Chapter 2

Skylar cursed at herself. Too slow. She was too slow. No, she was hesitant and it had cost her precious time. Now Austin had his body flush against hers, in a particular position she’d never allowed any man to have her in; in a manner where she was able to feel every warm bit of him. Bit was an understatement, but she dared not lead her mind down that rabbit hole. She felt vulnerable and frenzied. The only thoughts that should prevail were ones that reminded her of her dislike and distrust of Austin Cyner.

There was a reason Skylar steered clear of men that were capable of over-powering her—dominance and control. It had to be placed securely in her palms and until this very moment it had been.

Every man she’d been involved with, and the list hadn’t been long by any means, had surrendered control over to her, whether they knew it or not. She considered it their civic duty for being part of a sex that caused women to live in fear. She thought of it as balancing the scales. And she balanced them without fail.

Austin too was taken off-guard by the closeness of their bodies as she brought his attention to it, his grip loosening, his weight slightly pushed off allowing her breaths to seem less chaotic. This was her opportunity.

Austin was a man. And men were predictable. Skylar dared her spirit guides to show her one man that wouldn’t be bothered by such a close, intimate proximity with a woman? Just one would restore her faith in the sex. It came as no surprise that he’d been distracted by her body. How could he not when his dick was stroking her from behind.

Skylar brought her head back. Hard. Knocking Austin in his face and spinning around as he recoiled backwards. She ignored the heat rising at the back of her head or the reminder that her hair had grown more untameable. That shouldn’t matter. She had to be grateful for the distance and she was.

Austin on the other hand wasn’t so sure if this was any better. He sucked in a breath, a slow smile spread across his face in appreciation. She had been the only woman who ventured to challenge him and she didn’t disappoint. He’d gotten accustomed to being unrestricted in his thoughts and actions. No one defied or opposed him. Worst yet, he’d never had to try multiple times to convey a thought to someone. They just usually shut up and listen.

In their last encounter Katerina had been the ripe age of sixteen, he’d been six years her senior. Woman was the wrong term, he decided grimly. But growing up as an assassin’s child forced one to mature faster than they should. Thomas had shown him that. Austin’s maturity had more to do with his own particular circumstances.

“Before you lunge at me again,” He raised one large hand to halt her. Her eyes darkening, her lips pressed into a hard line to illustrate her displeasure at being told what to do. “We have a mutual acquaintance that is the reason for my unsolicited visit, Katerina.”

She furrowed her perfectly sculpted eyebrows petitioning him to hurry along. Austin had forgotten how much he’d despised her overly expressive features. She was right, seeing each other after all these years had still been too soon.

It struck him again; Katerina was the harlot that was pregnant with his brother’s child. Now, she was about to be his future wife. He’d withdraw his words. He would prefer to learn to tolerate any one else once it wasn’t her.

But his luck had never been something to envy.

Either way, he was merely offering convenience. They would have no reason to interact outside of dealings with the child. He supposed he could easily forget her existence until recollection was a necessity. There was nothing about her he’d want to remember anyway.

“Colin Meyers.” He pronounced his brother’s name with an uninterested drawl. His eyes searching hers for a reaction. She was still, as if she’d been petrified into stone. What did he expect to see?

“That bastard actually thought to hire someone to murder me?” Her eyes lit up. Skylar’s cackling laughter was uncontainable. She clutched her stomach, the muscles overworked by her laughter. Who knew Colin had the potential to actually provide some entertainment for her. Skylar lamented the decision to leave him alive once his usefulness had worn out. “Since when does the agency work for such scum?” She wiped a stray tear from the corner of her eyes, struggling to catch her breath.

“No,” Austin cut the completely rational thought off. Colin was sleazy enough to want a woman killed, he couldn’t disregard that. Katerina, however, could probably kill him before he had the chance. “I am not here to cause you harm.” He lay emphasise on the negative speech.

“Couldn’t if you tried,” She pointed out, walking around him towards her desk. Austin’s eyes followed her movements faithfully. She sure had grown up. Her face retained that incorruptible child-like simplicity that had been Thomas’ weakness in their youth. He’d taken her under his wing and vowed to keep her safe.

If you asked Austin, that innocent face was wildly misinterpreted; a blinding pretence. And he was certain men were blinded. He had to add his brother to the list.

“Don’t tempt me.” He had no control over the throaty growl coating his words. To have her submit would be a glorious victory.

“I imagine it wouldn’t take much to tempt you, would it?” She’d leaned against the front of her desk and crossed her legs. She’d regretted the words as they spewed out of her lips, detested the challenging glint that surfaced in his eyes. She needed him gone and forgotten.

“Why are you here then?” she questioned before he had the opportunity to voice whatever perverse response was clawing at his tongue.

He instantly reverted to his impervious persona, taking two steps towards her. “Well, Katerina…”

“For heaven’s sake,” she interrupted him, leaning off the desk and crossing her arms angrily. “stop calling me that, my name is Skylar.” She hated being reminded of that part of her life. “My entire family went by an alias ten years ago. Katerina was never my name.” she informed him. She wouldn’t have thought it necessary but his pesky habit of calling her by her name was testing her trifling patience.

