Chapter 4
“Oh, James, I didn’t realize you were having company tonight. I can make myself scarce.” Already she was worried about being in the way. The poker table was already up in the living room, and I was restocking the small bar cart I kept in there for entertaining. “Is there anything I can do to help you set up?”
“No, I’m just about done. And there is no need to hide away, but it will be a lot of testosterone, so I hope you don’t scare easy.” She seemed much calmer since getting home earlier. Distance from her father is the best thing for her.
“I grew up in the Wilson household... I can handle testosterone... You guys were the worst!” Her laugh was infectious, and I found myself smiling like an idiot. “I’m gonna grab my book and hang out in my room. I won’t be in your way.” She walked over to the couch where she left the novel I found her reading earlier today.
“You know if you wanted there’s a tv in my room. You’re welcome to hang out in there if you get bored reading.” Word vomit strikes again. Before I could stop myself, the image of Livie wearing my NU shirt curled up in my bed was all I could see.
Again, I was fighting against my desire to kiss her. Having her here was going to be a challenge, but if it keeps her dad from treating her like shit, I will have to control myself.
Oblivious to my leering at her again, she grabbed her book and then stopped to kiss me on the cheek. “You are too good for words, James Wilson.” I watched her walk down the hallway until she was out of my sight. I was in trouble.
Thankfully, the guys didn’t give me too much shit about letting Livie stay with me. They are all too familiar with Nick, especially Chris and Noah since they work with his investment firm as well.
Unfortunately, they did not hold back on discussing my sex life, or lack thereof, with each of them giving me suggestions about who I should hook up with. “Listen, man, you aren’t a monk! Get out there and get some action! If I were in your position, I’d live like one of those doctors on that show!” We all laughed at Chris, knowing full well he knew the name of the show, but wanted to pretend he didn’t.
“Oh, you mean that show you don’t watch with Sam? With McDreamy? And McSteamy?” Noah said, using his best seductive voice, before breaking out in laughter with the rest of the group.
“And just how do you know their names are?” Chris demanded defensively, which prompted another round of laughter from the guys. “Plus, this isn’t about me and what I do with my insanely hot wife! This is about why James isn’t rolling in nurses!”
“Guys, you don’t shit where you eat! He’s smart to steer clear of work flings. Trust me.” Travis, my oldest friend, went through a sexual harassment issue at work after a work fling ended badly. “Not to mention, the guy has no game!”
“Thanks, Trav. I love how I can always count on you!” I responded through laughter, as I stood to pour another round of drinks for the guys. Noah, Chris, Travis, Luke and I have had a regular poker game for as long as I could remember.
We didn’t get together as often anymore, since Noah, Chris and Luke all got married. Chris and Luke’s wives are also due around the same time. As the evening wore on, the topic of conversation shifted from my lack of a sex life to work, the family business, and Beth.
I was grateful to hear my brothers were encouraging her to reconsider school, or at least look into an internship that would open doors for her.
“Look, I know y’all are worried, but she’s a good kid and she’ll find her way.” Travis always had a soft spot for Beth, and as an only child, he spent as much time around our house as Livie did. “I may even have something for her at the firm.” He opened his own legal practice a couple of years ago after deciding corporate law just wasn’t for him.
“Man, that would be awesome. But you can’t let her know we talked to you about it.” Chris was right. If Beth even suspected we were involved, she’d turn down the opportunity on principle alone.
“No worries. I’ll call her next week and see if we can work something out.” We played a few more hands, but the game fizzled out around midnight, and the guys cleared out. As I picked up the living room, I couldn’t get my mind off the gorgeous girl at the end of the hall.
I cannot believe I just kissed James Wilson on the cheek and sauntered off like it was nothing! It took everything I had not to turn back, but I couldn’t risk seeing disgust on his face. Or worse, pity. I know I will never stand a chance of being anything more than a sister to James, but damn he is hard to resist.
Beth needs to come back before I do something stupid. It wasn’t long before I heard the other Wilson brothers in the living room, along with a couple of other voices.
One guy sounded like Travis, but the other voice wasn’t familiar. He must be from the hospital. James doesn’t get many nights off, and I know how important this time is with his brothers, so I resolve to stay in my room.
After changing into yoga pants and an old tee, I put my headphones in and curled up in bed with my book. It was a medical mystery book I found on James’s bookshelf, and it sucked me in right away. I was deep into the story, so I didn’t notice James standing in the doorway watching me.
“Oh, my gosh! How long have you been standing there?” I asked as I pulled my headphones out.
“Not long... good book?” He had a smirk that let me know he had been watching me longer than he’d like to admit.
“Yes! What time is it? Is your poker game over?”
“Yeah, the guys just left. I realized you’ve been in here all night and thought you may be hungry. I don’t have much but want to join me for shitty snacks and a whiskey?”
“Whiskey? Dr Grumpy! Are you trying to be a bad influence??” I laughed as he rolled his eyes at the sound of the nickname Beth and I lovingly gave him.
“You’re not driving anywhere, and I hardly think one drink is going to corrupt you, anyway. That shipped sailed.” Again, he treated me with his glorious smile and a wink. “Dr Grumpy approves,” he smirked as he turned to walk out of my room.
I climbed out of bed, following him into the living room. The poker table was still set up, but he set a few snacks on the coffee table for us to share. He poured us each a whiskey and then joined me on the couch. “It’s probably super lame, but I like to watch old SNL reruns to unwind.”
“Dr. Grumpy! I’m shocked! Do you know what comedy is? Does the medical board know about this?” I feigned revulsion at the idea of him having a good time.
He worked hard to take care of his family, finish college, and then medical school, so he never partied as most people do in their early twenties. It was nice to see this side of him.
Even though it was late, we watched classic SNL skits for hours, laughing and sharing our favorites. “You know... I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard. I had no idea you were so much fun!” I laughed as I jabbed James in the ribs playfully.
“Hey, I can be fun. I’m not a total bore... I just play one on TV.” He laughed, locking eyes with me.
My heart fluttered as his eyes darkened and focused on my lips. Impulsively, I caught my bottom lip between my teeth and held his gaze. I could feel the air thicken between us, and my heart rate quickened the longer we sat there.
“Fuck it.” He growled, then grabbed my face and kissed me. Hard.
I gasped in shock, and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, massaging my tongue with his. My body was on fire as he pulled me closer to him, pressing my body against his.
Moving his hands from the sides of my face, he ran his fingers through my hair before grabbing it in his fist, tugging just enough to make me want more.
Every nerve in my body was begging to be touched, but just as suddenly as it started, he stopped. “I’m sorry, that was a mistake. It won’t happen again.” Before I could respond, he stood up and walked to his room, slamming the door behind him.