The Emperor's Preparations
At the farthest end from the entrance of the Emperor's fairly large throne room, two dressmakers stood explaining dress fabrics and design with Emperor Basillius himself as he sat upon his grand throne.
"With her pale complexion and light rose hair, she would look lovely in Red!" A tall slim red-eyed woman dressed in tight black pants and a red corset bellowed to the Emperor. "I feel that a light Pink should suit her better, it will give her a more innocent impression." A shorter, more plump woman in a loose tan dress also suggests.
The Emperor sat quietly, tapping his chin and listening intently. It seemed as if he were contemplating life or death.
"Pink." he says simply, "I want her to look innocent." He sighs and leans back in his large gold and red seat. "Excellent! Now, I have these silks and tulles.." The stout woman goes on for another twenty minutes, showing off many pink fabrics. Occasionally the taller woman gives input, while his imperial majesty just nods silently.
Once their conversation came to an end, and a decision had been made, the Emperor breathed a sigh of relief. "How in the world did my wife handle these boring things..." He rubs his forehead, with a pained expression. He waves his hand at a servant standing nearby, "Tea, please." The young black haired girl quickly disappears through a side door, without a sound or trace suggesting she was ever there in the first place.
"Balor. Find my children and bring them to me." He nods at his right side, returning to his deep thoughts. The dark haired man positioned beside him in a tailcoat bows, and then hastily steps through the same door the servant had disappeared through just seconds ago.
What seemed like a few moments later, both Balor and the servant with His Majesty's tea returned in unison startling the Emperor awake from his short snooze.
"Your tea, Emperor Basilius." The young woman bowed, smiling softly. He lifts the tea from her hand, and sips it lightly before gently setting it on a small table beside his throne. "Your Majesty..." Balor bows, informing Basilius. "On my way back to the throne room, one of the Prized Princess's servants alerted me that she has awoken." He stands, returning to his formal posture.
"Oh, what great news!" The Emperor shouts as the Eldest prince strides into the throneroom, "she survived! this is a GREAT sign!" He claps his hands together clinically, jumping from his large cushy seat.
"The Princess is finally awake?" Drystan stops in front of his father with his arms crossed over his bare chest, emitting a serious aura. "Yes! Impeccable timing too. Your siblings are coming, its time to tell your three younger brothers of her presence. If they haven't already learned of it." Emperor Basilius grips his son's shoulder, smiling widely.
Just as he attempts to take his seat again Ira and Calithea enter the throne room, butting in on their brother and fathers conversation. "Father!" Ira smiles and runs to hug the Emperor, to which he smiles and graciously returns her hug. "Daughter, I have missed you." Calithea rolls her eyes, obviously annoyed by his unusual fatherly affections. "The Princess has awoken, she's looking much better too. She seems to be very nervous and confused." Calithea notes with a flat and serious tone.
"What about my older daughter? Calithea?" He opens an arm, changing the subject and signaling her to join in on their circle of hugs. "Join us!" She hesitates, visibly uncomfortable, but eventually she caves. She awkwardly joins in on their hugs, remaining stiff as the Emperor smiles at the two girls in his arms.
"My, what a rare sight." The youngest prince laughs sarcastically as he walks towards the small group by the thrones, shaking around his stick straight golden hair with his fingertips. He tugs a dark red loose suit jacket over his shoulders, still exposing his bare chest, and tucks his hands into his tight black trousers. "It's lovely to see your affectionate side, father." he quacks, making fun of his father and eyeing his sisters.
The Emperor smiles, "Gawen! My young boy! you never come to see me anymore.. don't you love your father?" He plays like he's sad, pouting at his son and releasing the princesses from his grip.
Suddenly a deeper voice adds into the conversation, "Quite strange it is.... What has you so happy this suddenly father?" A taller, slightly more muscular figure moves towards them. He's wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of tight beige trousers. His wine red wavy hair shines in the lights, his striking blue eyes releasing a gentle air as he glides across the floor to his family.
"Ryu, you as well. You boys need to visit your father more! Spar with me!" he shakes the young man's red waves around, laughing. "Brother!" Ira giggles, skipping to hug him. "I've missed you." Ryu seems startled by her forceful affections. Slowly he eases into a smile, resting his arms onto her shoulders as she squeezes him. "I will visit you more if it is what you wish, Father." He speaks deep, but softly. "The orphanage has grown a bit lately. I've just been busy."
"We are still missing one... where is Rowen?" the Emperor speaks, looking around the room.
