Prelude / Chapter One
(Beware this is a long chapter, but after this chapter the rest are short. Felt as though this way made the story flow better)
~ Current Year 2020 ~
~ Montai ~
Age Twenty-Three, with a an even height of seven feet. Drinking in his appearance would put a purr in your throat. His skin was a light dull cocoa powdery shade. Jet black hair pulled back into a long slick ponytail. However, when his hair was down it was a wild thick mess. His bangs made his hair look like a soft mane that ran wildly down his back and over his shoulders. Thick black firm eyebrows. His eye color a pure foggy grey. Not just the iris part of his eye but his pupil as well. Along with his sclera. His entire eye color was this foggy grey. Protected by thick eyelashes.
He had a stubble peach fuzz beard that stopped on the upper part of his neck.
He had the body built like a brute. A massive chiseled bulky body that could swallow any female whole. The biggest of anyone in his small village. Like a wild Tarzan.
On his face, he had eight significant markings. All red like war paint or tiger slashes. Three on both sides of his cheek and two markings running down his forehead. His appearance gave him the look of what would be considered a native.
His eyes seemed stern, but if you looked closer you could see a hint of lust. Foggy grey eyes under black eyelashes. A round nose and full lips His smile is soft with pure white teeth and sharp K-9s that could tease the veins on your neck. A tribal tattoo swallowing the right side of his arm. It started on his right pec before running down his arm and stopping at his wrist. A collection of intricate designs that only he and his people were able to fully understand.
He was a piece of crafted perfection for women to appreciate.
At the moment, Montai rested on a reserved beach. His eyes closed and his body sinking into the comforting warmth of the sand. A mind at rest, breathing soft and for a while, he simply listened. Hearing the soft chatter of his brothers and their laugh. The seagulls. The soft blow of the wind as it pushed the waves against the shoreline. The rays of the sun warm his skin. His chest gave a heave as he sucked in a heavy breath. It was at that moment when he took in his breath everything seemed to move at an even slower pace. The peaceful sounds he heard just moments ago falling silent. A body relaxed now tense with an odd sense of excitement. Sand shot up with him as he scanned the area in front of him. His vision now a blur, hearing no seagulls, seeing no brothers around him.
Only focused on the scent that his nose caught when he breathed in so deeply. Sweet honey, with a mix of roses, creme, and a hint of cocoa butter. The smell caught his attention immediately. His throat rippling a low growl, while his eyes scanned the waters frantically. He took in another breath and his growl deepened. This time barring his teeth and letting his drool create small dry puddles in the sand.
Right before his eyes, he could see the faint silhouette of a female. Her elegant shadow beat against the colors of the sunset and he was scrambling in the sand to get a better look. Crawling like a mad dog a few feet further as her smell grew stronger.
Montai was a Lycan.
One of the strongest, nastiest brutes his people had seen in the past few centuries. Lycans are known for a rare trait they have. It's called sirening. A lycan will never hold more than one lover, and he will wait lifetimes if he must to find her. Her scent will be his drug, it will make his mouth water. His fingers will itch to touch her, hold her, protect her. She will help him with his madness that comes with being a beast. She will be the calm silence that comes after his violent storm. If not lovers then friends. If not friends then he will be her protector in the shadows. Nonetheless, she would forever impact his life from the moment he sees her.
Montai's body was trembling, mouth snarling, overflowing with drool. His body temperature rose. Again he scrambled on his hands and feet in the sand. Dragging towards the water for a better view. Montai was about three feet away from feeling the water tickle his toes. The female figure further off in the water. A knot in his throat. Only able to stifle out a groan as he watched the silhouette take an appearance.
Lelani was her name, though Montai did not know it yet. Something about her seemed so familiar. As if she were a different memory from a past he couldn't remember. The love of his life walked towards him from the sea.
Sweet honey, with a mix of roses, creme, and a hint of cocoa butter was her scent. Her skin tone rich in milk chocolate with a hint of caramel. Her hair color was black as charcoal or tar. Running down her back in a smooth slick wet way. Flowing down her back and stopping right before the curve of her arse started. Water dripping from the ends of her hair to her arse. Her eyebrows are the same in color and just as thick. Crafted to fit her face perfectly with a defined arch. Her eye color swallowed her entire sclera just as it did Montai’s so he knew she was of this realm. However, instead of being a foggy grey, hers were a foggy pastel purple. Burning brightly against her chocolate shade skin.
A simple round nose with freckles running horizontally across her cheeks and over her nose. Full lips that seemed to be stained with a deep bloody red wine color. Slender neck. Perky small breasts. Flat hourglass waist. Full plump arse with thick thighs and a slim body. She was thim slick.
Similar markings ran along her face. Hers, however, was purple instead of red. Two lines running down both sides of her cheek. One single line down the center of her forehead. On both sides of the single line were three dots. Symbols and designs she would only have on her face if she was once part of this world. He knew her, or he had known her once before. He could sense it deep within his core. She came up from the waters resting around the island like a goddess from another time. An ancient being full of the most profound beauty.
As she came up from the ocean droplets of water resting on her lips. Using her tongue to lightly lick the water away. The small gesture sent Montai mad. His growl grew louder and he could feel his fingernails slowly turn to claws. Digging their way deeper through the sand. His eyes never once looked away. Eyelids never blinking. Fully tranced.
