Her twitching crooked, big toe signified the return of consciousness to the sleeping form on the bed in the little apartment room in the remote part of the city. Then the release of her clutching fingers followed until she opened her eyes to her dark empty room.
As always, it was cold and she did not have to look at the clock on the opposite wall to know it was no longer Friday. But she did look.
And alas, it was Saturday morning, 2 am, exactly six hours after her trance but it was more like a normal sleep this time around.
She jerked fully awake, but couldn't use her limps immediately as always. She was surprised at how fast her Awakening had happened.
It wasn't supposed to be that way. The shortest trance she ever had before was two days. But she never had two episodes as close as the recent ones either. Something was definitely wrong.
That was when she noticed the source of the chill, right beside the big oak dresser in her room.
Then the deathly taste she had in her mouth moments before she went under assailed her a million fold, making her give a silent moan.
The translucent image radiated bitterness and anger, not an ounce of sorrow for dying too early but definitely enough feeling of regrets and vengeful wrath in his paper thin face to make up for that.
He was a vengeful Dead.
If it was possible, she became colder. She remembered what her grandmother told her about them.
"They bring with them bitterness and they try to draw you in, they try to emerse you in what they want and you end up being vengeful all the days of your life if you don't have the will to resist them," the old woman had said in a melancholic whisper, making Shana swear to herself to always be good and never attract a vengeful Dead and she had never asked her mentor for what to do if she eventually attracted one.
And she was facing one just a day after her vengeful action towards Caroline.
She wished she could turn back the hands of time and go back to the café, then turn off the heat before it damaged Eve's beautiful hair. She wished she had been a better person.
But it was all too late and it wasn't time for recriminations because the form by the dresser drifted towards her, making her spine flex in reflex. She wished she could use her legs.
Then she was going to jump off the bed and run out of the room and never return. She wished she could use her hands, to tear off her wet bathrobe clinging to her hot sweaty body in a most uncomfortable way.
She just wished she could escape who she was, for the first time since discovering her true identity. And that made silent tears drop from her eyes to drip down her temple because the resentment from the dead made her resent who she was right then.
Then a kaleidoscope of color, displaying how this Dead lived his life flashed through her mind eyes.
He had been a shifter, a good enough leader and son before the woman's betrayal. Shana felt the pain of betrayal, the bitterness of acceptance that followed it and the ruination of the Dead before her.
The woman had been a Crier, just like her and she had birthed a son, a bastard the dead never accepted in his lifetime.
She felt the tears trickle down her temples into her hair as she watched through his mind, the vengeful thoughts that crossed his mind through out his life whenever he witnessed the evidence of his betrayal.
She was being pulled in by him but she could not bring herself out of the drunken state.
"I want him gone but before that, he should feel a quarter of how I felt in that life. I want him disconnected from his wolf. You are a Crier, his mother was so you know what to do. Cry my message."
She knew he was referring to the dark haired blue eyed man in his memory. He had not said the word out loud but they reverberated around the room like a cacophony.
Then he was gone.
The icy chill in the room dissipated and her useless limps could finally move again as she felt the blood rush to them.
She jumped off the bed and raced into the toilet, retching her guts out into the water closet.
Then she sat on the floor there and broke into hot scalding tears.
One thing she had been her whole life was "good". She never ever retaliated against her bullies when she had the chance, she never revealed Debby's secrets even when she revealed to the whole school she was a freak-thank God no one believed her.
Shana had never been vengeful, until her little crime against Eve. And she was paying for it even before she had the time to really think about the experience.
" Promise me you'll never attract a vengeful Dead, no matter what it takes.even if you've to bend over yourself to satisfy everyone in the world. Promise me child." The raw passion in her grandmother's voice when she said those words to her came back to haunt her.
"They never leave, the vengeful ones and when they are done with you, they leave you broken, and craving for more vengeance. You will be norhing but a shadow of who you used to be, just like them," her grandmother had pressed on. Shana asked herself why the Creations could not stop them but she knew why. They all had the right to be treated equally, because of the circumstances surrounding their death. But she wished there was a limit to what a Dead could request for.
She moved into the shower, thinking about her next course of action.
For the next few days, she did her research. She read all the articles that ever talked about Asher, viewed several of his pictures and found all she could about his company. Then she found out he was a male to be reckoned with, a no nonsense man in control of a large circle in the business world, not to be toyed with and he was as handsome and sexy as hell-if she was to believe the thousand pictures of him she had seen online.
Above all, he was a rake hell, an unrepententant playboy who loved women and most importantly, loved them to look anything but like her.
And he was a shifter, an Alpha at that. He was no human she could just waltz into his life and destroy.
She had no idea how she was going to get close to a man like him. If she was a normal girl and not a Crier, there was no way she was probably going to even hear anything about him. He was far far out of her league and she doubted if she was ever going to meet him in person.
Then how the hell did Dead Adams want her to carry out his plan? And most importantly, does she even want to carry out his plan? She did not crave having the blood of a person on her hands but she was a Crier.
If there was something she had imprinted in her brain from her grandmother, it was never to ignore the call of duty. A Crier cries every message or she lived her life like she had no life in the first place.
One thing she needed right then was a plan.
A foolproof plan on how to get into, onto and probably above Asher Anderson, because how else was she to unsurp such a man in his position if not with a plan above him?
