Chapter 2
We pulled into my driveway fifteen minutes later, and I could see the exhaustion taking over her body. “I’ll show you the guest room and you can get cleaned up if you want.”
“Thank you so much, James. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you!” She grabbed my arm, turning me towards her. My breath hitched at how beautiful she was, and before I could pull back, she threw her arms around me. “You are the absolute best!”
“Hey, it’s what family is for, right?” I awkwardly pulled myself out of the hug and unlocked the front door, leading her into the house and then down the hall to the guest room.
“There are fresh sheets on the bed, and clean towels in the bathroom. I’ll grab you some shorts and a shirt you can sleep in. Make yourself at home.” I turned and walked away before I let myself kiss her soft, full lips.
After grabbing shorts and a T-shirt, I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water and picked up a bottle of Tylenol. I’m sure between the stress of the evening and whatever Carter had been giving her to drink, she was in for a rough time ahead. Carrying everything back to the guest room, I noticed the bathroom door was slightly open, and she had the shower running.
I planned on setting the clothes on the bed and the water and Tylenol on the nightstand before heading back to bed. I was off work tomorrow, but my schedule at the E.R. made it important that I rest when I can. As I turned to leave the room, I caught a glimpse of her in the corner of my eye.
Turning my head, I saw she was standing in the doorway wearing a blue lace bra and matching panties. Like a teenager, I immediately felt myself go hard. Livie was stunning. Gathering my composure, I looked away, saying, “I’m sorry. I. uh... was just leaving some clothes. I thought you might like some Tylenol too, you know, in case. So, uh, good night.”
I stalked out of her room, closed the door behind me, and headed down the hallway. Closing my bedroom door behind me, I leaned back against it and took a deep breath. “Get it together, James. She’s like a kid sister to you. Totally off limits!” whispering to myself. Laying down on my bed, I hoped sleep would come soon and tried to push out the thoughts that make me want to walk back down the hall.
I cannot believe he just saw me in my underwear. The man I have been crushing on for most of my life just saw me in my underwear. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy a night of passion in his bed, but I know he only sees me like a kid sister. I climbed into the shower, thinking about tonight. Carter Smith is such a sleazeball.
Hopefully, this water will wash the stink of him off me. Why do I end up with these losers every time? James may be a grouch sometimes (Beth and I have called him Dr Grumpy since he finished med school) but at least he wasn’t a total ass. Plus, he’s hot. Like crazy hot.
“Livie stop it!” I tell myself, as I finish washing my hair, grabbing the soap and squeezing it into the loofah in the shower. I know I shouldn’t, but I let my thoughts drift to the shock on James’s face when I walked out of the bathroom half dressed. He’s seen me in a bathing suit before, but he looked like it was the first time he’d seen a woman.
Those lips on me would be amazing. I felt myself smiling, thinking about how his strong hands would feel running up and down my body. A warmth spread through my body, and I felt my center moisten as the fantasy of his tongue tasting every inch of my body took over my thoughts.
My hands moved towards my inner thighs, and I allowed a finger to massage my entrance as I closed my eyes and pictured his face between my legs. I continued to massage my sweet spot until I found my release, then stood under the hot water coming down from my climax.
Standing there under the water, it occurred to me I would die if he knew what I was doing in here right now, so I finished showering quickly, got dressed and slid into the sheets on the guest bed.
Embarrassment about what I just did washed over me, well not what I did, but rather who I was thinking about. Oh, Beth would kill me if she knew I was having these thoughts about her brother! I closed my eyes and let sleep overtake me, trying not to think about James in his bed just down the hall.
The next morning, the pain in my head greeted me along with the sunshine coming through the window. “Crap! I forgot to take the Tylenol!” I thought to myself as I rolled over to grab two pills and tossed them back with the water James had left for me, saying a silent prayer that they kick in sooner rather than later.
Soon the smell of coffee overtook my senses, so I threw back the covers and padded into the kitchen in search of caffeinated goodness. James was standing over the stove, topless, and his shorts hanging off his hips in the most distracting way.
“Morning,” I muttered, grabbing the coffee, and keeping my eyes on the ground and not staring at the toned back I’d love to reach out a touch.
“You forgot the Tylenol, didn’t you?” He treated me with a rare laugh, keeping his focus on the stove. “Pancakes, eggs and bacon will be up shortly.”
“I took it this morning, and that sounds amazing. I thought you hated junk food.”
“Well, I don’t eat pancakes daily, but I happen to know they are an excellent cure for hangovers.” He glanced over his left shoulder at me, with a raised eyebrow and a smirk that could melt the coldest of hearts. “Are you doing OK this morning? That asshat Carter hasn’t called you or anything, has he?”
The concern in his voice was mixed with anger, and maybe a bit of jealousy. No, that’s crazy, I thought to myself. He is just being protective of his little sister’s friend.
“No, I think he got the hint last night. I did text Mom and let her know I was staying with a girlfriend, so she didn’t worry. I’ve decided it’s time to get my own place, so I don’t have to deal with Dad and his shit anymore.” I’m sure with the internship I’m starting soon, I will be able to afford a decent place with Beth.
“So, what are you up to now? I still can’t believe Beth isn’t going to college.” The frustration was clear in his voice. I was almost scared to tell him I was planning the same thing. Why am I worried about upsetting him?
“Um, actually I’m not either. I met with Noah about a position with Wilson Enterprises.” I looked down at my coffee, afraid to know if he was looking at me or not.
“Oh, um, wow... That’s great. What would you be doing?”
“Well, Noah was thinking I could help with the books and the day-to-day stuff. With Chris pushing to expand, they are thinking someone to help with that would be a good idea. This way I can work, and maybe take some business classes part-time.”
I don’t know why I suddenly feel so unsure about this. When Noah approached me with the idea, I was ecstatic. “I think they were originally hoping Beth would be interested, but she doesn’t want to go into the family business. She’s like you in that way.”
“That sounds great, Livie.” He turned and set a plate loaded with pancakes in front of me. “Eat up. It’ll help with the headache.” Grabbing his coffee, he turned and left the kitchen, leaving me to wonder why I suddenly felt so insecure.