Chapter 3


As soon as my father opened the door I could see the disdain in his eyes as they took in my appearance. Well, too fucking bad. He got his dig in as soon as he spoke. “Well Jacob, it’s good to see you. I guess you didn’t know you were supposed to dress up as we have company.” I took in his suit and shiny black boots. Yah, that was never going on my body. He tried to cover up his insult. “You look well, he” commented. I grunted and motioned for him to let me in.

I had assumed his new wife and her daughter would be here. So, yes, I was aware it would be more than us, I don’t think I could have faced the man one on one. I needed that buffer there to prevent me from spewing out everything I wanted to say to him. I followed him into the home I grew up in, although a lot had changed since I was here last. What was a family room appeared to be some type of formal reception room with very uncomfortable looking furniture and a wet bar.

The new wife Laura looks very different than she did in the file he had on her. Her picture showed a natural, moderately nice looking woman with a timid smile. What stood before him now was an uncomfortable looking woman who seemed out of place in her conservative dress and perfectly applied makeup. Jake noticed that her hands shook slightly as she sipped from her martini glass.

“Jacob, this is Laura. My wife.” My father says, then continues, “Laura, this is my son, Jacob.”

I step forward, “Laura, call me Jake. I hate Jacob.” I put my hand out to shake hers and she stiffly responds, her body stiff and tilting away from her as she quickly pulls her hand back. Well, I can read body language pretty accurately and it is obvious this woman does not like me. Not that I care what she thinks of me, it just pisses me off that people respond this way just because I have long hair and ride a motorcycle.

My father then says, “Jacob, this is Payton, Laura’s daughter. Your sister now I guess.” He always insists on calling me Jacob, Jake sounds “pedestrian” to him. Guess that’s why I prefer it. I turn to the area of the room he is looking toward and I am in no way prepared for what I see. I only had a picture of her sitting down but standing there in a pair of those tight pants all the women wear now and a long green sweater pulled tight over her ass and what an ass it is. A little waist that I know I could fit my hand around and lift her onto the top of that bar, then move up to her full breasts. Long brown hair with shades of red fall in large loose curls down her back and big brown eyes stare back at me like she is terrified at what she sees.

The lust that had first taken over my mind and body was replaced by hate when I saw the look of fear in her eyes. I guess like her mother, she assumes the worst of me because of my appearance. Well, if they expect the worst, I’ll give it to them. I stalk toward her, my eyes eating up her body as I make my way to her. She backs up, literally backs away from me as I approach and that just encourages me all the more.

With a smirk on my face, I reach out and take her limp hand, bringing it to my mouth I say, “Well, I always wanted a sister but damn, I should not be having these thoughts about my sister.” I make like I am going to kiss her hand but instead I take a finger and push it in my mouth, slowly twirling my tongue around it as I pull it out. Her eyes go even wider but instead of just fear, I see lust flash through her eyes as well. Interesting.

“Jacob!” My father barks at me.


I was frozen, what the H E two sticks was that? Did he just lick my finger and make my panties damp? I press my thighs together to relieve the strange feeling that has come over me as he continues to smirk down at me.

I hear Roland bark out his name and my mother gasp. I feel the embarrassment heating my face, replacing the other heat that had been cursing through my body. The b***. He is doing this on purpose just to make me feel uncomfortable. I back away from him as quickly as I can and take a much needed drink of my wine.

Roland is glaring at this son, “must you always embarrass me?”

Jake winks at me before he turns to his father. “What? I was just welcoming my little sister to the family! I can’t wait to get to know her better.” As he says the words, shivers go down my spine and I am not sure why.

My mother surprises me by breaking through the tension in the room. “Jake, would you like something to drink?” She asks.

“It’s Jacob, not Jake. I have beer in the mini fridge, I’m sure that is what his kind drinks.” Roland says as he goes behind the bar and gets a beer for his son. He passes it to Jake without even opening it. Jake twists the cap off and throws it into the trash can across the room with an uncanny accuracy. I can’t help but watch as he takes a long pull from the bottle, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Even his neck has long corded muscles.

Suddenly I realize his blue eyes are staring back at me. I quickly look away but not before I notice that smirk of his taunting me.

Roland clears his throat, “Okay, as you all know I have been on the city council for many years now. Mayor Wallace is retiring and he wants me to run for Mayor of the city.” Roland pauses to let it sink in. I noticed my mother standing next to Roland with a smile plastered across her face. She doesn’t say anything, so she obviously knew about this beforehand. I then notice Jake’s relaxed posture from minutes ago become stiff and strained.

Roland then strides over to his son. “That’s where you come in son.” He places his hand on Jake’s shoulder and Jake visibly cringes, as he pulls out from under his father's hand. “I’m hoping to have your support on this one.”

“Why?” Jake asks as he takes another drink of his beer. “You’ve never cared about my support before.” He stares at this father as he rubs his hand over his beard. I can imagine doing the same and wonder would it be coarse or as soft as his hair looks to be.

“Now Jacob, you were the one who walked out of here and chose your uncle and his lifestyle over everything I could have given you.” I can feel the tension increase as they stare each other down. “But I am willing to put all that aside. I could use a good Marine in my camp. What do you say son?”

Jake stared at Roland, his nostrils flaring, his chest rising and falling. He looked like a wild beast ready to attack. I could feel the rage radiating off Jake. He looks at my mother, then me. He slams his beer bottle and the bar and storms out the door.

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