6 | Officially Fucked


Roughly an hour later, the room was crowded with the other seventeen-year-olds. I would have been the same age band with them if it wasn’t for the hurricane blowing apart my life.

Luckily, I was a late bloomer. And that is why it was difficult to tell that I was senior by two years in terms of age. Bad enough, I was sitting among prissy bitches; the last thing I wanted was to have them pick at me.

“You are the new girl,” a redhead approached with a bunch of other girls at her heel. “Kelly O’Hara.”

I took the extended hand and shook briefly. “Sienna.”

Behind her, the next girl did the same. The prominence of her brown skin was radiant as I immediately recognised her from the news a couple of years back. But what the hell was the daughter of a senator doing in this school?

“Tara Cox. Sophomore or Junior?” she asked.

“Junior. I thought same-year students were housed together, right?”

The gorgeous black girl next to Kelly plopped herself on the bed beside me. “There is no straitjacket formula. If Father Sully approves, you can share a room with a senior or a sophomore.”

I made an incredulous face. “Father Sully?”

Lord, help me.

“Please tell me you haven’t had the luck to meet him?” Olivia gasped dramatically, pressing a hand to her bosom.

My face scrunched up. “I had the misfortune to meet a cranky, mid-aged priest with chauvinistic streaks and an aversion of gadgets. Is he the same guy we are talking about?”

Kelly stabbed a finger into my shoulder. “Girl, you are going to eat your words later.”


“You are lucky to be assigned to this room because you see that window—that’s a view from heaven,” Olivia said, twirling a stray lock of hair and flutter her lashes. “Trust me.”

My eyes scanned the ring of junior years around me in confusion. “Care to elaborate?”

Kelly, the overenthusiastic one, was about to open her big mouth, but Sophie quickly shut her up. “Oh, no, no. Don’t spoil the surprise for her, Kel. I wanna see her face when it happens.”

“Just so we are clear, I had called dibs for tomorrow,” Olivia piped in.

“That’s not fair!” Someone whined, and I did not bother to see who.

My gaze landed on Tara, who simply stood like a bystander and took in. “What?” I asked her directly. “You have nothing to contribute to this divine mystery of Mount Carmel?”

She shrugged, tossing a casual look. “Who the fuck cares? It’s not like they are gonna get a taste of that pie anyway.”

“Oh, you shut up, bitch,” sniped Kelly.

I have a talent of reading people quickly, save aside from stern, hotness-smeared priests in black, but I knew I was not wrong about these girls. Under in an hour and from the depths of the conversations they shared, I had already profiled all four of them.

Kelly O’Hara, the feisty redhead, has an unhealthy infatuation with Father ‘Sully’ that made me nauseous. Tara Cox, one I had recognised as the daughter of an American-Indian senator, was careful with her words—slightly elite and aloof. It was probably because she hated to be the centre of attention. Olivia, on the other hand, loved the spotlight like no other. The last one, Sophia Smith, was an entitled heiress. With her glossy chocolate-coloured skin and ebony hair, she didn’t need to command attention.

I lost interest in their conversation eventually but gathered all the necessary details I needed for my short stay. At the very instance of an exit, I will make my way out of this hellhole.

I had accepted my fate when I signed away, but there was no way I’d spent the last of my independent days in a remote, archaic school.

“Sienna Emerson?” A voice razed through my thoughts as I cocked my head to have a better view. A girl walked into the room with a haughty profile as the small ring parted from the middle.

She stopped at an arm’s length. “I am Irene, the in-charge of this floor.”

Olivia rolled her eyes while Tara mumbled, “A prefect.”

Oh, right.

Irene snickered, turning her attention to me as she dropped a brown shopping bag on my bed. “This is your uniform and the rest of the wardrobe-essentials. Grooming inspection will be at seven, so make sure you are ready by then.”

I arched a brow because, seriously, this felt more like a prison than a school. “Anything else?”

Her narrowed gaze dropped down to my hands and then dragged up. “You might want to remove that polish and clip off those nails before tomorrow. Short nails and clear polish are only permitted as per the school handbook. Any violation otherwise is subjected to strict action.”

I wanted to laugh and narrate that I had already dumped that bloody book in the bin at Father Sullivan’s office but somehow held back my tongue.

Instead, I let the action speak louder.

I smiled broadly and raised the middle finger, relishing how to redden her pale complexion turned.

“Ouch.” Sophie chuckled.