"Don't do this Asher."
Asher was only half attentive to what his Beta, Mark was saying. His head was pounding, just a bit better than how it had been since his return from Milan. Nothing else, just the headaches.
"Why not?" At least, he could understand if Mark was only pleading as a brother but he expected him to drop his sentiments. He had been his friend long enough to know he did not entertain any dilly dallying with his staffs. He had been able to make it to where he was in this tough world with tough principles and he wasn't about to compromise because of Adele.
"Because you know she's just picking up bits and pieces of her life since her breakup with that idiot. She really needs this job and I don't understand your reason for wanting to fire her."
He wasn't about to tell the only soul he had that was close to a friend that he had been naked in bed with his kid sister and even kissed her and if not for his armor-clad self control, he would have taken her, with no strings attached like a random trollop in the street.
No, he did not do any of that and had simply informed Mark about his decision, giving no reason for it. He could have gone ahead and done what he wanted, but Mark deserved to be warned. He loved Adele blindly.
"Alright. Maybe you should move her to another department. I want her busy, not withdrawing back into her shell," he pleaded.
Asher gave a soft chuckle, failing to recall a time Adele had ever been in her shell. She had always been a hell raiser, moving from one relationship to the next and breaking the men that were unfortunate to cross her part. He was happy it ended between them before he totally lost his head.
Watching Mark's love and devotion to her daily made him wonder how it felt to be at the receiving end of that kind of unconditional love and it hurt-even if he would not admit it to himself, that he would never have someone feel that way about him.
He was unlovable, comes with being the bastard of his pack.
"I know she's not easy to deal with but whatever happened on that trip, I just want you to put it behind you and give her a last chance."
"I won't be giving her another chance and I won't be transferring her to another department. I don't think she should have a problem getting a job in a company that isn't mine. That's all I've to say on this Mark. I hope you respect my decision."
Mark stared hard at his friend, lost for what to say. If he did not understand him and knew how Asher had lived his life, he would be raving mad right then at how cryptic he had been and how unfeelingly he had dismissed him. He knew the hard man behind the angelic face could be mean as hell but he was not unreasonable.
He could bet a million dollar right then that Adele had tried something really nasty with Asher. And knowing Adele and how slow her reasoning could be, she did not know Asher was not one of her men toy.
Maybe Adele tried to rekindle her relationship with him and that had driven him mad, who knows?
Mark was dying with curiosity.
Asher had been the one who had it rough in life. They had been born a month apart, asher before him and they had grown alongside each other in the pack and Mark had witness him pick himself up through every derogatory remarks and rejection by every member of the pack, even his own mother. And never had he seen him say a word in complain through it all. He had always just kept to himself and driven himself beyond the limit of what was expected of him.
He did not just love the man Asher Anderson turned out to be, he respected him.
If only the stoic faced man before him could see that despite all the pack say, they had a respect for how he had turned out despite the circumstances surrounding his birth. Maybe that would have made him a more agreeable man.
"Alright. But you owe me an explanation, maybe not now but someday."
"Sure," he replied with a nod. If he gave Adele another chance, he was sure and could bet with the last drop of his blood that she would misuse it and maybe come on to him harder.
Mark was gone some minutes later, after they discussed a bit about his investments. Then he finally gave in to the urge to drop his head into his hands.
He checked his watch and was shocked he had spoken with Mark for the better part of an hour. He was always busy, always on the move to the next investment, the next takeover or what not. He was not the type to sit around talking about an errant female like Adele.
He stood up from behind his desk and retrieved his suit jacket from the clothstand, barely sparing the time to look at the picturesque night view of the city through his floor to roof glass wall in his fifty second floor office. He needed to get home, then let out his wolf for a long run.
His palatial Georgian style mansion sat on thirty two acres of property in the suburbs of New York City. It was named the Barrow manor, after the lord or whoever it was built for in the nineteenth century and he was proud to have acquired the property when he did years ago. It afforded him miles and miles of running ground without exposing to the world who he truly was, a shifter.
He had only his bodyguard and a housekeeper. They were both shifters of course, in residence and he loved the solitude of the place except times when core members of the pack gathered there to meet.
Having a bodyguard in itself was a facade. He had no need for one as he had the strength and speed required to protect himself but the human world did not know that. All they saw was a powerful man of means that was liable to kidnapping and getting ransom notes-not that he had anyone that close that ransom would be demanded to rescue. And he was happy keeping it that way, feeding their illusion of a wealth man with money that needed protection.
He made enough enemies in and out of the business world for attempts to be made on his life. And a few rivals had tried but not attempts that were worth a lot of thought.
Armando, his hulking bodyguard was there at the door. He gave him his suitcase and took off for the woods surrounding the estate. His body shifted, bones cracking and reforming to accommodate his transformation into the grey, huge and menacing wolf. His senses were on the high, craving the run.
He ran for miles, his wolf revelling in the freedom, the soft sand caressing his paws and the cold night air rushing through his soft grey furs. His wolf urged them to go on and on, his pounding headache forgotten until he ran smack into a clearing at the centre of the wood.
It was a place he had been several times before but this time around, the air around the clearing felt charged and unerringly cold.
He could swear there was an unnatural stillness in the clearing but he dismissed it as his hyperactive senses playing a trick on him.