Awkward Meeting

“Where are you going, Mason?” In a flash, I catch the pup before he runs away. “Please, T, don't let him hurt me”. A cup of tears sits unshed on his eye and his lips pucker as he pleads.

“Buddy, no one is going to harm you. Let's not forget that we are still in pack territory”. He visibly calms. The first thing you learn as a pup is that we are not going to get hurt if we are in our pack territory. Rather than say a word, he yells and kicks me in the ribs. Despite falling to the ground, I continue to hold his waist with my hands.

“T, he is coming. He is gonna put a large needle up my butt!” He all screams in my ear.

“Mason, buddy, count reverse. Remember what Tina told you”. I pick him up in my arms and stand up. Sitting down on a bench, I put him on my lap. I wipe away his tears and pat his head as he mumbles numbers. He grasps onto me with his little hands as if his life depended on it. “That's it, buddy”. I repeat while he continues to mumble numbers.

It took a lot of convincing but I managed to coax him with some gummy bears into going back to pup care with me. Upon reaching the door, he ran to his friends after giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, T. I owe you," he says. Shaking my head, I wave at him. He behaves like an adult despite the fact that he is still a pup.

The pups' exasperated protest fills the room as Lauren instructs them to form a line to the first class. They form a line slowly. With twinkling eyes, Lauren approaches me. “Good morning!” She screams into my ear and holds my hand.

“Morning Lauren. You don't have morning sickness anymore”. I joke sitting at my desk. “Can you see it? Can you see it?” Her tone is that of a kid who's discovered that tantrums bring candy.

I glance at Lauren, my colleague. It was during the war that she met her mate. He was with another pack that came to help us. In light of the fact that they are mates, he decides to stay here with Lauren, because she is the only child and he didn't want her to leave her parents. She is now pregnant with their first pup.

I can't help but compare my life to hers. A sad expression appeared on my face as I watched Lauren's smile falter. However, I quickly mask it.

“You are literally glowing,” I say, and I truly mean it. As a friend, I am delighted for her.

“Oh girl” she exclaims and hugs me. I thought she was trying to tell me something for a moment, but the bell rang signalling the beginning of the first period. “We’ll talk at lunch”, she says as she heads for the class. My desk is cluttered with files of the pups, so I go through each one once again.

It's been almost three years since I started working here as a receptionist. Our pup care program only takes pups who are 13 years old or younger. During puberty and their first transformation into wolves, they go to the pack school, which is a few blocks away.

Almost all of the pups received their flu shots today. A few of the pups ran like Mason while others hid inside the bathroom. Separating those who did not receive a shot from the rest, I scheduled an appointment for them later that evening.

"Hi?" A girl came to me as I was doing my work. Her face immediately caught my attention as one of the new pups. Today is her scheduled day to start. The parents of the girl come and I greet them.

“Hello”. As I shook Leo and Clary's hands, I say, "It's nice to meet you. I assume this beautiful pup is Celeste" I say and show her some toys. She runs to play with them. While she is playing, I discuss her schedule and necessary medical information with the parents. As I received the information I needed to fill out the forms from the parents, I print two copies of Celeste's schedule taking about our staff.


“This baby is gonna be a warrior I say. He won’t stop kicking” Lauren winces. "Sure," I reply taking a bite from my lunch. As Lauren eats, she talks about how her baby boy is playing boxing in her womb and causing her pain. She slaps her hand on my desk and says, “you need to get laid” I cough from the bazaar words.

“Exactly what?”, I say that as I sip on water.

“Taylor, it's been four years”. She looks at me curiously and says, "Have fun."

"That's a risky move. My dad arranged for me to meet a marked mate", I sigh.

“When did that happen”. Her eyes become wide as saucers as I describe my night. After contemplating the option she finally speaks.

"That's great, right, Royal Beta?” Shaking my head, I look at her. “Not when he isn’t your actual mate”, I sigh and glance at the clock. What! It's already two! I hurry, she looks at me with a -what are you doing now- look.

"I have to leave. I have an appointment” I say and make my way out of the pups care. While walking to the pack hospital, I remember what Laurene said. It wouldn’t be that bad to have a one night stand right?. Maybe it is a bad idea but it’s just for one day. I am mateless anyway.

Dont think about it. We are doing it only with our mate.

Lilly screams in my head.

What is there to lose Lilly?

I try to reason to this absurd thought.

Um…..our virginity!

She replies.

Shaking my head, I open the door. The receptionist greets me. When I tell her I have an appointment, she scans the list and directs me to the second floor. After I arrive, I scan the area. I see it in bold italics before me Dr Bryan Roman

Suddenly, my hands start sweating and the wolf starts pacing in my head. My breathing became shallow as I knocked at the door.


The sound of a deep, masculine voice vibrates the ground. Or is it just my imagination? Hearing the voice, I forget why I've come here. My stomach feels like it's full of butterflies and I feel lightheaded.

With one hand on the doorknob, I stand there. I hear footsteps near me, but I'm not quite sure where they are coming from. A sudden pull of the doorknob causes my hand, which is on the handle, to be yanked to the room. I trip inside and brace for impact.

A gush of wind passes in the room. I pick up the scent of spicy masculine cologne, it surrounds me like a protective warm blanket. It is when I realised that I am in the strong arms of a man. A man!! Then I released our position. Me on top of him!. Obviously, he took the impact of the fall.

A groan escapes his lips. I momentarily forgot how to breathe. Who is this man? Is he….the DOCTOR!

Trying to get up, I fall on him again, barely able to keep my balance. Embarrassing….

“Wait”, he whispers in my ear. “Be still”

He gently grabs my waist. His fingers linger more below my chest. That action makes my head jerk up. We meet each other's eyes. His deep dark greens meet with my dull brown ones. For a second, everything stopped. I gasp as he lifts me up as I weigh nothing. He gently places me on my feet.

He greens roam my body up and down. I blush as I analyze him. Dark hair, cut in a professional way, sharp angular nose pointing at my direction, his full lips. How would it be to kiss those lips?

His tan skin gives off the feeling of a gangster, and he is a fine handsome man. His lips quirk up while I ogle him shamelessly.

“Are you okay?” the same deep voice asks. I nodded. I couldn't do anything else. I am rooted to my spot.

“Take a seat Ms Wolfram” he chuckles and pulls a seat for me.

Does he know my name? Of course, he does. I have an appointment. Focus Taylor. I tell myself.

“Your father explained to me the situation and I have already prepared a two-day schedule….”

I get lost in his voice as he speaks. He looks at my eyes and his eyes darken as he tells something about the contestant meeting. I see rings of gold around his pupils alerting me of his wolf presence. He and his wolf study me as I dont utter a single word.

He continues to talk when I don't respond. I don't know how I mustered the courage to say these next few words. As I interrupt him, I stammer, "Will y-you s-sleep with me-e?"

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