Irene’s stormy eyes whirled around the room before she snarled at me. “Unless you want to end up in Father Sullivan’s office for a disciplinary action on the first day itself, I suggest you follow my words to the letter.”

I flipped up the middle finger of the other hand. “Anything else?”

She stormed out of the room with so much passion I wondered how will she react the next morning. Boy, it was fun pissing these upright people.

“She is going to make you pay for that,” one of the four girls muttered while my gaze was fixed on the path where she trailed off.

“I can’t wait for it.” I smiled.

True to her malicious streak, Mean Irene appeared at the dorm sharp at seven, as if she could not wait to point out the shortcomings in my appearance ‘in accordance to the school handbook’ that I had tossed long back.

And the uniform? Well, I had no inclination to stick to the so-called rules at Mount Carmel and happily altered the outfit to my convenience. The white shirt was tucked out while the red-black plaid skirt was folded several times and ended up at my mid-thighs. The socks were bunched at the ankle, and I had utterly rejected the bloody tights.

In short, I was the epitome of a glaring contradiction of the dress code.

On the other hand, Irene was prim and appropriately dressed, and if it wasn’t the snide look on her face, I would have taken her to be the obedient little school girl.

“I know your kind,” she enlightened me, crossing her arms and raked her eyes over the length of my body. “You are not the first bitch I have had on my floor.” She tossed a nail clipper on the bed, nodding at it. “Now, clip those off, wipe out the colour and fix your dress. You can’t be late for Mass.”

“Says who?”

“And what’s with this uniform? Have you never worn clothes or flashing those tits come naturally to you?”

I smirked. “At least I have something to flash about.”

My eyes were glaring with a dangerous glint as her hands unfurled. “Come with me. I don’t have time to deal with this because frankly, I’d rather you get punished by the Father.”

I’d give you hell. I had promised him, and every minute of every hour, he would have to deal with my defiance, and hopefully, that will wear him down enough to let me go.

There were other things on my list to get me expelled, like drugs, boys or porn, but I would not be able to access any of them within the high walls of this medieval institution.

My wicked mind was all I had.

So I gladly followed Mean Irene out of the dorm room, catching the attention of the strait-laced school girls and watching them gasp and giggle. The look in their eyes told me that they knew where we were heading, but it was my undaunted semblance that shocked them.

And I wondered how shocking the priest would be.

She confidently veered us to a direction I’d no clue about and slipped into a long corridor with doors on either side. It resembled that of a residential quarter, with single rooms and probably for the faculty.

We stopped in front of a door, and before rapping her fingers against the wood, she threw me a nasty smirk that said: you are in trouble, bitch.

Like I’d cared. She was delivering me right where I wanted to be.

The door opened, and there stood the man I was supposed to be afraid of. Except, I wasn’t. He was dressed in the same black outfit, clerical collar and this time, the sleeves of his shirt were buttoned up to his wrists. His hair was damp and slightly dishevelled as if he had just finger raked them.

Bloody hell.

“Good morning, Father Sullivan,” Irene half-stuttered and half blushed for no good reason.

“Irene.” That was all he said before his razor-sharp eyes shifted to mine. Much against my will and determination, my pulsed raced.

“I am sorry to bother you at this hour, Father, but things got out of my hands. This girl wouldn’t fix her uniform or tidy her nails, despite all the previous warnings. I have tried to explain her the rules, but—”

He lifted a hand and shut her up while the eyes were still pinned on me. “I have got this.”

“It’s her first day—”

“Irene, go back to your floor.” The voice was calm, yet his command was uncompromising. “Make sure the wardrobe inspection is done at the earliest and students are escorted to the Church for the morning Mass. Father Lucas will be taking the service as scheduled for today.”

“Yes, Father Sullivan,” she answered demurely.

“You are dismissed.”

As soon as he said the words, I tried to spin on my heels, but his snappy tone leashed me back. “Not you.” His finger pointed at me. “You stay here.”

With a reluctant eye-roll, I stayed rooted to the spot while Irene marched away in disdain. Her hopes of witnessing my so-called punishment went all in vain.

He stood eerily quiet, widening his stance with the hands tucked behind his back and his hawk eyes taking every inch of my glaring subversion in the form of clothing.

Deep in my gut, a small fleet of fear fluttered.

“What, some more threats?” I dared, feigning boldness. “Do you really need to keep bitchy minions for every floor?”

“Sienna Emerson.” My name rolled out of his lips like a dark promise.

There was only him and me now.

“Are you going to punish me?” I felt my trembling voice come out of my mouth.

I couldn’t be feared.

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