Chapter 2
The Uber pulls up to the university and with my two bags of luggage, I get out of the vehicle. It is pouring rain outside and now I am wishing I had an umbrella. I drag myself over to the main dorms to get settled in and get all my info I need.
When I get up to the room my roommate is already there. She is tall and beautiful and blonde. “Hi, I'm Ember.” I say with a smile. “Hey, I am Melanie. Most people call me Mel. I can tell you are not from around here so where are you from?”
I can tell right off the bat she is a social butterfly. Which is fine I have never been one to be overly social. It is not because I am a weird loner or something. I have just had to help take care of my dad since my mom passed and before that my mom was sick for a long time doesn’t leave a lot of time to make or keep friends.
But this is a new place, and my only obligation is to myself, I am going to push myself to form friendships and enjoy my youth as many call it. I won't enjoy it too many studies are important but so is having some kind of life. “I am from the Carolinas,” I responded to Melanie as I put down my bags on what looked to be my side of the room.
“Oh, so you're from the east coast no wonder you are drenched you have no idea what the weather holds for you out here. Well, it is mostly cold wet, and rainy. But that is okay feel free to borrow as many of my raincoats and rain boots as you want. Wait what show size are you?”
I must admit I did not expect to have such a friendly bubbly roommate, but I am happy I do. I reply, “size 7” Her face breaks into an enormous smile. And with a squeal, she says, “That is my size I knew this was going to be a good day my horoscope said it would be. Here take these my dad got them for me, but I already have this pair.”
I look down to find red rain boots in my size. I smile thank her and start to unpack. Once done I look over and Mel is reading the latest issue of Cosmopolitan. “Hey, Ember want to go with me to a party? I know you don’t know anyone since you just moved across the country, but I am from here and I know lots of people it will be fun. Cute boys, dancing, DJ booze... you know the fun stuff.”
I must admit the closest thing to a party I have ever come to is my late-night job at the local bar and restaurant. But I am here to not only hit the books but experience life so why not? “Sure, Mel. I will go but I got a guy back home so no boys for me.” Mel smiles and responds, “Yay!!! As for your guy what he doesn’t know won't hurt him.” She laughs I just smile and shake my head.
I take a shower and throw on some skinny Jeans and a black V-neck T-shirt. I let my red curls fall down my back. I put on my black Converse and look in the mirror. I look good my butt is a perfect shape my breasts are full and perky. My skin is flawless not a single blemish with some freckles. My green eyes are bright, and my hair is glossy and always curls are bouncy.
It must have been around the same time I got my aliment that night. It did not just ruin me, but it made me the most perfect self I could be. Not that I wasn’t pretty it was just I was plain. It is like everything that I ever thought was unappealing went away. My muscles toned perfectly, my hair got super shiny, my cheekbones got more pronounced, and my eyes got greener if that is possible. My lips got fuller as did my breast and ass.
In addition to these good traits that I like, I have some bad ones that I cannot control. Luckily it only happens once a month and I seem to be able to have a hold on making sure no one is around when that happens. I finish checking out my appearance and walk out of the bathroom.
“You know you have to be one of the prettiest women I have ever seen. I do not know how you can pull off looking so hot in regular clothes.” Mel says. I smile in appreciation. “You are quite pretty yourself; you know that right?” Mel laughs “of course I know. But I could never pull of simple the way you do.” She starts to put on her body spray, and I am trying my hardest not to make a face.
It smells good but to me, it is strong because of my heightened smell. Mel looks at me. “Are you ready to go my friend Javier is driving.” I nod and she exits the room. I follow her to the elevator and out to the car. She hops in the front seat, and I get in the back. “Javier this is Ember she is from the East Coast so I thought we would show her how us Westerners party.”
He looks back and I can tell he is nice looking. He is tan has a buzz cut and I can see he has nice, toned arms. He has some tattoos that may freak people out but not me. Nothing since the night in the woods on my 16th birthday freaks me out. Nothing hurts me that is. I have superhuman strength and every time I get a scrape it closes and heals almost instantly. One of the many perks of this curse I have.
We get to the party, and it seems to be in full swing despite the fact it is early. I'm sure as the night progresses it will become an even bigger party than it already is. I trail behind Mel and Javier. Mel turns around “So this is Ashly Moscow's party. She is loaded and doesn’t do much in the ways of anything. She doesn’t even attend college. She went to high school with Javier and me. She has a trust fund, and this is her housewarming party.
We walk into a huge mansion. It is beautiful I take in the scene. Lots of young people. Around my age, I would guess maybe some older maybe some younger. But then I sense it. Something is off I feel the hair on my arms standing up and I feel agitated. Almost like there is a threat nearby. I feel my body heat up and my skin is on fire all a sudden. I know what is coming.
“Hey Mel, I'm going to go have a look around but if you don’t see me just know I will meet you back at our dorm room. I can always call an Uber so go have fun and I will too.” I say trying to sound confident. I smile and walk off. I probably sound like a freak showing up to a party to just abandon her. But I must get out of here or someone will get hurt.