Shana stared hopelessly at her boring choice of clothing. It took all of her strength not to give in and scream in frustration.

She had never worried about what she wore and how she looked wearing them. That had been the least of her concern in life but there she was, standing in front of her wardrobe for the better part of an hour, worried about how she was going to dress to her new job.

She told herself she was not doing it to impress her boss, like she cared about what he really thought of her.

The mere thought of him made her feeble heart start thumping erratically and her hand flew to her chest, trying to stop her heart from leaping out. It still felt weird that it was beating. She needed time to get used to it and stop making her hand go over her chest to feel the unfamiliar rhythm.

Shana told herself she was feeling frustrated with her wardrobe not because of her new boss, but because of her assignment. If she was going to seduce him then ruin him, she was going to make him attracted to her first.

He was the man that made her heart beat but he was also an assignment she had to complete.

But how the hell she was going to do that, she had no idea. No man was ever going to be attracted to her, at least no man with his eyes functioning properly.

She was just going to pray she gets lucky like she did with the job. That prayer said, she opted for a black pencil dress and a woolen blouse.

Even if she had an idea of what to buy, she did not have the money for a complete wardrobe makeover. Waitressing did not give her that much luxury and she had never had to worry about it until then.


Asher paced the length of his office as he waited for Shana to resume.

"No. I'm just here to work, not wait for her."

His wolf answered with a snort. It was seven in the morning and he never resumed that early. He woke up early enough for his morning runs before the sun comes up but he never made it to the office earlier than nine am.

He heard the door to her office opening, thanks to his supernatural senses. His wolf perked up, wanting to break free and run to her. He went behind his desk made himself comfortable, waiting for her to report to him and tried to look as uninterested as he could.

When she did not seem like she was going to after a few minute, he rang for her.

Then he felt all the blood rush to his nether region as she stood before him in a tight pencil skirt and silk blouse that displayed her curve to full advantage.

But the skirt was too short and the neckline of her blouse was showing too much of her cleavage. His wolf growled in disapproval.


She was not supposed to walk around showing all that belonged to him to other men.

He had to check the impulse to slam the table like the day before. This was getting out of hands and he had to do something about his Wolf's clamoring, fast.

He did not control the wolf and the wolf definitely does not control him. They were one, or so they were until Shana came into the picture.

"Mr Anderson?"

"You are late." He said the first thing that came to mind. She stared at him confused. She had come in some minutes past seven when she was supposed to resume eight and he was telling her she was late? She decided to let it slide, like she allowed most bullies in the past.

Because it occurred to her that Asher Anderson was a going to be a big bully.

But bully or not, he was making her feel uncomfortably hot just sitting there giving her a bored look. The man was just too good looking for her heart pace.

"I'm sorry."

He had not been expecting an apology when he had blurted out without thinking, more like an argument to contradict his point but it seemed like he was not getting to her at all. The apology had been so effortless, like it was second nature.

Who the hell was she? He was so curious to know every last minute detail of her life.

Anderson had pondered hard on how he felt about her and he was not ready to accept it could be love.

Yes, he had set his eyes on her and it had seemed like his life finally came into focus. He knew she was his mate and where the hell had his pounding headache vanished to since she entered the room?

But could it be love? Could he, be loved?

He wanted no answer to those questions.

What was it he had his previous secretaries do by the way? It seemed like he had no work to do but to keep her in his sight all day. Apart from the fact that she helped his mysterious headaches, she stimulated him in ways he was not ready to admit.

But he had to work.

He handed her a couple of files to fax over to his second in command then told her to work on and inform him of his schedule. He watched the tempting sway of her hips in the too tight skirt as she walked out of his office.

He was going to have a rule about how his staff dressed, especially Shana.

By noon, he was getting so restless he had to stand and pace around his office several times, stopping himself from walking into her space and taking her perfect full lips with his mouth.

He was not going to rush things. He was an adult with a lot of self control, not a teenager with raging hormones.

During the lunch break when she came to ask for what she could get him, he almost told her to serve herself on his desk but his control won over.

But by closing hour, he could not take it anymore. He had to have her, claim her.

"She's ours!" He was going crazy from his wolf repeating that over and over again.

In his wildest imaginings where he found his mate, it had always been with another shape shifter, not a human. A human was fragile, vulnerable and she probably would never be able to deal with what he was if she found out.

Few of his pack mates had human partners but like he said, they were few and they were blood bonded to forever keep the secret of their partner.

Also, a lot of people in the pack really did not fancy such joining, which produced half breeds like himself and everyone was all about the high and mighty purebreds.

A halfbreed alpha like himself would be expected to mate a full blooded wolf if he did not want the wrath of the whole pack falling on his head.

But he did not care about what the pack thought. Not anymore. He had to claim the human or he would combust with the suppressed energy flowing through him.

He was certain she was his, chosen to be his Luna by the moon goddess. He could feel it in his bones and there was nothing the pack was going to do about it.

His decision made, Asher waited for her to come report to him before leaving for the day. He was like an hunter lying in wait for it's prey. But he was not planning to eat her.

