Chapter Two


He has watched me all night—what a strange wolf. Usually, as soon as I make it clear I have no interest in wolves, they tuck their tales and run down to the fantasy room to fulfill their needs. Not this wolf; he is determined to get my attention. Maybe a little attention would not hurt me.

It has been a long time since I felt the touch of a man. I have never felt the touch of a wolf. I have to wonder what it would be like to cuddle up to someone so big and strong. I know all he wants is to crawl between my legs. Damn, but he is a friend of my boss. This would not end well for me.

He is leaving it is now or never. I write my phone number down on a bar napkin. I pour him a whiskey, top shelf, of course. "Alpha, your drink," I holler at him as he goes to leave.

I watch him walk away from the bar with Conrad. Conrad is trying to get him downstairs to the fantasy rooms. I wonder why he does not go downstairs. He turns to look at me. I smile. He found my phone number. Good dog. Now let's see if he uses it.

I continue working the bar and helping the wait staff. Luckily tonight, every patron has been well behaved. No disturbances, no one trying to smack me on the ass; it has been a good night. Conrad comes over to the bar to check on things. "I think my friend has it bad for you," Conrad says.

"You know I do not mess with wolves," I remind him.

"I know, but he is a good guy. If you do not mess with wolves, then why did you give him your number?" Conrad asks me.

"You got me. I do not know why I did, but he does intrigue me," I say, defending myself.

"Hey, what you do outside this club is none of my business, but Viv, I will tell you. Ozzy is a good guy. He went through a bad breakup. He could use a good friend," Conrad says.

"I hope by a friend you do not mean a good fuck buddy," I say.

"I did not say that, but if you were going to see a wolf, Ozzy is a good guy, and he is an Alpha," Conrad teases me.

"Well, all the Alpha's I have meet are real pains in the ass," I say.

"Did I mention he is rich?" Conrad jokes as he walks away from the bar.

"I am not interested in his money," I holler at him.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I have a strict no phones policy for the staff. I go back to the back. I see Tony one of the barbacks. "Hey, Tony, I am going to take a break before we close. I have been on my feet all night," I say.

"Okay, I got you," Tony says.

I go outside and sit down for a moment. The cool night air after being in the bar all night is so relaxing. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see a message from Ozzy.

  • Come To My Hotel After Work *

Shit, what should I do? I am not going to sleep with him. Hell no. What could a drink hurt or some late-night chat? What is the worst thing that could happen? He could piss me off, and then I would have to deal with Conrad. Well, Conrad did say whatever goes on outside the bar is my own business. Fuck it!

  • What Room * I text back.

I wait for a moment. I need to get back inside. Finally, Ozzy texts me back. * Penthouse I will be waiting for you, Viv *

I put my phone back into my pocket. I have no idea what in the hell I am doing. I go back into the bar. Tony is already behind on drinks. I quickly help him get caught up.

"Thanks for covering for me, Tony," I say to him.

"Anytime, Viv, although I am a terrible bartender," he says.

"You did great. You just need more practice. I can teach you more about the bar if you like," I say.

"Sure, thanks, Viv," Tony says.

The bar finally closes at three. The fantasy rooms are still open, but ultimately, the bar is closed. Tony helps me get everything set up for the next night. He is sweet and not a wolf. When Conrad was hiring my barbacks, all I requested was hard workers and not arrogant assholes. Tony and Sam fit the bill perfectly.

I gather my things and get ready to leave. "Need a ride?" Tony asks me.

"No, I am taking a cab, but thanks," I say. Tony leaves as I call for a cab.

"I will come out and wait with you," Conrad says. He stands with me on the sidewalk while I wait.

"Thanks for waiting with me. Tony usually gives me a ride home, but I have plans tonight," I say. I should not have told him that.

"Three in the morning plans, he must be special," Conrad says.

"Not so much," I say. The cab pulls up, and I get into it. "The Empire Hotel," I tell the cab driver.

I am a nervous wreck as I ride to the hotel. I look like a streetwalker in this uniform. I text Ozzy to let him know I am on my way.

  • I will be there in five *

He does not text back right away. I thought he would be anxiously awaiting my arrival. The cab pulls up to the front of the hotel. I reach into my bag to pay the cab driver. I look up to see Ozzy standing by my cab. He knocks on the cab driver's window. The cab driver rolls down his window, and Ozzy gives him a hundred-dollar bill. Then he opens my door.

"I can pay for my own cab, Alpha. I do not need your money," I say to him.

Ozzy takes my hand. "I don't mind. I am thrilled you decided to come to see me," Ozzy says.

"I see," I say.

"How was your night at work?" Ozzy asks me as we walk into the hotel.

"It was work. How was your night of drinking?" I ask him.

Alpha Ozzy laughs. "I have not stopped," he answers.

"I see," I say.

"Are you hungry? I can order room service, or we can go to the hotel dining room?" Alpha Ozzy offers.

"Isn't the hotel dining closed at this hour?" I ask.

"For me, they will open," Alpha Ozzy says.

"I see," I say.

"You do not impress easily, do you?" Alpha Ozzy asks me.

"Nope," I respond.

We go to the elevator, and he swipes his card for the penthouse suite. "I can give you a key if you think you might want to come to see me again," Alpha Ozzy says.

"Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't you?" I ask him.

"Maybe I am; I hope you come back," he says.

We go up the elevator to the penthouse suite. When I step off the elevator, it opens into a huge suite. I look around at the hotel suite. It is unbelievable. "Wow!" I say.

"That is what I said when I saw you," Alpha Ozzy remarks.

"Nay nay, you said Woah." I remind him.

"Well, you are a vision of beautiful and very sexy," Alpha Ozzy says to me.

"Well, Alpha, why did you invite me here to your hotel?" I ask him.

"I wanted to see you again. I wanted to see you alone, away from the bar. I wanted to see if you are really as tough as you pretend to be at work," Alpha Ozzy says.

"I am, trust me," I answer him.

"I do not think so. I think you are very submissive when in the right situation," Alpha Ozzy says to me slowly.

Alpha Ozzy moves closer to me. He grabs me and pulls me to him quickly. Our bodies are so close to one another. He leans down and kisses me hard on the lips. His tongue slides into my mouth. I do not stop him. I like his boldness to take a kiss from me.

His hands slide down my back, and he grabs my ass hard. I moan when he grabs my ass. He is turning me on in ways no man ever has before. I should not be here or be doing this with him.

He breaks from kissing me. I look at the floor in shame for being here with him. He touches my chin and lifts my eyes to his. "You are very special, Viv," Alpha Ozzy says to me.

I touch the back of his neck and pull him down to kiss him again. His hands explore my body. I cannot help myself as I moan and feel excited by his touch. I am letting a wolf seduce me, and I love it.

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