Chapter 5


Well, I did it. I crossed a line, and I’ve probably scared her off. Dammit. A grown-ass man with no self-control. I’ll be back in rotation at the E.R. starting Monday, so hopefully she will stay since I won’t be around. Keeping busy will be good for me too. I just have to put her out of my mind, and I cannot slip up again.

Monday morning, I got up to head to the hospital early, hoping to stay clear of Livie. I hadn’t seen her since Saturday night, and I managed to keep busy in my office most of the day yesterday.

I’m sure she’s horrified by the kiss, being that I’m like a brother to her, so she seemed to be making herself scarce, also. I dressed for the day and went to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee on my way out when I saw her sitting at the table.

“Good morning.” She said, not looking up from the book she was reading. “You’re up early.” My heart was ready to burst out of my chest, and the memory of her kiss overtook all of my senses. I took a deep breath, trying to bring myself back to reality.

“Yeah, I’m headed to the hospital. I probably won’t be around much for the next few days while I’m on rotation. The housekeeper will be by later. I left word I had a houseguest, so she’ll know to find you here.” Pouring coffee into a travel mug, I was trying to keep the conversation light.

“No worries. I’m meeting with Noah this morning to go over the terms of my position, and I’m hoping to get started right away.” She sipped her coffee, turning the page of her book. Her words caught me off guard.

“You’re starting already?” I don’t know why this surprised me. Noah and Chris are ready to expand the business as soon as possible, and they need a good support staff to do that. “The guys told me a bit about their plans at poker the other night. Dad would be so proud of them.” My cheeks flushed at the thought of Saturday and the kiss. She probably can’t wait to get out of here.

“Yeah, I figured the sooner I start, the sooner I can get out of your hair. I’m sure you don’t want me hanging around long.” Her tone had a hint of bitterness, confirming she was upset. I knew crossing that line was a terrible mistake. I took a deep breath before turning to face her.

“Livie, you don’t need to rush out of here. I’m sorry about crossing the line. I won’t do it again. Please don’t leave because I was an idiot. Take your time and find the right place.” The words came out in a rush, and I quickly grabbed my coffee and started toward the front door. What I heard next stopped me in my tracks.

“I don’t think it was a mistake. I’ve never felt that way when anyone has kissed me. It may have been a mistake for you, but it wasn’t for me. I won’t stay where I’m not welcome, though. Nineteen years with Nick was more than enough of that.” When I turned, she was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. Her face was set in a hard line. My heart broke.

“Livie.” I shook my head, struggling to find the words. “That’s not what I meant. You make me happy. But we can’t do this. It would hurt too many people. I can’t even imagine what Beth would say. I don’t want you to leave. I am just afraid of what will happen if you stay.”

“I’m not.”


“I cannot wait to see you! I’m so excited you’re finally home!! Drive carefully and I’ll see you tonight!!” I hung up with my best friend, Beth. She came home last night and is spending the day with her mom before coming over for dinner tonight.

James should still be at the hospital, so we can have some time to catch up without his royal grumpiness interfering. It’s been a week since the kiss. It’s been five days since we talked about it. It’s been four days since he slept at home.

My skin grew warm just thinking about his tongue massaging mine and the smell of his spicy cologne mixed with the slightest hint of whiskey.

I shook the memory off. He made it clear nothing else will happen, and I need to put it out of my mind. Pretend it never happened. Thankfully, I have been able to throw myself into work.

Noah and Chris wanted me to start right away, and Noah even offered to help Beth and me look for an apartment, so Dr McGrump won’t have to stress about seeing me anymore. I spent the day researching apartments in the area, so Monday we can go look at the in person and get a lease in place.

After rummaging through the kitchen, I realized if we were going to eat tonight, I would need to make a quick trip to the grocery store. Since James spends so much time working, he doesn’t keep much on hand, except coffee and a few pantry items.

Thankfully, I love to cook and am looking forward to having a nice meal with Beth. I’ve missed her so much while she’s been gone, and I hope she understands about me crashing at James’s.

We haven’t been able to talk much, so she doesn’t know about the whole Carter situation. I settled on parmesan-crusted chicken and roasted vegetables. I was sure James had a decent collection of wine we could indulge in.

I had just begun prepping the chicken when I heard the door open. It was only four in the afternoon, so it surprised me Beth was already at the house. “Did your mom let you out of captivity early? I figured you’d be struggling to get here by six!” Laughing, I took a sip from my glass of wine. James has a phenomenal wine collection, so I opened a chilled bottle of Pinot Grigio, planning to leave dinner in the fridge for him in return.

“Who’s holding who captive?” I froze at the sound of James’s voice. Slowly turning towards him, I was praying the laughter I heard in his words wasn’t just in my imagination.

“What’s all this?” He asked when he walked into the kitchen. I took a moment to enjoy the view in front of me. He was wearing a dark grey suit with a soft purple shirt that made his blue eyes even brighter than usual. Feeling my mouth go dry, I struggled to find my words.

“Hi, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’d be home tonight.” Feeling flustered at his unexpected presence, and overwhelmed by how attracted I was towards him.

“Hot date?” His smile was to die for. My cheeks went hot, and my legs suddenly felt weak, remembering his mouth on mine. The scent of his cologne filled my nostrils.

Turning away from him to gather my composure, I replied, “Only if Beth counts as a hot date.” It took all of my energy to direct my focus on the meal I was preparing.

“She’s back? I didn’t know she was home already.” The joy in his voice was enough to melt my heart. He really is the most amazing man. He loves his family with a ferocity I wish I knew from my family.

“Yeah, she came in last night. Your mom insisted they spend the day together catching up, but she’s coming here for dinner later. Did you want to join us?” Despite the awkwardness between us, I know how much he has missed his sister, and it would be selfish not to include him.

Feeling stronger, I turned to face him and noticed him looking at the glass of wine sitting on the counter. Suddenly feeling like I overstepped my welcome, I quickly said, “I hope you don’t mind; I ransacked your wine collection.”

“Are you sure I wouldn’t be imposing? I know how you two get when you haven’t seen each other in a while.” He attempted a high-pitched squeal only pre-teen girls can actually produce before erupting into laughter.

I loved hearing his laugh. I had to push these feelings down. He didn’t feel the same way, but it was certainly nice to see him relaxed this evening.

The alarm sounded, letting me know the oven was preheated, so I grabbed the tray of vegetables and leaned down to put them in the bottom part of his double oven. “She’s your sister. Of course, you should join us. You can always sneak away when the squeals get too loud.” I stood back up and leaned against the counter, allowing myself to enjoy my view of his gorgeous body leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen entrance. “You seem to be in a good mood. Did you get a lobotomy today?” I giggled at my own terrible joke, “Wine?”

He held my gaze a beat longer than I expected him to, again filling the air with the electricity between us. “Maybe with dinner. I’m gonna grab a quick shower before Beth gets here.”

He turned to leave but stopped and looked back at me. “Thank you, Livie. I’m glad my sister has you as her friend.” With that, he turned and walked away.

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