How It All Began
Kenny's pov
The night was cold and dark, a storm seemed to be coming and there was an ominous feeling hanging in the air, it felt like something was coming and whatever it was it wasn't anything good. I climbed the steps up to my room in the attic with slow carefull steps, my body hurt from the beating I took today, again it was given for no reason at all. When I finally reached my room I just fell on my small mattress that lay on the cold floor, you couldn't even call it a mattress because there wasn't much left of it, not caring if I haven't changed yet. My body felt like led, the aches just to much to even think about moving to undress myself, I didn't care at this point if the blood was getting on my measly blanket or if the dirt was getting everywhere, I will just get up a little earlier than normal and clean it up. A bright light suddenly shined into my small window lighting up the room so I couldn't see what was going on and I couldn't open up my eyes, groaning I moved my back to it to save my eyes. There was a soft soothing voice that spoke up from inside the light, it made my tence body relax and the pain subside some "I am sorry my child for all you have been through and all you will still go through, please just hold on, things will get better I promise" the woman's voice begged me with a sadness laced with her words, which I didn't understand, but just as suddenly as the light came it went and I was plunged into darkness, becoming oblivious to everything around me. I woke up with a start to people screaming and my pack's wolfs howling outside my bedroom window, with fear and pain through out their howls. My head felt fuzzy and I was confused for a little bit, it felt like there was pieces of my memory that was missing, like I couldn't understand why my body was aching or why I had bruises all over my body. A loud roar came from outside and ripped me out of my confused and befuddled state. Making me jump up and I ran down the stairs and out the front door to be met with blood and chaos all around me, it was a horrific scene that met me as I looked around my pack, the scene so greusome it made my stomache roll. A lot of our packs wolfs was lying dead in front of me and the others was trying to fight of the wolves attacking our pack, it didn't seem to be going to well for us, there were more of us dead than them. I jumped down the porch and tried to run to my mother who was trying to protect my little brother from a vicious wolf, when a force suddenly stopped me in my tracks, making me feel as if I was made of stone. I couldn't even move my head or feel my wolf, scared because I couldn't move and I was only able to see and hear the chaos around me with big wide eyes, what the hell was happening, why were we being attacked? but my questions only ran around in my head, for some reason I couldn't even speak out loud. It was obvious that I wouldn't receive answers to any of them anyway not now at least.
A dark chuckle came up behind me and a cold hand was put on my shoulder, making me shiver from head to toe. "Finally you came out, I was starting to think you weren't here" a deep voice spoke right by my ear, I knew that voice but couldn't place it just yet. "Tonight you will watch and witness the destruction of your small pathetic pack who thought they could refuse me what I wanted and after all of it is done you will be mine" he whispered again close to me. He grabbed me by my hair and forged me down on my knees, the impact of the ground on my knees made me hiss through my teeth. Tears streamed down my face as I watch my pack being destroyed and all the people I loved being killed of one by one, they had no mercy in their killings of innocent people and my confution only grew, again that feeling of something missing in my mind arose. I screamed in agony when my father and mother were slaughtered, my sweet baby brother wasn't even spared, my youngest brother who was supposed to become alpha one day was ripped apart. They killed even the woman and children until there was no one left but me, I felt a strong and deadly power surge through me just after my father blew out his last breath and I knew his alpha powers has shifted to me, as my brother was no longer alive the power became mine as the last of our bloodline.
My mother was never able to give my father a son for many years so the next in line for alpha was me,until my brother was born two years ago, but that didn't seem right to me, again the feeling like something was missing rushed through me and it made me feel frustrated that I felt so confused through all of this. I pushed the powerful feeling down and hid it so the bastard didn't realize what had happened, otherwise he might just end me right there and then for becoming stronger than him, I could feel he was a Alpha but not a very strong one. He pulled me up from my knees by my hair, I refused to wince and show weakness to this son of a bitch, again it felt like I had been through worse than what he was putting me through at this stage, the pain somehow seemed familiar. "Bring her with us she will be my toy from here on out" he ordered his minions, one of his warriors picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Hanging upside down I could still see the flames raging through my pack from building to building, destroying everything in its path, why was I suddenly feeling content in seeing the destruction of my pack, I should be mourning all the life's that was taken here today, but it felt more like he did me a favour instead of an injustice. Frowning I looked away and down at the ground, things just wasn't making sense, "Just making sure if you ever escape which I doubt you will, that you don't have anywhere to go" he said from the front of the group. It was then that I vouched to myself that no matter my feelings on this, I will get my revenge on each and every one of the scum that helped this rubbish kill an entire pack. I was going to torture them slowly and make the torture so intense that they would beg me to kill them. The rage was consuming my entire body that I started shaking uncontrolably and then blacked out.......