dresses he liked.
We entered the last store on my mother's mental list. As the same for the other places, every female stopped what they were doing and stared at my brothers. I felt both of them get tense when they saw the reaction of the ladies. The twins were shy around women, they knew they were attractive but never approached a woman to form a conversation or even ask them on a date. Apart from their looks, I know their reaction is from their willing presence.
These men walked in on their own and were not dragged by girlfriends. As I guessed, one of the overly-perky sales girls approached us but focused mainly on the boys then gave me a once over like I was beneath her. It's a natural action of females to do so when they see 'competition' next to the males they want.
Apparently, my mother saw the little scene and stepped up. "We are looking for a prom dress for our little Emma here. Something simple but yet impressive to the naked eye." My mother coldly told her then subtly sniffed the air. 'Human. What a rude one, she is.'
"Sure ma'am" she answered watching my mother in awe. Apart from her beautiful dark hair, her deep blue eyes captivate you at first glance, as her naturally smooth olive skin, and her body was slender and curvaceous at the right places - an envious combination. My brothers shared her strong Italian background with the natural seductive look while I got my fairy-like beauty from my father.
'Mason is on his way.' Jonah relayed this message before following Noah and Mom to the other side of the store.
I hope he doesn't add to this dress-buying pressure. Why is this so stressful? It's only for one night. What ever happened to go into a store, choose a dress then leave. "Stupid prom. Stupid dresses." I muttered to myself as I looked through a rack of skimpy dresses.
"Is that for Aiden or for me?" A voice whispered in my ear.
"Goddess!!" I screamed out probably giving myself and the customers a heart attack.
Leaning heavily on the rack, I tried to calm my racing heart as Mason doubled over laughing.
"I was distracted. It's not that funny," I mumbled and tried to hide from the inquiring stares from the customers.
"I'm sorry, Emmy," he said pulling me into a bear hub, "You're just so easy to scare."
"Nice of you to exploit that fact," I said trying to get out of his grip.
"Sorry. Come on let's get your dress then head to the food court."
We found my Mom bustling between the dress racks and using the twins as movable shelves. Each dress she liked was placed on their outstretched arm. Next to them were ladies fawning over them giving them compliments on how sweet it was for them to help out their mother. It really was a sweet scene set before them.
'Oye! You're the one who needs these. Get over here now. Mom's going crazy,' Jonah said to me with a scowl on his face.
'Now. Now. My dear brother you two agreed to come along. This is part of our trip,' I replied to him grinning. The two saw her turning on her heel, preparing to leave the store.
'Ummm....where are you going?' Noah asked shrugging a girl's hand off his biceps.
'Food court.'
'Oh, no no no. You, young lady need to come here and stop Mother before she goes overboard,' Jonah replied.
'Stall her for a while. I'll be back in an hour or so,' I countered. The three of us stayed in a silent standoff. I slowly took a step back, widening the distance between us. I made another step back but the wicked grin on Jonah's face made me stop.
" OH! Mom look! Emmy is here. She said she will model a few since she likes the majority of the dresses here," Jonah said aloud when our mother returned to them. Her bright eyes spoke volumes; it seems like she was waiting for this moment. Behind me, Mason gave a low whistle. "The betrayal is real," he muttered. The twins wore identical smirks on their faces as Mother reached my side and dragged me to a changing room.
"Whatever happened to online shopping? This is practically a chore, " I mumbled.
"Come on Emmy I haven't got all day" I heard Mason shout from the sitting area.
This guy!!
"Why in the world am I doing this? Aiden won't even care if I came in a potato sack, " I mumbled while fighting to zip the back of a long black dress that seems to be too big at the breast area. After four dresses that didn't fit, I was getting annoyed. I peeked outside at my family, Mom was looking at more dresses, the twins were fighting off some girls while Mason was giving two other girls the cold shoulder.
His gaze shot straight to me. The girls around him did the same and glared at me for diverting his attention.
I didn't have to say anything, he came over to me with a sympathetic smile and patted my head. He joined me in the room and sat on the floor next to me.
"Struck out?" He asked motioning to the ugly red dress I had on.
"I'm not good at this," I said softly.
"Neither am I but I'm here with you, aren't I? "
"You're here to spy for your best friend," I returned poking his side.
He laughed and replied, "That too but it's mainly shopping with my sister."
I let out a heavy sigh as I sensed my mother approaching the door. "Let's go look for something for you. You choose," he said helping me up.
We looked around together, asking each other's opinions, commenting about the designs, and eventually veering off-topic. I was on the last rack when I saw the dress. An olive green silk dress, clasped at the neck, leaving the back exposed. Little cleavage will be shown as it had a very risque design. It wasn't floor length long just a bit above my ankle.
"Hello beautiful," I said to the dress and rushed to try it on.
A perfect fit.
I stepped out to show my family and the effect it had on them wasn't what I expected. The boys stood up immediately and nod in approval. I looked at Mason who was in a trance of his own as he looked at me.
"You look just like...." Mom started to say then cleared her throat.
