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Chapter 3: Night Stalker

She gasped seeing her desk and the floor around it littered with papers and folders. Cabinet drawers were left open with office supplies such as staples and pens cluttering the shelves. The office didn’t appear ransacked, at least not entirely. Instead, it seemed as if someone had been looking for something in a hurry and left a flurry of folders and documents in their wake.

Surprised to find her office pillaged, Roxanne’s first thought was to look for the permit. Amongst the pile of folders on her desk, she searched for a red one. She found two.

“D*mn,” she said when she opened the first one and saw it contained some old invoices. When she grabbed the next red folder in her hand, she just knew it wasn’t the one containing the permit, based on its weight, heavy with insurance documents.

“D*mn,” she said again, frantically tossing things around her desk and opening drawers. She usually kept the paperwork fairly orderly. It was one area where she excelled compared to many of her male counterparts in the construction industry,

“Ah!” she screamed. “Where is it?” She started to look faster, tossing papers aside, checking the same places twice. She quickly twisted her hair into a ponytail from her desk drawer, eager to keep it out of her face so she could continue searching. But none of the drawers or folders contained the permit.

To her surprise, nothing else seemed to have been stolen. Looking around she couldn’t understand why someone would break in to steal the permit. Maybe Baxter had taken it out of spite? But no, she remembered him walking out and heading to his truck, the loud revving of the engine as she peeled out of the dirt drive ahead of him. She didn’t think he had driven back to take it.

Roxanne took off her broken shoe and threw it at the door. If she couldn’t find the permit, she’d be screwed. It could put the construction timeline and design at risk, costing money. The loan shark investors wouldn’t be happy, and Danny just might fire her since she already told him Baxter had signed the permit.

Should she go to the police? Naturally, she knew that was the last thing her unsavory investors and even many in the construction crew would want – some men in blue sniffing around a construction site, getting in their business. No, she couldn’t go to the police.

It would make sense for her to go back to Baxter, explain what happened. And then she thought about Baxter pawing her, his eyes greedy on her body. She took off her other shoe and hurled it at the door too. She couldn’t go back to Baxter. Not yet, anyway.

Roxanne started to cry, sitting in her chair, her head down at her desk with the tornado of papers surrounding her. Things had been going pretty well on the construction site over the last 3 months. Early preparations were running on time, they’d had no accidents. There was the occasional dispute about overtime or materials charges, but nothing Roxanne couldn’t handle.

Then, the architects had made a crucial change to the plans, and they needed this new permit. Of course, Roxanne had thought it would be a breeze. She had planned to entice Baxter to sign the permit, and get the job done. No problem. She just hadn’t anticipated Baxter’s overzealous advances.

She wiped her mascara stained eyes and sat up. Who would want to sabotage her? Or maybe it wasn’t personal. Maybe it was another group, trying to stall or prevent the building project? But who? Roxanne knew she needed to find out.

She sat up a little straighter thinking that she didn’t need the police or Baxter. What she needed was to find out who stole the permit and make them pay. She bit her lower lip considering her next move. No one messed with Roxanne Gehry and got away with it.

Resolved to find who was responsible, Roxanne cleaned up her paper strewn desk, and stacked the files neatly in their drawers. Obviously, whoever it was knew what they were looking for, they just didn’t know where it was, hence the mess. Hopefully, she could put Danny off for a few days and buy some time to figure things out.

Normally, she was good with research. She felt confident she could find the culprit in a few days if she knew where to look. And she knew just the person to ask.

She grabbed one of the empty folders, thinking she might need it to store any information she collected. Still pissed about the turn of events, yet feeling better about her plan, she picked up her shoes and walked outside barefoot. Stepping on the pebbled dirt felt slightly uncomfortable on her feet, but she didn’t care. The sky dark, the moon only a sliver of a crescent offering little light, she tip-toed towards her car, vowing never to wear heels to work again.

Once she walked closer, she noticed a tall dark figure emerge from the other side of her car. After the day she’d had, Roxanne felt anxious and on edge. Her stomach flipped and just as she was about to scream and run the other way, she stopped as she recognized who the night stalker was.

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