Drystan sighs, "Earlier he was at the prison, teaching the criminals a 'lesson'. I let him know that you requested our presence." He speaks frankly, sighing and shaking his head disappointedly . "You know how he is."
"I'm well aware of his antics. Well then, if he isn't joining us let's just get started shall we?" He begins walking back to his throne when suddenly, the doors to the throne room open in unison with a loud slam.
"Sorry I'm late father!" A younger, lighter, slimmer version of the emperor jogs to their small group. His loose brown curls bouncing with every step, and his blue eyes just as striking as the rest of his siblings.
"My apologies, I was caught up-" he begins to apologize, but is interrupted by Drystan.
"We know what you were up to, Rowen, it's the same every single time anyone needs you. Now hush." Drystan snaps harshly, flexing his large arms over one another. "Gee Mr. grumpy pants, what's got you in such a mood?" Rowen laughs lightly, poking Drystans shoulder with a sly expression. "You men act like such children." Calithea says with a 'hmph', placing her hands on her hips.
"Enough. We have much to discuss." Emperor basilius finally takes a seat, interlocking his fingers under his chin.
"Now, I would like to formally congratulate you, Drystan, on a job well done." Drystan doesn't move a muscle, instead he curiously glances at Rowen. "If you all are not aware of what your older brother has done, He has ended the war that has plagued us for some over twenty years and helped us to gain new profitable lands!"
"Not only that...'' The Emperor stands, stroking his beard with a dark yet pleased expression. "But he has helped find the key in securing a new Heir to the throne!" Rowen and Gawen look at each other confused, and look back to their father in unison.
"Drystan has found our Vestal for the family Tradition." He raises his hand, pointing towards Drystan. "The family tradition will begin after the blood moon, which happens to fall on the same night of the end-of-war ball this month!"
Rowen, Gawen, and Ryu all seem fairly shocked, their jaws practically falling on the ground. Everyone stays silent for a moment, as the energy of the room changes.
"Well it certainly makes sense now... the reason that the palace feels so much lighter is because of the Vestal." Ryu Indicates, running his hand through his wavy red locks. "She must be quite the impressive woman to have such a deliciously loving aura."
"Father-! THE vestal is here?" Gawen says, obviously stumbling over his words. "W-where is she?!" Rowen shrieks excitedly, like a hungry dog looking for food. "She must be beautiful!" Calithea rolls her eyes again, irritated by how Rowen is looking around the room.
"Are you stupid Rowen? father wouldn't bring her here right this minute. Besides, she's only just now woken up!" Calithea exclaims, waving her arms around and then crossing them angrily. "You are so infuriating!"
"You knew?" Gawen gasps, pointing at her, realizing that more than one of their siblings had already been made aware of her presence before him. "How long has she been here?!"
Ira sighs, "Yes, Gawen. Father ordered us when the war ended, to watch over the Princess while she recovered."
"Why couldn't I help take care of her?" Gawen sulks, making Rowen bust out laughing. "Hahaha! little brother, you are so innocent. Father wouldn't allow us to take care of the-... wait." Rowen freezes, realizing what Ira just said. "Princess?" His jaw drops again. "She's royalty?"
"Yes. The only heir of the Kingdom of Caisson." Drystan answers coldly, "I was going to kill her, like I did her parents.... But..." His face remains flat as he blushes intensely. "You killed her parents?!" Ira and Rowen said in unison, both their red waves bouncing with their motions. The two are impeccably similar.
"You will be lucky if she doesn't hate your guts Drystan." Ryu snickers, "Might as well give up the fight to the throne now." Drystan grits his teeth, and tightens his fists. His face contorts into an angry expression, and begins to steam red from frustration."I had to. It's war protocol." He growled, making Ryu flush white and cower.
"Can we... meet her now?" Rowen asked his father in a hushed tone, "where is she?"
Emperor Basilius states in a firm tone,"NO. She's already been injected with the family venom. The tradition is to wait until the blood moon rises so her body has time to calm. We mustn't make any mistakes!" He bangs his fist on the armrest of his throne, silencing the siblings who had been frenzied like a pack of pups until now.
"Why?" Rowen questions his father, clearly irritated by his fathers orders.
"Because, the four of you won't be meeting her until the Ball." The Emperor raises his voice, and points to his four sons. His eyes take on a furious blue glow, his dark greying hair slowly turns white, and his face furrows up angrily. "To ensure her health, and virginity, stays in good condition. We need her to complete the Tradition, your contact with her must wait."