Chapter Four
“What is this?” Her voice was fearful. He liked knowing he could strike fear into a woman and still make her want him.
He smiled, pulling the little black top off her and tossing it further into the room. “Perks only the owner of the club gets.” His finger traced the outline of her red top, slowly moving from one mound, dipping between her cleavage, and up and over the other. He snapped the string holding them up gently.
“You’re not the owner.” Her eyes went wide. He could practically see her desire rushing back into them.
“But I am. Why do you think I can put as many drinks on my tab as I like?”
Candy’s fingers fluttered at his chest. They worked their way through his buttons and pulling the tail of his shirt from his pants. He felt a growl rise as her fingers fondled his core muscles, scratching him lightly. Her lips lowered, trailing soft kisses across his chiseled chest and abdomen.
“You’re so warm.” Her fingers worked at his belt buckle and he enjoyed the way they shook nervously. “I’ve never done this before.”
“That’s good. I’m not partial to whores, and I like you. A lot.” This comment earned him a special smile. She turned her attention back to his chest.
He lifted her face to his, tracing her full lips with his tongue. Her lips parted for him, and he allowed his tongue to enter her mouth only enough to mingle with hers briefly. She tried to hold him there, but he pulled away. “You don’t have to do this. I’ll take you out to dinner tomorrow.” Her body quivered, but he knew she wouldn’t say no. It’s why he offered.
“I want to. Will you still take me out tomorrow?” She looked so hopeful. He smiled at her and pulled out of her grip.
Bram went to a table near a sofa in the room, opening the drawer. He scrawled a series of numbers on a paper and handed it to her. “Call me by four and I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” He pulled her into his arms. His hand found her breast, and he pulled the red sequined top to the side, letting his rough thumb massage her tit. It was already hard, and his fingers pinched it, softly twisting until she gasped. He pulled her lip between his teeth, nibbling the soft flesh. He fought for control as his tongue came out to caress her full bottom lip, dipping inside slowly, back out and in again, taking her mouth as he would take her body. Her fingers pressed his back as their tongues danced taking turns traveling from her mouth to his, tasting and experimenting. His lips left hers, feeling bereft, to work his way back over to her ear. He couldn’t keep kissing her without losing control.
“Can we turn on a little more light?” Her throat vibrated under his lips. He cocked a brow, releasing her. He went to a side wall to flick a switch. The entire wall seemed to open and the lights from the club filtered into the room. The office was large and ornate. Bookshelves lined the wall behind his massive desk. “This is amazing.” She picked up their clothes and placed them on the blood-red leather chair in front of her. Everything was black, mahogany, or deep red. He watched her hand caress the skin of the sofa. “I’ve never felt leather this soft before.”
“It’s imported from Italy,” he said, walking around the room lighting candles. He dropped the lighter on his desk leaned back against it. His eyes ran her length.
“I’m sorry, I’m taking too long.” She suddenly started to scurry to get out of her skirt.
She froze at the single word.
“We have all the time we need.”
She looked at the clock, them him. It was 1:30 AM and the bar would be closing soon. “Being the owner has more perks than just an office,” he said, as if in answer to her thoughts.
“Oh, right.” She took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes. He liked that she was so eager to please him. Her body started to sway to the music coming from the club. Her hands ran over her belly and up to play with her breasts, eventually travelling up to her hair while she danced for him.
Bram was content watching her. She was sexy as hell, dancing for him as she let her body be guided by the rhythm of the music. He like it when she turned, repeating the first move of the night when she noticed him watching. He got a little peek of the red mound beneath her skirt. A mound he’d invaded once tonight, and fully planned on invading again, on a much more devious scale.
Candy was slow to stand back up, throwing her amazing locks in the air. She worked her skirt slowly down her hips, showing off her sexy black garter belt and red thong. She turned back around. Her eyes glowed like molten gold in the candlelight.
Bram took a breath, inhaling her scent. She smelled more like sweat and sex now than coconut and it was driving him crazy. He had to work to contain himself as she ambled closer. His hands touched her, gently kneading the muscles at her shoulders as her hands worked to finish removing his pants.