Part 15
There comes the point in everyone's life when they wish they could turn back time or halting the clock even for just a moment enough to take a breath. I was feeling the same.
Once the Alpha stormed to his room, I decided to unpack my stuff.
Stepping inside the guest room, I was immediately enveloped in cold air. The room was tiny, with a single bed and one small dressing table with a stool. There was a large window on the wall, allowing lots of natural light in. On the other end of the room was a tiny wardrobe and a floor lamp.
A sigh left my lips. Throwing the suitcase on the bed, I began unpacking it. I had little clothing, and belongings barely fit two drawers. It wasn't much, but it was a whole hell of a lot better than the one I had at home, and for that, I was grateful.
As I pulled the last item from the suitcase, tears began to escape my eyes. A picture book. It had few images of my family and Zain. My fingers began tracing the huge smile I had on my face in the photo with Zain. How could he betray me like that? A sob broke out of my lips.
I sobbed until learning the true meaning of exhausted, limbs heavy and chest tight as my body gave up, survival mode putting me to sleep as a last resort. The depression continued to linger once I woke. Once awake, I realised that the bedroom had been put back together, at least as much as it could be.
Washing my face with cold water, I walked out, heading straight for the kitchen.
I busied myself into cooking, couldn't help but let my mind wander. Was this the best solution for our problems? The moment my sister told me about her love, I stepped without thinking it through. I thought I was helpful, saving my family from shame. Maybe it was just my omega instinct— to protect and provide for those around me.
Now that I agreed to mate Aiden, I thought about him. Every part of my instinct told me to protect and provide for the Alpha; why didn't Aiden feel the same? In my class, we, omegas, have always been taught that no matter the situation, no matter the alpha and omega, the Alpha couldn't fight the instinct to connect with their omegas, cherish them, protect them and love them. Why didn't Aiden feel any of it towards me but so much hate? Did he genuinely want to bond with Cara? If so why hasn't he asked anything about her?
We were to bond later, and bonding meant knotting, which meant that we would share each other's emotions. Our souls would be connected, and yet Aiden didn't give a single damn about me. I wondered what had happened to the Alpha to make him so cold, so heartless.
"Rose?" Someone cleared their throat. Lifting my head, I stared into the familiar eyes staring back at me. My breath hitched.
"Y-Yes Alpha?"
"I asked, are you ready? The mating ceremony is about to start. Take your extra set of clothes, and let's go."
I meekly nodded my head, turning on my feet and rushing towards the tiny wardrobe. In a hurry, I only managed to stuff a few items in the suitcase. My parents would have asked me several hundred questions if they saw a huge travelling bag.
During the mating ceremony, we shift into werewolves and after that change our clothes. I have been to one or two ceremonies in our old pack. They all follow the same rules. But I had no idea if Aidens pack did the same. Pulling the clothes, I exited the room.
"Let's go", Aiden grunted, not even bothering to spare me a look. He locked the cabin behind us, handing the keys to Liam, his beta. They both were quiet the entire time. Most probably using their link to communicate with each other. At that, my cheeks flushed.
"Come on!" I trailed behind the Alpha, clutching onto my clothes till my knuckles turned white.
The moment we entered the patio of the packhouse, I noticed that everyone was already waiting in their wolves form, save for the Pack Alpha. My mouth dropped open at the size of some of the wolves. They were massive, the biggest I had ever seen, with thick fur and a menacing stare. Must be the pack soldiers, I thought to myself.
Alexander smiled warmly at me. He motioned both of us to come forward. Liam excused himself to shift into his wolf form. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Aiden's beta turned in front of everyone. A low gasp escaped my lips. The thought of doing that in front of so many wolves made my toes curl.
"Rose", The Pack Alpha addressed me, breaking the chain of my thoughts. "You and Aiden will shift in your wolf form and join us. After that, we will start our pack ceremony. Just in case you are unaware of what happens, I will be explaining everything."
"Go on now."
I bobbed my head, squirming on my feet. "Umm...can I change behind the tree?"
Aiden scoffed under his breath, ready with a disgusting remark, when his father pinned him with a glare. He nodded his head at me. A weak smile curved around my lips. I hopped behind the nearest tree, away from prying eyes and got rid of my clothes.
Shifting into wolves was something we have been taught at a very young age. Most of us don't do it often due to the pain afterwards, but others are unaffected. I fall in the first category. The last time I shifted was for the hunt a few months ago.
Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and chanted softly under my breath. Bones began to crack, limbs stretching before I threw my head back in a pitiful moan. A soft glow surrounded me as I stood on my four feet in my wolf form. Sharp canines dug on either side of my mouth, snout raised in the air.
My wolf was tiny compared to giant Alphas with silver-white fur, blue crystal eyes just like my human form and a short majestic tail.
Taking a step forward, my paws hesitated for a second. What if other wolves make fun of my form? It happened way too many times before. My old pack didn't like my tiny form. I managed to stalk forward, eyes trained on the Pack Alpha on the platform when I heard it.
A loud growl.