Montai could see she wore a sheer light brown off the shoulders, belly showing shirt. That is tied together by a simple string in the front. The bottom half of her outfit was a white skirt with a slit on the left side. Running all the way up to the upper part of her thigh. Her body was nearly out of the water. Only her knee cap and below were hidden. His heart beating fast as he prepared himself to stand. He had almost forgotten he came with his brothers. Until he felt himself lose his balance. His vision blurry before turning black. A hard gritty feeling on his face. A brief taste of dirt.
Only to be re-centered into reality. His eyes readjusting to see his brothers laughing at the joke. Annoyed he was tempted to fuck them all up. He gave a frustrated tick with his mouth before turning with haste back to the waters. His heart sinking as he scanned the shores frantically.
She was gone.
Had he been daydreaming the entire time? No. He knew what he saw. He saw her. His brothers chanted his name in the back and he gritted his teeth. Sucking in a breath, holding it for moments. Only to let it out with a sigh and turn back to his brothers.
"We leave now!"
He said in a short dry voice. The other men said nothing confused as they gathered their things. Montai took another glance at the waters before feeling a tug of pain on his chest. Walking away from the private beach to disappear into the woods in the distance.
~ Just a few hours later… ~
“AAAHH!!” Montai threw the shot glass of crystal clear Teremana Scotch. Foggy grey eyes soon turned into a burning bumblebee yellow. Soft humane K-9 teeth growing out seven inches. Blood spilling from his gums as they broke through his jaw. A harsh cry of pain as he clutched at his mouth trying to hide the scene from his brothers. “AAAGHH” Montai could feel his bones cracking. His beefy fingers turning into claws as he clutched the wooden kitchen table. The beast within him breaking free from his control. He had sirened on the most beautiful woman he had laid eyes on and it was all in his head. Impossible, something that had never happened in the Lycan community.
It’s always happened the same for all Lycans. They physically see the woman they are siren too and then their beast breaks in front of the siren one. However, for Montai it was a different story. He had seen his siren one in the waters of the beach. Although, it wasn’t really her. Just a silhouette of her built in his mind without his knowing. Even the elders had no answer as to why this had happened.
One thing was sure. The sight of her had driven Montai mad. One of the elders tried to approach him but he snapped his jaws wildly howling into the ceiling. His Adam’s apple vibrated against his neck as he let out the cry. At the end of his growl, he spoke four simple words. I can smell her… His words are broken and groggy. Faint mumbles as if he were speaking with a mouth full of flesh in his mouth. His nostrils flaring up in the dainty cabin as her scent lingered through the air. An elder speaking in the background asking what it was that Montai smelled.
***“Oh, she smells heavenly. Like sweet honey, with a mix of Hamari rose, creme, and cocoa butter.” ***
Montai’s eyes rolled in the back of his head as he sucked in a deep breath. His eyes closed and his breathing had softened. The scent he smelled placing him in a calm trance.
The elders and brothers around him fell silent. Unsure of what to expect, simply aware of the calm before the storm. Montai felt warmth and a light tickle run along his arm. Followed by the strong wave of her scent and a whisper in his ear. Come find me..
Montai’s eyes shot open a deep golden-like yellow. His eyesight looked forward towards an open cabin window that showed nothing outside, but the glaze of the sun and snow that slowly ceased to a stop. Montai’s eyes seemed to squint and he tilted his head to the left. Everyone around him did the same with confused arched eyebrows. Whatever it was that Montai saw no one else could. They watched in confusion as he started to break out in a small sweat. Licking his lips and rubbing his face. A small whimper escaping him. There before him outside in the snow was her silhouette. Her shadow dancing before him. Even though it was a silhouette he could see all of her clearly. Her curves. The way the silk spaghetti strap dress she wore hugged her. He could see the shadows of the dress hug her body as she moved. He could tell how curvy her arse was. He could see the thickness in her thighs.
The hairs on his arms standing and his blood pressure rising as he saw and smelled someone he couldn’t touch. His breathing started to pick up and when his eyes connected with the same foggy grey of hers he snapped. The want and need for her being too much. His eyes grew big into their full wolf form. Fangs began to drool and fur broke through his skin. He fell to the floor and hurdled over as his body began to break in abnormal ways. “Father, please!! Make it stop!!!” Montai’s father was amongst the elders and when he heard his son’s cries he fists bawled. There was only one way to calm a beast when the sirening wasn’t fully completed. While his son screamed he pulled an all-black gsr granite pistol and kneeled by his side. The other elders grabbed his brothers who were screaming and yelling frantically and managed to push them outside into the snow.
A series of snarls, growls, and bones snapping could be heard. As both the elders and Montai’s brothers transformed. Massive wolves battling to save the life of their young chief. Montai’s cries grew louder as his bones continued to snap. His body soon went into shock due to the fact he was unable to change. His link with his lycan self broken. His mind was unable to focus on changing because he kept seeing flashed images of her. Of her life. From her birth to her first steps, he could see it all. His mind leading him to her. “I will find you!” He howled looking at his father with eery eyes. His mouth turning into a muzzle as he leaned up to try to take his father’s life. But, before anything could be done a loud bang escaped from his father’s hand.
Silence fell on the inside and outside of the cabin. Lycans changed to their human forms busting through the door. The only thing that could be heard ringing through the woods was the broken cries of his fellow brothers. Blood staining the floor and for the moment their brother was tormented no more.