Missing my Serpent

Nora's POV

The elevator finally took us to the common ground. As soon as I stepped on common ground, everyone was dumbfounded to see me alive. Will was most delighted to see me and welcomed me with open arms. Major Gregory was looking at me suspiciously with lots of questions in his mind. Eve came near me and asked, “How did you survive the waterfall? We thought we lost you. Major Gregory sent some rescue operators along the waterfall, without any success”. Ross interrupted, “Let her breath first. Nora first go and meet Meghan. She cried for whole day and night, refusing to eat anything”.

“What? I will go now”.

I rushed towards Meghan’s cabin. She was crying, and Mary was trying to soothe her.

I muttered, “Meghan!”

She was shell-shocked to see me. Initially, she didn’t believe her eyes that she was seeing me. She then slowly realized in a matter of a few seconds; I was really there. She sprinted towards me, hugging me tightly and crying profusely.

“I thought, I lost you. You were my responsibility. I could never be able to forgive myself if something would have happened to you”.

“It’s okay, Meghan, don’t blame yourself. See? I am safe and sound. Now stop crying and let’s go eat something; I am famished.” I made a silly face.

I could see the weak smile on Meghan’s beautiful face. She again hugged me and steered me to the cafeteria, refusing to let go of my hand. Liam had already arranged our dinner plates on the table. Everybody drank a toast to me, and we started to munch on the delicious meal.

Throughout dinner, Meghan observed me curiously as if she was trying to read my mind. Maybe she had expected I should be under shock, crying, worried, blah...blah... because that is typical of me, but instead, I was pretty poised and unfazed. Every so often, I was blushing by remembering the moments of the frantic yet fantastic day.

After the meal, I said goodbye to everyone and routed to my cabin. While on my way, Major Gregory halted me and pronounced, “We will talk tomorrow”.

I nodded and stepped towards my cabin.

I quickly took a hot shower and settled on my bed. I was too tired but unable to make myself to sleep. My mind was constantly drifting to my serpent’s thoughts. I took his bracelet in my hand and started wondering who was he? Was he some kind of mutant-like in the X-men movie? How can he shapeshift to a serpent? Was I dreaming? Was I hallucinating? Maybe that forest had some shrubs, which can cause hallucinations. But what about that wolf fight? It was real. Why I got so attracted to him? Is he the one in my dreams? Why am I missing him so much?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of throat clearance. Meghan stood on my doorstep, observing me inquiringly. I hid the bracelet under my legs and gave her an inviting nod. She sat beside me, waiting for me to say something. I sighed as I knew I could not conceal my thoughts and emotions from her. She can easily catch me if I am lying or hiding something.

I started with the part when I gained consciousness. I told Meghan about him, how he fought with wolves and finally his metamorphism into a treacherous flying serpent. Meghan was shaken by hearing this. She again inquired, “Are you sure he was a serpent?”

I nodded affirmatively.

I wanted to skip the unclothed part because Meghan would torture me with all sorts of questions. But my constant blushing with the mere thought of it gave me away.

Meghan instantly interjected, “You are hiding something.”

I chuckled, with my cheeks turning red and crimson with embarrassment.

I told her how he was naked after turning back to a man.

Meghan almost jumped on her feet excitedly.

“What the fuck, you tried to hide this part of the story from me?”

And then her list of endless questions started.

“How was he? Did you actually see him naked? Is he handsome? How was it? Was it different from males on Earth? You know what I am talking about? Tell me now, everything in detail. I am going to die. Did you guys kiss, Have sex?”

I was shamefaced by her questions. I instantly regretted sharing his personal details with her. I markedly told her I would not discuss him any further with her. She understood, but that didn’t stop her questions.

“What is his name? Where is he living? Is he an alien? Do you think he is the same person coming in your dreams?”

I retorted sadly, “I don’t know anything about him? Not even his name. He was not talking much, not even answering my questions? I don’t know who he is? Where is he living? I don’t know if I am ever going to meet him again. I am not sure if he is the same person in my dreams? The hair was different. The one in the dream has long hair with half ponytail while his hair is short.”

“Maybe, he chopped his ponytail after walking out from your dreams?” Meghan teased.

We both couldn’t help but start laughing hysterically.

“You know Meghan; I don’t know if this was love at first sight? But when I looked at him, walking towards me, somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish. The moment I saw him, I knew I was looking at my future. He entered my life out of nowhere, and suddenly I could think only of him. His mere touch, when he carried me, had a spellbinding effect on me. What is happening to me? Falling in love was never in my plan until I met him today. It is the greatest wonderful feeling.”

Meghan took my hand on hers and comforted me, “I think falling in love is always a surprise. Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you. If he is the one in your dreams, then you will surely meet him again. Always remember destiny showcased you those dreams, brought you on this planet against all odds, made you fall in the waterfall, which was impossible to survive. And this destiny will only help you to meet him again. I have the strong intuition that he is your soulmate and you will meet him again soon”.

Meghan’s words had a soothing effect on me. All my worries and sadness vanished.

I told Meghan, “Major Gregory wants to talk to me tomorrow, but I don’t want to say anything about him and his serpent form”.

Meghan nodded understandably.

Finally, before leaving, Meghan said,” Go to sleep early today. Tomorrow we are going to the capital city of Westfall. Prince Rorik has invited us to the royal palace. Wear the best of your clothes”.

“Good night”

Hi everyone, for more updates follow my author page on FB , Author Lunafreya, Thanks

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