Walled city of Westfall

Nora's POV

After the night full of dreams, the following day was quite refreshing. It was nothing sort of previous mornings. I felt good from the inside as if something good would happen to me. With the positivity, I took a warm shower with positivity and started selecting the best dress, with my thoughts constantly charging towards my serpent soulmate. After much confusion and turmoil, I finally settled on a red off-shoulder full-length maxi. It was perfectly embracing my curves, showing off my sultry hourglass figure. Usually, I dress up very boringly, but I wanted to look my best today.

When I reached the cafeteria, Meghan and Liam were already waiting for me. The moment I entered the cafe, everyone started looking at me. I was pretty nervous about the way they were looking at me. I started wondering if I was too overdressed for an occasion or just looking dumb. Finally, Meghan called my name, distracting me from my silly thoughts.

"Nora, you look gorgeous. I had never seen you in such clothes before. You should wear them often."

"See, Liam can't take his eyes from you", Ross teased.

I gave him a stern look.

Liam tried to change the topic.

"What happened after you fell from the waterfall? How did you survive Lost souls grove forest? I heard it's quite dangerous. That waterfall directly leads to this forest."

"It's a long story; I will tell you some other time. Just I got help from someone," I spoke.

Liam understood; he didn't press the matter. Eventually, we finished eating.

Will entered the cafeteria and announced excited,

"We are going to the capital city of Westfall empire. Prince Rorik has specially invited us and sent their special flying cars called Rovers. He wants us to glimpse an aerial view of the walled city of Westfall and the royal palace. He hopes we enjoy the experience and give him a chance for warm hospitality".

Everybody showed enthusiasm and looked forward to his trip because their stay on this planet till now was quite dull compared to mine. Yes, they all think I had the most adventurous experience till now. And I definitely agree.

We went to common ground where small disc-shaped rovers were waiting for us. Either aliens here have a fascination for disc-shaped objects, or maybe they are super-efficient in flying against the planet's low gravity.

We all settled in those rovers. All the rovers had someone piloting them. This was the first time our group saw aliens, but I was exceptional as I had already met my alien serpent. The dashboard of these rovers was full of complex buttons and a big touch screen like GPS. Their technology was quite similar to that of Earth. I wondered if they had visited Earth previously in secret.

And then these rovers start moving one by one. I could experience flutter in my stomach. It was like sitting on a giant rollercoaster. I'm not too fond of rollercoasters; they always make me nauseous. We moved at high speed for about half an hour. Because of high-speed pf rovers, it wasn't easy to guess the distance of Westfall from our dwelling. The galloping rate of rovers suddenly came to a halt as we saw some giant structures appearing on the horizon.

We could see the glimpse of the walled city of Westfall. Big walls encompassed it on all of its sides. We were hovering over a large gate that appeared to be the city's entrance gate. The whole city was made up of cream-coloured sandstone structures. The giant structures were dome-shaped, which represented public places and government buildings. In contrast, the small ones with flat terraces seemed like houses. They all were beautifully and strategically constructed near each other, creating narrow alleyways. One area on the left side appeared like a slum near a thriving marketplace. I could observe a massive garden on the periphery of a long and narrow serpent-shaped river. Moving forward, I noted a few marvellous houses on slant elevation. Finally, I could see the sprawling royal palace, the mightiest of the buildings, on the highest peak overlooking the city, river and garden below. It seemed like an ancient Greek city.

The royal palace was a combination of cream sandstone and gold metal. Its walls were cream in contrast to its golden domes giving it an exquisite appearance. It was magically ornated, giving the impression of gothic ducal. It had vast and gorgeous balconies. It looked similar to the palace depicted in Arabian nights. It had enormous doors, and windows made up of dark-coloured wood.

Our rovers finally descended in the vast compound of the palace beside the long staircase leading to the front entrance of the palace. The stairs had sets of parallel golden pillars on their end. We could see lots of animal-shaped minute carvings on these pillars and the inner sides of the walls. Few guards were standing near the staircase, wearing the royal army uniform in the shades of green. As soon as we stepped out of rovers, they guided us towards the stairs. Will and Major Gregory were the first ones to ascend the staircase, and we followed them, exploring the radiant beauty of the palace.

After ascending the staircase, we reached a massive stone door with the minutest carvings in gold. Two guards were standing there with some strange machine in their hand. They scanned us and let us enter the door leading to a large hallway; it was massive with giant paintings on its walls. The room smelled of floral mist as if I had entered a perfume shop.

At the far end of the room, I could see a group of people, or I would rather say, aliens. As we approached near them, one person stood out from all of them. Wait! I know him; I have seen this handsome face somewhere. He is giving me a sense of familiarity and friendliness. Oh yeah, he is the one I saw on billboards of New York City. He visited Earth.

He came ahead and introduced himself,

"Welcome to the city of Westfall. We welcome you to the royal palace. I am Prince Rorik".

Meghan whispered beside me, "He should rather say I am Prince hottie."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

Then he introduced other aliens surrounding him.

"She is my sister Princess Sypha. My cousins Prince Gallen and Prince Valor."

He introduced two middle-aged aliens, "He is Bayard, our military chief and Paladin, our Prime minister".

Will and Major Gregory greeted everyone, and we were led to an inner hallway just as vast as the outer one but with more fabulous paintings and smelled as if we had entered a perfume making factory. The King's throne room, with a vast golden chair with an intricate design in red, is placed on an elevated platform. Slightly below it was another beautiful golden chair which appeared to be queen's.

Prince Rorik asked us to be comfortable and assured us that the King would be meeting in some time. There were a large number of servants in cream uniforms serving us refreshments. It included some bluish-purple mocktails, small golden plates full of alien nuts but tasting unique, small dishes of assorted fruits.

I was standing at one corner, admiring the astonishing and breathtaking view of the palace's inside. Suddenly Princess Sypha brushed past me, spilling a few drops of her mocktail on my dress. She apologized and asked her maid to show me the washroom. I followed her through several narrow alleys surrounded by beautiful walls carved and painted with decorative stones. Finally, we reached the restroom. I entered the restroom and was startled. This washroom was the most beautiful one I had ever seen. It has large life-sized mirrors behind sparkling white basins with a hot water system. I quickly cleaned my dress and emerged out of the washroom. I couldn't find the maid outside, so I decided to chaperon myself to the throne room.

I started passaging through similar alleys, but it seemed like a maze, and I lost my way. Finally, I reached another large hallway, leading to hell knows where. I proceeded ahead and unknowingly entered a room. Before I could behold the beauty of the room, I heard someone shouting. It was a middle-aged man with a notable personality dressed elegantly in shades of cream and red, yelling at a person whose face I was not able to see as his back was facing me. Suddenly the middle-aged person saw me and stopped shouting. And the person whose back was facing me turned around to look at me. On seeing him, my feet just froze on the ground. He was also shocked to see me. I could see a shocked frown on his face. I could not figure out what was he thinking, but he was as amused as me.

He was my serpent alien.

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