He wanted to make her his.

He hoped she could deal with the truth of who he truly was.


Shana knocked discreetly and opened the door, almost screaming when she ran smack into a solid wall of muscles.

"Easy," he drawled, steadying her with his hands on her shoulders. He watched her hand fly nervously to rest over her heart.

The contact sent jolts of awareness to parts of her body she never knew existed. She moved out of his reach, wanting the oxygen that seemed to be unable to find it's way into her lungs anymore. Why did she have to feel so much for the one person she was not meant to even feel a thing for?

She reminded herself again she was there for an assignment, not to frolic with the enemy.

"I organised your schedule. If you do not need me for anything, I'll love to leave for the day."

"I need you." The word came tumbling out of his so hungry lips

He did not know where the words bursted out from but in the next second, he was taking her in his arms devouring her mouth with his.

Her lips tasted like all the happiness he had been deprived his whole life, like the home he never had. She tasted so pure and good and he wanted to drink her into his soul.

For him, it was more than a kiss. It was the melding of their two souls into one but she did not know it yet.

She was shocked by what he had said about needing her. Maybe she heard him wrong.

She stood rigidly in his arms, not knowing what to do as his mouth covered hers in a hot searing kiss that made her clothes feel uncomfortable on. It was the first kiss of her whole twenty and three year old life and it was also the best. She did not have a basis for comparison but she could swear on her dead grandmother's grave that nothing felt that perfect.

She was definitely made for him, him for her but the obstacle standing in their way could not be ignored.

He was her enemy, and she was not allowed to have any form of affection for him.

Asher noticed her rigidity, like she was rejecting the kiss.

"She's ours!," his wolf keeled in frustration, smarting at her rejection.

He was going to make her want him, he swore to himself as he released her from the kiss but not letting go of her.

"I want you darling. I want you to kiss me," he crooned in her ear, bringing her closer to him for her to feel his racing heart. He felt hers racing wildly too, reassuring him he was not the only one felling like he took an overdose of aphrodisiacs. She definitely wanted him.

Shana wanted to kiss him too, even though she had no idea how to kiss. She wanted to lose herself in him, she wanted never to leave the protection of his arms.

But she just stared at him mutely, wishing for the first time she could escape the bondage of who she truly was and just be normal, live a normal life and fall in love like a normal person.

"I know you want me too. I can see the burning in your eyes. Like they say, the eyes never lie, they are a reflection of the soul."

He knew nothing about her soul, she thought before she rose on her toes, threw her arms around his shoulders and plastered her lips to his.

She was here to seduce him. Thank the gods he was attracted to her and making the job so easy for her. But she could not come up with a good reason the forbidden CEO was attracted to her. Nevertheless, she was grateful for it. All she had to do was get to work and complete her assignment.

"I want you too," she replied with her heart in her eyes, never saying the words but not really having to. Shana convinced herself it was all part of a plan.


"What have you done?," Mark barked the question at his errant sister.

He was at the end of his rope. He wanted to wring her beautiful neck, as if that would change anything of who she was.

Mark knew she was the most difficult of her species and she had her faults in abundance but he loved her nonetheless. That did not mean he condoned it but no amount of talking and threatening had accomplished anything, not even cajoling.

"Nothing. I just taught him a lesson," Adele replied flippantly, playing around with her beautiful nails.

"He's your Alpha, your boss and CEO of the conglomerate now and he could have you punished. You should thank the goddess you are still seated here unharmed," he ranted furiously but his words seemed to have no effect on her.

"He was my lover before my Alpha and that is how it is going to be whether he likes it or not," she stood, screeching her last words like a banshee.

Mark saw the look in her eyes and his blood ran cold. He did not like what he was seeing "You are obsessed, with him."

Saying the words made the reality more scary. An obsessed wolf was bound to turn rogue if care was not taken. This wolf was his sister, his only sibling.

"No I'm not. I just love him too much and I know he loves me too. Can't you accept that and be happy for me? Asher is just too proud to come off his high horse for now because of what happened years ago."

Yes, there was that too, Mark thought to himself. No self respecting male was going to ever take her back after what Adele did.

"Asher has moved on Adele and I thought you did. You've had series of boyfriends after him and he's had lots of women in his life. Believe me, he is not the man for you."

"Oh please stop. Those women were rebounds because of how things ended between us. Did you notice most of the women he dated after me had features like mine?," she said batting her long lashes at him.

That was not true. "No, he did not." He wanted the truth to sink into her head before it was too late.

"Too bad you did not notice it."

Beta stared in surrender at his sibling, knowing he had to inform their father about his observation. He knew he was responsible to the Alpha, to report to him if there was any suspicion of a wolf turning rogue. It was a duty for everyone in the pack but he could not do it in the case of his sister.

Her was going to help her, with his father, to beat her obsession.

"I must have Asher. He belongs to me. We belong together. If I don't have him, no one else ever will, not while I'm alive," she finished resolutely, her blue eyes specked with traces of red.

He realized he had to act fast.

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