“Skylar,” he rose his eyebrows, testing the name as it rolled around his tongue. She wanted so desperately to take back the last five seconds. She didn’t know how, but her actual name coated by his lazy, deep baritone was worse than him calling her Katerina.

“Your recent rendezvous with Colin Meyers has brought me here.”

“You’ve indicated as much.” She was unimpressed. Did he complain about her? Wanted to scare her after she’d punched him unconscious during their last encounter? Wait, was this a warning? The very thought amused her.

“and the child you’re currently carrying.” There was a flicker of tranquil emotion across her fiery eyes as if she’d been caught off-guard. Whatever it was, it was gone before he had time to analyse it.

“What about it?” She hadn’t known how that information had travelled to Colin Meyers. She certainly had no need to tell him. And now her guesses changed. He was perturbed that she’d use the pregnancy to blackmail him? He had no clue about her life, her successes and it would make sense he wanted to quell talk of an illegitimate child.

“That child is…” he paused, considering the weight of his words. “Will be a part of my family.” Apart from Thomas, his family life and connections had been private.

“Your family?” she echoed, twisting her head steadily from side to side to brush away the confusion.

“He’s my half-brother.” Austin made his way around her desk to unnervingly settle himself in her chair. She’d automatically spun around to regard him, erupting a, “No he isn’t.” in the process. Austin peered up at her, his eyes giving her the confirmation she didn’t want.

This entire family would be death of her sanity, she swore it.

“I came with the intent of proposing marriage to Skylar Taavon. I had no idea she would be you.” He continued, opening up a file on her desk. Skylar’s hands came down with a loud thud over the documents, drawing his eyes back up to hers.

“Marriage?” she scoffed, “You want to force your brother to marry me?” What century were they living in? She was hardly the wronged, virginal damsel that needed to be rescued. She’d made her bed, consequences be damned, but there were hers to deal with.

“No, he is unwilling.” Austin revealed. He would be damned if he was, Skylar thought. Austin understood to some extent why being bound to this woman would cause any man to run for the hills. What he didn’t understand was how sparks ignited between those two.

Skylar was admittedly a pain in the ass, but he was certain there were droves of men willing to put up with her. But Colin? What had she seen in him?

“I am willing to step up to the plate and raise this child with you as my own.” He clarified, shifting uncomfortably under her wrathful gaze.

“Are you mad?” She’d almost climbed over the desk and strangled the idiotic notion out of him. “I can’t marry you, I haven’t even decided if I am going to keep this child.” She burst out, driving herself across the room. A safe distance, that was better than cleaning up blood in her office.

It was Austin’s turn to seethe with rage. “You are not aborting that child.” His voice echoed menacingly, animosity lingering in the air around them.

“My body my rules.” She shot back with an unbothered shrug.

“I don’t think you have much of a choice.” He barked. The idea of marriage and children had never crossed his mind. It wasn’t a part of his life plan. “I’d chain you a bed for the entire nine months if I have too.”

She blinked, stupefied that he thought himself capable. “I think you forget who you are speaking too, Austin.” She pronounced his name with disgust. “You cannot scare or manipulate me into following along with your ideas.” Marriage? To Austin Demon Cyner? Now that was a delusion. “A stupid one at that.” She added, eyeing him meticulously.

“Marry me, Skylar. It’s a win-win; a marriage of convenience.” He’d cleared his throat and was taking long strides towards her. Suddenly the room felt too small to contain the sheer size of him.

“I severely dislike you, though. What am I winning exactly?” her feet were traveling backwards, unwilling to have her standing up too close to him.

“A stable home for your child,” the sound of his shoes tapping rhythmically in her ear “Our child.” He added on quickly, his voice low, compelling her to agree.

“I don’t recall you being in the room when it was made.” Frankly, she barely remembered herself being there. “And in case you didn’t realise, I can more than provide for a child on my own.” Her back had hit the wall behind her and she mentally cursed the heavens.

“Besides,” she was quick to continue, “I’ve escaped that life, I will not be dragging a child into it.”

“When your father died?” Austin hadn’t stopped to question why she’d disappeared from their lives. He never had a reason to; it was no loss to him.

“When he was killed,” She corrected him through gritted teeth and sorrowful eyes. The closest he’d seen her to vulnerable.

“It’s a known risk in our line of work.” He replied carefully, suddenly uncomfortable. What was he supposed to say? He’d never lamented the death of his biological father and had no scale by which to measure the loss.

“A risk I will not expose any child of mine to,” the words and unwavering tide. “You need to leave now, Cyner. The answer is no.” She grappled with the door handle, her body betraying her.

Austin glanced at the open door and back at Skylar. “I don’t give up easily, Sky.”

“Neither do I.” She recoiled at the shortening of her name, slumping behind the door after she closed it behind him.

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