His Emerald Eyes

Octavia’s POV

I step down off the bus, following Faye into the courtyard of our school. Glancing around at the student services and counseling buildings in front of me.

I look up at the large familiar sign on the edge of the sidewalk, it reads ‘Grandview Community College’ listed below it are five subsections; Arts and Sciences, and Electives, with an arrow pointing to the left. Maths and computer lab, and Geography and History , with an arrow pointing ahead. English and Libraries, with an arrow pointing to the right. Gym comes last on the sign, pointing ahead.

I sigh, putting an airpod into my left ear. And continue to walk forward past the sign, stopping when Faye speaks to me again, “Hey Via, I gotta hurry. Jared says our english professor just got there.” She waves her phone at me, attempting to quickly show me her texts, then she turns to walk off.

She stops, pausing and looking over her shoulder again. “Good luck with your final!” She smiles “Oh! And see you friday! Just in case we don’t see each other again until then.” She giggles, winking and hurrying off between the student services and counseling buildings, and then to the right towards the english and arts building.

“Good luck!” I wave back to her, feeling a bit sleepy and walking a bit slower. I look down at my phone, scrolling along some of the playlists I made on jangle radio. After a few minutes, I decided to go with my motivational rock playlist.

I look up again, walking forward once more until I pass between the two buildings and approach a diverging walkway. Ahead there is another sign, explaining the direction of the subject buildings once more. I turn left on the walkway, passing multiple other students headed to their finals.

I sigh, feeling nervous and fickle. ’What is it?’ My wolf questions me, feeling my mixture of emotions. ’I'm not sure. Normally I'm not this nervous for tests… but I just feel so excited to get through the day.’ I smile towards the sky, feeling the warmth of the sun absorb into my already hot skin. I take a deep breath as I continue walking forward. A large shaded covering stands off the building and shields the sidewalk, and me, as I get closer to the building.

’Maybe its because I only have two semesters left until I graduate. I just want to finish so I can leave before my parents force me to take over the pack…’ My shoulders grow heavier with the thought of never pursuing my dreams of being a traveling artist.

’As the Alpha and Luna’s only daughter you do have a responsibility to the pack. It's in our blood. Maybe try talking to them? You could have both, your dream and your inherited title.’ Lucia says wisely, shocking my thoughts like usual. ’With a little hard work and perseverance… nothing is impossible.’

What she suggests fills me with some hope, but my logic knows better. They would never accept my dream, they can’t see things that way. Or rather my Dad can’t see things that way, my mom just follows his lead whether she agrees or not.

As I approach the door to the science building, I grab the door and swing it open with just enough time to step over the threshold.

’It isn’t that I don't want to tell them… it’s really that I don’t know how to tell them.’ I start to feel anxious, and sad. ’They aren’t that easy to talk to.’

’Believe me, I know. she responds, ’But… you will never know what could happen, unless you try.’

I don’t respond, not sure what to say back to my wolf, I just continue walking my usual path to the Chemistry II classroom.

Suddenly my nose is flooded with the most enticing scent, making my heart race. ’What is that?’ I think to Lucia, looking around.

I'm surrounded by countless people in a very tight hallway, with barely any space to move around. I keep walking forward normally, trying to erase the delicious scent from my memory, and move forward.

Suddenly the girl next to me trips over herself, roughly bumping into my right side and causing me to bump into someone else on the left.

"I'm so sor-" before I can completely apologize to the person I almost knocked over, I look up… and my eyes meet with two of the most charming Emerald irises my eyes have ever seen.

Time stops, and I freeze. As does he. Our eyes are only locked for a few seconds before the crowd rips our gaze apart, but it feels like an Eternity.

My wolf begins to break into a frenzy, howling in my head, crying happily. ’Mate!’ Lucia calls out. ’It’s him! That’s our mate! Follow him!’ She yelps excitedly, trying to seize control of my body and lurch for him.

By the time I come back to my senses, his green eyes have disappeared into the sea of people.

’Where did he go?’ I think to Lucia, turning in a little circle as I look all around. ’he’s gone?’ My heart feels like it’s beating out of my chest, and my mind is intoxicated. I completely forgot where I was going, and why.

After a few moments at a loss of what I should do, I shake it off in disbelief and continue walking to my class. ’What are you doing?’ Lucia barks at me subconsciously, ’go find him!’ She yanks my body in the opposite direction, trying to come forward.

I get frustrated, and angry. ’No Lucia! I need to go take my final.’ I snap sternly.

’Besides… he walked away. He.. probably doesn’t want us.’ A lump grew in my throat, threatening to spill tears from my eyes. I grit my teeth, holding in my pain. Lucia whines, ’But he’s our.. he’s our mate…’ I felt her retreat to my subconscious completely, and grow silent.

This is probably hard on her, she probably needs some time. It’s… pretty hard on me too. But I can handle this.

My heart ached, and my shoulders began to droop thinking of my destined mate not wanting me. But it didn’t matter. It’s better this way. If this is him rejecting me… I will accept.

It makes my plan less complicated, and it lessens the chances of my parents ever finding out about him.

’Im okay. It's gonna be okay.’ I think to myself as I walk into my Chemistry II class, and take a seat at the back of the classroom.

“Alright guys, let's get started.” My professor speaks and begins passing out the test packets, and talking about the rules and regulations of our final.

I can't concentrate on anything he’s saying, I can’t even recall any of the things I stayed up all night studying for. I don't even care about my issue with my parents right now.

All I can think of is those big, charming Emerald eyes.

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