Chapter 4

*Jake *

I storm into the clubhouse, unaware of how I even got here and make my way through the crowded room to a stool at the bar. It’s a Saturday night, so the club house is full and crazy. The Triggers are not an outlaw biker gang, in fact we are all former marines, so we don’t do any criminal shit but we do love to drink and fuck. We have several legitimate businesses, a few garages and a security firm that offered a variety of services, and an investigative firm that, well, is legal but often operated in a grey area.

I motion to Mike, who is manning the bar tonight and knowing I’m not in the mood to chat, he places a shot of tequila and a beer in front of me. I throw back the shot and chug the beer, as another beer magically shows up in front of me. Uncle Luke slips into the seat beside me.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight. I guess things didn’t go too well with Roland.”

Talk about stating the obvious. I start on the beer he has placed in front of me as I calm myself before speaking. “Seems dear old dad is running for Mayor of San Diego. He seems to think it will help his image to have his ex-marine son by his side.” I shake my head as I tell Luke.

“Wait, wait a minute. What happened to Mayor Wallace?” Luke asks.

I shrug my shoulders, not knowing why he would care. “I don’t know. Roland said he was retiring.”

Luke stares off into the distance for a few minutes then turns towards me and I can see a gleam in his eyes. “Meet me in my office in 30 minutes. I may know what this is about.” Then he is up and gone before I have a chance to ask him anything else. Well, that was ominous. Figuring I would want to keep my mind clear for what Luke wanted to discuss, I went outside to get away from the loud music.

As I lean against a tree outside the clubhouse having a cigarette, I can’t help but think about my little sister. Fuck she was a sexy little thing. Those eyes, I could get lost in them and honestly, that bit of fear I saw in them, fuck that turned me on. Not that I like to scare a woman, I like my women willing. It was more like she was afraid of the lust that was obvious in her eyes more so that she was afraid of me. She’s probably never met anyone who looked like me. I wonder how hard she could take it. Fuck and now I got a damn hard on.

Like she can smell my sexual arousal, Trixi comes santuring up to me in nothing but a pushup bra and a short leather skirt, which I know she is not wearing underwear under. And how do I know? Well, yah, I’ve bent her over and fucked her more than once, so has everyone else here. For some reason, she thinks she has some claim to me.

“Hey Jake, I’ve been looking all over for you.” She purrs as she licks my ear and cups my cock roughly. “Oh, I see you have been thinking of me too.”

I bark out a laugh at that one. Trixi was the last thing on my mind when I started getting hard. I don’t tell her differently, that it was my little sister that was on my mind. Instead I play along, grab her ass and pull her roughly to me. Grinding my erection against her I slip my hand up under her skirt and yup, bare ass. But instead of thinking about how easy it would be to slip inside her, I mentally compare her skinny ass to the lush curves on Payton. Fuck. Payton, what kind of fucking name is that.

The sound of my zipper going down brings me back to the present and I grab her hands to take them off me. I have to shut this down. I may be a bastard when it comes to women’s hearts but I refuse to fuck her while thinking about my sister. Besides, I have a meeting to get to.

“Not now babe. I got a meeting with uncle Luke I need to get to.” I pull her skirt down over her skinny hips and pull up my zipper.

Trixi is looking at me with puppy dog eyes and an exaggerated pout. “Oh come on Jake, you can be a little late. Just let me help you with that stiff cock. You know how I love to suck it.” She starts moving for my zipper again but this time I grab her hands and put them behind her back before she can get to my zipper. She does give a pretty fucking great blow job but everything about her seems off somehow.

“I said I have to go. I may look for you when I’m done. I may not. Don’t pass up any other cock on my behalf.” I push her aside as I walk around the back of the clubhouse to the stairs that lead to my uncle’s office. I should feel a little guilty for saying that to her but I really don’t. I gave up feeling those types of emotions years ago. The lights inside Lucke’s office are on, so I know he is in there. Even though he is expecting me, I still knock before entering. Not knocking could result in a bullet between my eyes.

“It’s open Jake,” Luke barks out at me. I open the door and am surprised to see Joe, the club’s VP there as well as Mike, the bartender from downstairs, who is also heading up the investigative services we offer. He was in charge of intel for his missions when he was in the Marines and while we don’t know any details, we know nothing gets past him. I’m surprised anyone else is here. Usually, Luke is very private when it comes to our family issues.

I nod to the other two men and take a seat at the table they are sitting around. This is where all official business takes place, so it's a huge table, as it holds the twelve executive members of the club. An executive member I am not, so to be sitting here with these three makes me a little uneasy. There are several folders in front of Luke and he opens one as he begins to speak.

“We have been investigating Mayor Wallace for sometime now and he is as crooked as hell. He is in cahoots with the Devil’s Deviants, they have been dealing in drugs, weapons, and women for years now.” Luke pauses to let this sink in. The Devil’s Deviant’s are San Diego’s most brutal motorcycle gang and we normally have no reason to cross paths with them, as they operate in a totally different world than we do.

“What does this have to do with me?” I question my uncle.

He slides the folder across to me. “This is Wallace’s bank account.” He taps on the outrageous figure on the paper under his name and picture. “This used to be in a shell corporation but recently the high deposits stopped and everything was transferred to several accounts in the Caymans. It looks like he may have had some issue with the Devils and he is preparing to make a run for it.”

“Wait a minute. Wasn’t his wife and daughter kidnapped last fall and the daughter didn’t survive?” I ask. Still confused over where this is going.

Luke taps on another folder next to him and nods. “Yah, they never found out who was responsible but there was 2.5 million dollars transferred out of one of Wallace’s top supporter’s business accounts into his, where it only stayed for two minutes before disappearing.” I started to get a little stomach sick as pieces began to fall into place.

I clear my throat as I ask, “Whose business?” I don’t know why I bother to ask.

Luke pushes another folder toward me and flips open the cover. I look down to see the face of my father staring back at me and my stomach plunges. Fuck, what is he tied up in. I shouldn’t care, he belongs in jail. It is just the thought of what his actions could be doing to innocents that makes me ill.

I look up at my uncle, who nods his head at Mike. I noticed for the first time that Mike has some files as well. “I’ve been hired by a client to go back over your father’s records for the past five years and I didn’t come up with much. Except for a few dealings with Wallace, he has been keeping things pretty legit, or so it would seem. Luke encouraged me to go back further, particularly to when your father’s real estate company took off. It doesn’t look good for him or I should say, for your mother.” That got my attention.

“My mother?” I sit back shocked. “My mother died 12 years ago.”

Mike passes me the folder he was referring to and emotion clogs in my throat for the first time in years as I look down at a picture of my mother smiling back at me. It’s an older picture, back from when her smile was a real one. Her blue eyes, so much like mine and her brother’s sparkle with life. I hear Luke clear his throat and I know he is feeling the same emotions I am. The noise makes my eyes leave her face and move down the page. All I see are ridiculously large numbers with positives and negatives in front of them.

I look up, “What is this?” Mike looks at Luke, who again nods at him.

“These numbers are offshore accounts in your mother’s name. It looks like she has been depositing and withdrawing large sums of money for the past 18 years. That’s not all,” Mike begins to say more but I don’t hear it. I run out the door, down the steps, as I throw up behind the clubhouse.

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