2. The Palace Garden.


Pretending to be a palace guard on his own parade was more fun than he had originally expected, He watched his best friend squirming beside the King who had a big smile on his face and he couldn't help but be thankful that he wasn't the one riding beside his father.

He hated pretending that they had a good relationship when they didn't and he didn't really think their relationship was salvageable, he had resented his father for such a long time now, he couldn't remember the last time he referred to the man as father, he had been the king to him ever since he forced him out of the country during his mother's illness.

He forced his concentration back to the parade when his horse stumbled and he nearly fell off. He got down from the horse and checked the horse's hooves. The horseshoe had gotten a bit loose and he adjusted it quickly before the parade moved on.

He had expected people to turn up for the parade event because it was kind of mandatory but he hadn't expected this many people, it was like the whole of Denmark had left all they were doing to come and see him and he felt a bit bad that he was tricking them.

He patted his horse on the side, a sign that the animal should stay still and he went to the front of the crowd somewhere in his mind, he thought he was at least showing himself to the people even though they would not acknowledge him in guard's uniform.

Just as he was about to turn back, a commotion occurred on the other side of the crowd barricade and he watched a tiny figure fall through the barricade. He wouldn't have looked twice, but he caught sight of red hair glistening in the sun and he stood transfixed.

The figure stood up and shook her hair, she mesmerized him with her actions and he had to blink twice to break out of her spell, he dragged his eyes away from her hair and to the rest parts of her body, but before he could finish his assessment he saw his horse bolt towards the pretty figure and he watched her freeze.

His horse must have been attracted as he was to her red hair, only it didn't know that it would end up hurting her if he ran into her.

He ran after his horse immediately and since he was skilled in many aspects like sprinting and horse riding, he caught up to the horse in no time and swung onto it.

Just before his horse hit her, he lunged forward and picked her up from the floor and into his arms.

Not many people witnessed the event since the parade was very crowded or maybe they didn't mind. Luke watched the beauty in his arms and he had to control himself from touching her face.

She had plump red lips that he was already fantasizing about, her skin was flawless and had a glow to it. She lay sprawled in his arms on the horse so he could see her chest, her shirt had deepened a bit showing a lot more cleavage than she would want he was sure.

"Miss, please open your eyes." He said, he was already tempted enough as it was, he needed to put distance between him and the ball of flames in his arms.

"Am I dead?" She asked, he watched her open first one eye and then the other.

"Nope, you're fine, just on a horse." He smiled and then she screamed. "You're welcome." He laughed and he sat her upright on the horse, her back facing him and suddenly he was aware of her hips and her back curves pressed against his front.




The laughter of the stranger sounded nice in her ears and he felt so warm behind her as he righted her position on the horse.

A horse!

She could not believe that she was on a horse, one reason why she had not been able to move when the horse started coming at her was that she was absolutely terrified of horses, her father had tried for years to get her to go horse riding but she had been unable to get over her phobia.

It seemed a bit late to tell the stranger anything so she just kept quiet and tried to concentrate on his manly scent and his warmth which was not hard to do because his nearness was already causing her to forget that she was on a horse.

"Are you alright?" He asked and his arm brushed hers as he steadied the horse.

"I-i'm fine, just a little shook that's all." She answered immediately and she wondered if he would believe her.

"Want to see something cool?" He asked and she giggled slightly before nodding her head.

She had no idea why she trusted this stranger and why she was following him to an unknown location but she felt jittery and that was one feeling she hadn't felt in years.

Always trying to please her father had hardened over the years and she no longer knew how to let go or have fun, but she wanted to follow the jittery feeling with the palace guard.

Maybe this would be a reverse Cinderella story she thought.

His arm brushed the side of her breasts as he turned the horse around and she nearly stopped breathing, this was the closest she had ever gotten to a man before, even her supposed fiance Ivan never held her in his arms, he had only pecked her cheek once or twice when they had been introduced.

She relaxed slightly into his arms and she watched the scenery as the horse galloped away.

It was a quiet ride to the palace as both of them couldn't quite tell why they were still together.




Luke intended to take her back to the palace and show her the palace gardens but he had no idea why, it had been a while since he had felt this way for a woman before.

He directed the horse into the palace and headed straight for the garden. He was happy that most of the servants had gone for the parade so the palace was a bit quiet.

"Thank you for saving me." She said as soon as he helped her down from the horse.

"No need to thank me, I'm just glad I saw you in time to save you from the horses." He smiled at her and led her to the palace gardens.

"It's really beautiful here, you must like working in the palace a lot." She said and touched the flowers around her.

He swallowed before he responded. "Yes, you don't seem to be from here." He added and she smiled at him.

"No, yes, my mother was from here, I've never been so I decided to visit." She answered. "My name is Claire by the way." She said when he was staring at her intently.

"Pardon my lack of courtesy, I'm Jean." He said the only thing on his mind as his eyes wandered to her jean-clad bottom.

He still remembered the feeling of her bottom pressed against his front as she rode in front of him on the horse.

"Jean." She laughed. "What a wonderful name, I really do love jeans."

"Well, I'm glad you like my name." He said and moved closer to her, there was something about her presence that was intoxicating him.

"You know, I've always wanted to sign an autograph before, nobody ever asks a palace guard for their autograph." He smiled and brushed her hair softly, she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.

"I don't have a pen, but you can sign one for me." She said and bit her lip suggestively.

All thoughts rattled from his brain at her simple gesture and he covered her lips with his. His kiss was gentle and soft at first, then it became ravishing and hungry as she dug her fingers into his hair.

The sensations he got from her mouth were enough to make him cum right there and then, he was painfully hard.

"Stay the night with me." He growled it before he had the time to think.

She stiffened and turned cold in his arms at his words, he looked down at her to see what the problem was but she shoved him away and her hand connected to his face in a quick slap.

He was stunned and he looked at the beauty before him, she was seething with anger and her eyes sparkled with fire.

"Who do you think I am, just because you saved me and I kissed you doesn't mean that I will open my legs for you." She said and stormed off before he had a chance to explain.

A smile touched his lip when he remembered how she kissed him back. If he had not been so consumed in his passion and his body's reaction to her, he would've known that what he'd done was called a dick move.

He watched her saunter away and he could not help admire her jean-clad backside that his hands ached to squeeze.

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