Odyssey through forest

Nora’s POV

It was the scariest creature I had ever seen. Its fiercest look, enormous size and deathly gaze can easily qualify it as the deadliest predator. I wondered he might be poisonous as well, being a serpent. I was muddled; who should I be more scared of, snake or those wolves?

He almost gulped three wolves in his proximity with its sharp carnivore jaw. Few wise wolves didn’t even dare to attack it. Even they realized its best not to do so by looking at its size. They have primate instincts to not attack creatures out of their league, but some showed hostility and surrounded us. His first instinct was to wriggle its enormous tail and wrap it around me, creating a wall, a protective barrier between wolves and me. He structs front four wolves simultaneously from his head, extending its long dendofibrils towards the two wolves in the periphery and strangled them. The remaining four wolves, near its tail, started climbing on his projected wings, but a single jerk of its wings was enough to knock them far away. Two more wolves attacked it from the front side. They were almost over its head, but the serpent flayed them instantly with the deadly spikes on its head, all this while maintaining its ground. They all were like the irritating, buzzing houseflies hovering over the unconcerned meat-eater. It hovered to my side to unwrap its reptilian tail after making sure there was no other wolf on my side. Then it started making twisting motions by contracting its muscles, wriggling side to side, creating a series of curves, scaring them away. Few wolves were staring at him, planning an attack but the serpent lifted its body slightly up by flapping its wings and started raining fire from its mouth just like a dragon, charring them with its torrid blue flames. The remaining few wolves were scared to death and ran away. The site of the fighting was a mixture of scorched bushes and bloodied ground. Due to bloodshed and carnage, the massacre was nothing short of a violent fighting movie scene.

I was horrified about the strange occurrences ahead of me. The mysterious serpent was looking at me, and I was too stunned to react. Do these creatures exist? I had only heard of shape-shifters in stories. A man metamorphizing into a serpent, flying and spitting fire? Too hard to believe. This can’t be possible; maybe I am hallucinating. I have endured a lot in these two days on this planet than my whole life on Earth. I was trembling and quivering with fear at the sight of the beast in front of me. I was petrified at the thought of dying alone on this planet without even getting a fair chance to bid farewell to my loved ones. No one will ever know what happened to me.

Gradually his gigantic wings and pointed spikes disappeared. His monstrous jaws and gargantuan fangs settled back to normal. His scaly skin permuted into its normal ebony shade and his stupendous mammoth structure transmogrified into his usual stature. His dark black eyes rehashed into deep-blue ones. He turned back into his charismatic and enchanting self. I was too paralyzed to take off my eyes from his charming face.

I was too focused on his studly face. It took me a few seconds of delay to notice he was naked. It reminded me of Adonis’s nude statue. I was too perplexed to look away from him, making sure to look up, focusing on his sensuous face and not on whatever’s below. I tried hard to control my heartbeats. My whole body was on fire without any flames. I don’t care if I die at this moment. All I want is to have him.

He sighed, “Are you done gawking at me?”

I came back to my senses. O fuck! What am I doing? O, God! I want to die. It was the most embarrassing situation of my life.

I turned around, looking away from him, “I am so sorry. I was shocked and confused. I didn’t mean to---”

I was at a complete loss for words. I was acting so dumb in front of him. It’s all fault of his seductive and sultry body.

He asked in his deep, authoritative voice, “Are you hurt?”

I just nodded, too embarrassed to say anything.

He started walking, not giving a damn about his unclad body. I pursued him, trying too hard not to look at his au naturel body. He was hitting my arousal buttons right at the places. My wetness started erupting from my core. I was experiencing this strange fiery sensation to touch him, kiss him and hold him. I was trying too hard to hide my apparent feelings. While walking, his perfectly toned, chiselled, well-defined muscles strain into the perfect curves. After walking a few paces, my awkwardness got out of control. Finally, I took some courage and offered him my scarf. He looked at me entirely unanticipated.

He chuckled, “Thanks.”

He covered himself. Finally, I took a sigh of relief. I was desperately trying to look calm from outside, but inside, deep down, I was blushing profusely. I was trying too hard to conceal my emotions. I could see the bleeding had stopped on the back of his shoulders where a wolf bit him.

We walked and walked and walked through the whole forest. It was the most enchanting forest I had ever seen. I couldn’t resist admiring such a lush Garden of Eden. The forest was steeped in plushness and opulence. The small twigs were crunching under my shoes as we moved through the purplish-leafy carpeted path. Occasionally, we came across a few broken stone pathways. I wondered who made them, maybe tribals did, but they looked ancient. We stumbled upon a small waterfall surging and plunging down a small rocky hill, thundering into a beautiful serenity pool at the bottom. Its jade water was drizzling on the rocks making their edges smooth. Small purple flowers were in their full bloom near the waterfall’s edge.

I was feeling parched, my throat dried, so I went near the waterfall and started quenching my thirst. My body was coercing me to take a dip in it, but his daggered eyes and furrowed brows deter me from asking him. I was cursing my thoughts to stop being romantic as what if I am safe from wolves? This forest is still dangerous. God knows what other hazardous creatures lurk behind the shadows of its giant trees and fluffy bushes. It’s probably best to cross this forest before night as I am too scared to see him in his serpent form again if anything attacks us. Throughout the whole way, I was unable to utter a single word. Similarly, he also stayed to himself.

After a while, we reached some rocky region we had to climb. I climbed a few rocks but grew restless because of a lack of oxygen. I was sweating profusely and trying too hard to breathe. He came over to me, looking concerned. Before I responded or said something, he put one hand over my neck and carried me with the other hand, lifting me above the ground. I was wonderstruck beyond my imagination. At that instant, I felt like I want to be in this position forever. I was strangely drawn towards him. I could feel the strange warmth of his bare torso. His mere touch to my body was driving me crazy. My cheeks were flushed with all the shades of red in the spectrum, and my legs tremble under his skilful touch. I was feeling no less than a princess of Disney world. I was living in my dreamy world.

But this feeling was short-lived as he finally crossed the hilly rocks, and we reached the plain terrain. He put me back on my feet and started walking forward. I also followed him, barely able to match his pace. After walking for almost the day, I could see the horizon of my dwelling on the rocky plateau. I was overjoyed, as a few hours ago, I had given any hope of seeing this place and meeting Meghan and Liam again.

After passing through the orange terrain, we finally reached the rock entrance. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to look and was amazed to see Liam. He embraced me, holding me tightly.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked me, holding me tightly.

“I just thought I would never be able to see you.”

“I am so glad you are safe. How did you manage to reach here? How did you manage to survive the waterfall?”

“He helped me,” I replied by looking in serpent's direction, but no one was there as if he vanished in the thin air. I was alone, standing with Liam. I tried looking here and there but didn’t find him, instead, I saw a small bangle like a bracelet with some strange carvings on the ground. I took it in my hands; it was his.

Liam said, “Let’s go. It’s already getting dark.”

I just nodded, feeling sad as I was already missing my serpent. I didn’t even ask his name. Will I be ever meeting him again?

Finally, we entered the gate, and Liam took me to the elevator. While ascending in an elevator, I could see my serpent through the glass door of the elevator.

He was standing alone on the orange terrain in his flying serpent from looking at me.

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