Chapter 5
I am barely aware of the sound of boots coming down the stairs as I spit the last of the vomit out of my mouth. Joe pats me on the back as he passes and shoves a bottle of water at me. “Your uncle wants you to go back up when you are done.” Mike doesn’t look my way. I rinse my mouth out and trudge up the steps again.
My uncle is sitting on the couch when I return. He looks older than he did earlier tonight, even though he is only 55. I know bringing up my mother’s death has done this to him. Then it hits me and it’s out of my mouth before I can think twice.
“Is she alive?”
“Fuck no,” he responds. “Not that I wouldn’t give my life to have hers back. It’s just one of the ways your father has of keeping his hands clean. Sit down, son, there’s more. You had sizable offshore accounts yourself.”
“What the fuck? How is that possible?” I am shocked as I look at my uncle. “How long have you known all this shit and why the fuck am I just finding out?”
“I know you are pissed but keep it down. You don’t speak to your president that way. I sent the other out because I didn’t want them to see you this way. I’ll be your uncle later, right now I am your president.” Luke gets up and gets himself a beer offering me one. I shake my head, it needs to be clear for this conversation. He is right, we may not be killers like some MCs but we still have a clear code of conduct.
“I can’t get into the hows and whys but I have known about your father’s involvement with Wallace for about six months. I only found out about the accounts in your mother’s and your name about six weeks ago.” He raises his hand and points a finger at me when I start to speak. I keep my mouth shut.
Luke continues, “Long story short, it looks like Wallace invested in your father's real estate company when he expanded to commercial. He then used your father’s company to launder dirty money. That may be when your father and mother started having problems, you know how she felt about drugs, not to mention the girls they seem to be dealing with. Your father has your mother’s name and your name on his company but the only offshore accounts that exist are in your name and your mother’s. It looks like he had you set up to take the fall, should it ever be discovered.”
“That Bastard” I can’t help but say.
“You don’t have to worry about that. Mike took care of it. Generous donations were made to the Families of Fallen Soldiers Fund, as well as to the San Diego Women’s Shelters and those accounts have been closed.” We are very much alike and he knows I want nothing to do with dirty money. He holds up his hand again to stop me from speaking. “That will take the responsibility off you but it also gives you another problem. Your father is going to find out and he is going to want to know who knew about that money and where it went. If he is going to be taking over Wallace’s political position, which it looks like Wallace may be running from, your father could very well be taking over Wallace’s association with the Devils.”
“Fuck,” I breath out and for some reason my mind flashes to my new sister and her big innocent brown eyes.
“Fuck indeed. We gotta get in there Jake. This is our chance to bring that fucker down.” Luke stops to light a cigarette, then continues. “What are you willing to do? Do you think he is really willing to let you back into his life?”
“I guess we'll see won't we? I didn’t spend eight years of my life fighting terrorists halfway around the world to allow similar shit to happen right under my nose. If he is in with the Devils and doing this shit, I am bringing him down. I’m bringing him down just for associating my mother’s name with this shit.” I’m really pissed now. I don’t care what he does to me but he will never hurt my mother again, dead or not. Now I am even more determined to find out what really happened that night.
“I was hoping you would say that. Here’s what I have in mind…
To say dinner was awkward after Jake stormed out was an understatement. I sat there listening to the ice clink against Roland’s glass as my mother made small talk and drank two glasses of wine with her dinner. I was beginning to get concerned over her uncharacteristic drinking when Roland spoke up.
“I think you have had enough to drink tonight, Laura, don’t you?” He asks with no question that he means she did. My mother simply sits the glass that was halfways to her lips down. She then picks up her water glass and takes a sip.
My mother was never a strong woman and while I agree with Roland’s assessment, I don’t appreciate him telling her what to do. I try to change the subject. “You mentioned Jake was in the Marines, is that why you haven’t seen him in so long?”
Roland looks at me and sighs like I was a child asking too many questions. “Yes Jake was in the Marine’s but that is not why I haven’t seen him in so long. We had a difference of opinion years ago and he decided to turn his back on his own father and go live with his deadbeat uncle.” He snorts out a laugh. “A biker, he would rather live with a no good President of a goddamn motorcycle gang than to listen to reason. If he wants a second chance to turn his life around, he better fucking clean up his act and his appearance.” He drains his glass and turns to my mother. “Get me another, would you dear?” A smile on his face. My mother simply nods and gets up to fetch him another drink.
I clear my throat, “I think I will finish putting some things away in my room. Thanks again for giving me a place to stay and a job, Roland.”
He simply shrugs, “It’s what you do for your family. And you are family now.”
Wow, what a hypocrite I think as I make my way up the stairs. He is willing to do everything for me but yet he talks about his own flesh and blood that way? I am starting to think my mother may be in a bad situation here. I think it is time for me to start looking at my new stepfather a little closer. If he is running for Mayor of San Diego, he wouldn’t have anything to hide would he? That would just be political suicide.