"You look so beautiful my sweet girl," she said correcting herself as tears rolled down her eyes.
She came and hugged me so tightly I can barely breathe. "You grew up so beautifully. I can't believe it. You're still my little girl" she said holding me tighter than before. Thank goddess for werewolf strength.
Pulling away from me, she told the sales girl that we were taking the dress. I looked over to Mason, he wore a proud smile on his face.
"What is it?" I asked.
"We got the most beautiful girl as a date" he answered with a silly grin.
What he meant by 'we' was the fact that Aiden, Mason, and I decided to go together. Mason wasn't interested in any girl who will be pushing up to him the entire night so he decided to go solo. Aiden wasn't having any of it and suggested we go as a trio. I had no qualms about it and simply agreed.
"Go change. I gotta go pick up our suits and find ties to match your dress." He said hurrying me into the room.
"Now can we eat?" I begged as we came out of the last store looking for the 'perfect tie' according to Mason.
"Fine. I thought girls like to shop," he muttered leading me to the food court.
"Girls like me don't. Now go get me food. I'm so tired, " I said plopping myself down in the closest empty seat.
"Yes, your highness" he joked going over to the Subway.
Sometimes I wonder why they are friends with me. I wasn't adventurous, someone who knows what next crazy thing to do. It was just me. Quiet, reserved, and observant.
"At least he sees you right, as royalty," a gravelly British voice said next to me.
I turned to see a guy seated at the table beside me with his arms folded in a relaxed manner. Not only was he strikingly handsome for an older guy and his attire was straight out of GQ but it was his eyes that caught me off guard. The green was a peculiar shade with little specks of gold giving them a look like a rare gem. Curious. My eyes held the same properties. I subtly sniffed the air and was confused instantly. His scent was not of a rogue nor of a pack close by.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
His shimmering gold and green eyes brighten at the sound of my voice.
"Splitting image" I heard him say.
"Are you looking for someone?" I asked when I heard his statement. Was he waiting for someone?
"You can say that. Years. She's a... A relative of mine" he said tilting his head slightly, watching me closely.
This action should make me squirm but he had a welcoming air around him. He felt strangely familiar. That doesn't happen when I meet strangers but this man had an air about him that made me let my guard down, somewhat.
"What's your name here, princess?" He asked in a strong warm tone.
That's a weird question. I began to shift uncomfortably in my seat, looking for a way to stand and leave this situation.
The man smiled my way and continued on with his conversation."Things surely have been kept from you."
Now I was more than confused but annoyed with his off-the-wall talking.
"I'm sorry, sir but I think you have the wrong person. I truly do not know what you're speaking of. I have to go." I got to my feet and excused myself as best as I can and tried not to upset the poor guy.
"In due time all shall be revealed, my dear princess. You look so much like her. A true pity," he said with a wide smile on his face.
Delusional. Let's just ignore the crazy British dude.
"It seems like my time here is up. Till we meet again, little princess." He shot to his feet and grabbed my hand in quick fluid moves. He raised my hand to his lips and brushed them against my fingers in a practiced motion. I've seen this etiquette on TV. His actions froze my movements. When I retrieved my clarity, the man was already leaving.
"Hey! Who are you?" I called out. I could have missed the feeling if it wasn't for Alia. She notified me of the strained attraction to the man. It was more like a familiarity.
He didn't stop. He gave me a simple wave and kept on walking.
'Alia! Are you sure what you felt?' I asked of my wolf.
'Yes! It felt like our family's but more.... 'right',' she replied. Her confusion mimicked mine and her statement concerned me greatly. I think I need to talk to my parents.
Mason came back a moment later while I was deep in thought. It was giving me a headache. What would be revealed? The stranger's words and my silent questions were like one big hodgepodge. I need a coffee.
"Hmm? What?" I didn't fully register what he said and I was caught off guard by his actions. He grabbed my hand and led me quickly to the parking lot. By the stern expression on his face and his glancing my way, I know he was reporting it all to my family. I didn't question his actions. It was protocol.
I kept silent and went over my short meeting with the man. Besides the familiar feeling or connection Alia felt, his eyes were a striking factor. It was the same as mine. Looking in the mirror, I silently point out the similarities. Then I remembered his grey-streaked brown hair and angular face.
"Emma. " I heard Mason shout at me.
"Huh? What is it?" I asked. It was then I noticed we were home. My whole family came rushing to the car along with Aiden with worry and fear in their eyes.
Why were they scared? Did something happen?
Aiden rushed to my side and wrapped his arms around me. "Thank god. You're safe" he mumbled in my ear and kissed my head. Why wouldn't I be safe?
Something was up. I caught my family sharing a look amongst themselves before reclaiming their 'calm.' They look like they're waiting for something and uneasy about it.
"Is something going on?" I asked bluntly.
My father opened his mouth to say something dismissive but I cut him off. "I think it's time we should talk, right?"
A moment of awkward and tension-filled silence passed. I stepped towards them, awaiting their answer. It was my brother who spoke first. A look of reluctance was on his face but he gritted his teeth and say what he had to say.
"We're sorry, Emma."