Stolen Moments

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Chapter 3


Why am I so aggravated about her joining Noah and Chris? It’s a great opportunity for her, and I know they would help her when she starts college. She’s already hands-off, so it shouldn’t matter that she’ll work for the company.

My brothers always had a strict policy that no one in the family could have relationships with anyone on staff. With the lawsuit-happy world, we live in; it was just smart business. As I was putting on shoes and a T-shirt, I couldn’t get the image of her out of my mind.

Damn, she looked so cute in my Northern University shirt. I wanted to go across the country for school but when our dad passed, I decided to go to school closer to home so I could help mom with my siblings, so NU it was. I hope Livie didn’t notice my irritation about her working for Wilson Enterprises.

She needs to get out on her own, and this would give her the financial ability to do so.

I decided I need to go for a run to work through this pent-up energy since more enjoyable exercise was off the table. Plus, I needed to get some physical distance from Livie. Between the vision of her last night and then seeing her in my favorite shirt, my mind was venturing into places that it can’t go. Or shouldn’t go.

As I walked to the front door, I hollered to Livie to make herself at home and I’d be back after my run. I’ll burn off some energy, then take her home and get ready for poker night. I was hosting and apparently, I needed to discuss with my brothers their business plans.

Ten miles later, I worked up a good sweat and my tension was gone, so I headed home. A quick shower and I’ll take Livie home, and then I can get her out of my head. When I entered the front door, she was sitting on my couch in that yellow sundress.

Her legs were tucked under her, and she was reading one of my mystery novels. Her auburn hair flowed in loose waves down her back, and even without makeup, she was stunningly beautiful.

In an instant, my tension was back, and there was only one way to get rid of it. I thought briefly of pulling her into my arms and kissing her, company rules be damned. She looked over at me, confusion on her face when I realized I was leering like a creep. Smooth, James. Real smooth.

“I’m gonna get a quick shower and then I’ll run you home if that’s ok?”

“Yeah, I guess I have to go home and face the third degree. I’m sure Mom and Dad have already heard Carter’s twisted version of the truth.” She looked defeated, and it broke my heart.

The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. “You could just stay here, you know. I’ve got the room, and I’m at the hospital more than I’m not.” Shit, what am I getting myself into? I hoped she didn’t see me wince and think I was only offering to be polite.

“Really?! Are you sure, James? Even if it’s just until Beth gets home. I planned on talking to her about finding a place together.” Her face beamed with excitement, and my heart fluttered at the thought of her being in my reach for the next three days.

“Yeah, it’s fine. I can take you to get your car and pack up a few things whenever you are ready.”

In a flash, Livie’s arms were around my neck. “You are my hero, James Wilson!” She pulled back slightly, and it took all my willpower not to lean down and kiss her. Looking into her eyes, I wondered briefly how bad it could really be if I did.

Twenty minutes later, we were headed to her parent’s house. The Johnsons lived in one of the newer, upscale neighbourhoods in town. It was mostly newly rich tech investors who relished flashing their money around. The Johnsons were hardly new money, but Nick Johnson bought up property here as soon as the development was announced.

He probably wanted to surround himself with new potential investors who weren’t aware of his reputation. Pulling into the circle driveway, Nick’s car was parked right at the front door. I could feel the tension coming off Livie as soon as she spotted it. I grabbed her hand to reassure her. “I’ll come in with you. Be a buffer for Nick.”

“You don’t have to do that, James. The last thing you want is to be on Nick’s radar.” Her hand was shaking in mine, and I resolved to not let her deal with this asshole alone.

“I can handle Nick. I’m a Wilson.” Giving her a wink, I opened my car door, then ran around to grab hers, as well. I held my hand out to help her up as I heard the front door open. “It’s ok. I’m here,” I whispered. Turning, and trying to keep Livie slightly behind me, I waved to Nick who was standing in the door frame watching the two of us.

“Nick, it’s so nice to see you again,” I said, flashing him a big smile. “We are planning a welcome home party for Beth, so I brought Livie over here to grab a few of her things so they can catch up.”

“How brotherly of you,” Nick responded, his voice dripping with disdain. I reached out to shake his hand and waited for him to clear the doorway so we could go inside. “Livie, any idea when you will be home? Your mother has that fundraiser coming up, and I’m sure she’d appreciate your help.” The disapproving look Nick gave to his only daughter was enough to reassure me I was making the right choice.

Livie stepped toward her father, as he leaned down for her to kiss him on the cheek. “Hi, Daddy.” Her voice was small, and I could see her shrinking in his presence. “I will call Mom and make sure I am available when she needs me.” She slid past him and ran upstairs.

“She has a car, so there is no need to wait. It’s not like she needs a bodyguard.” He walked toward the bar cart in the corner of the front room. “You’re a scotch man, right, James?”

“Usually, but we have a lot of work to do this afternoon to get ready for Beth, so I’ll pass.” I stood near the base of the stairs, ready to run interference for Liv if necessary. “How’s business, Nick?”

“No complaints over here.” His stance was wide, one hand in his pocket, one wrapped around his drink. Nick always liked to take up more room than anyone else. My father always believed it to be a sign of insecurity. In Nick’s case, I wholly agreed.

The silence was thick with unspoken disapproval from both sides of the room, and Liv couldn’t get back soon enough. Thankfully, she returned carrying two bags loaded down and her laptop bag.

As I grabbed the two larger bags from her, Nick commented. “Are you moving out, baby girl?” The term endearment from his mouth made my skin crawl.

“Of course not, Daddy. But we may go to the lake or the ballet and I want to be prepared either way, so I am bringing several outfits for each option.” Liv walked over to give her dad a kiss goodbye when he grabbed her wrist and whispered something in her ear.

My fists clenched, ready to pounce, but he loosened his grip as quickly as he tightened it. “Be a good girl and don’t forget to call your mother.” His words came out sounding more like a threat than a father telling his daughter bye.

Liv was shaking when we walked to her car, and I was worried she wouldn’t be able to drive. “What did he say? Are you ok?” I asked as I loaded her bags into the trunk of her car. “I’m ok, James. You know how he is. All bark and all that.”

“Ok. I will follow you back to the house.” My tone was more clipped than I intended, but Nick had definitely gotten under my skin, and hers, apparently.

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