7 | Sweet Lamb
“Your dress code is completely out of line. But I believe it is not your fault.”
My brows shot up in surprise. “You do?”
He nodded his admission. “I do. It was a lacking on my part. So please, follow me.”
Okay, this was not good. I am officially fucked.
A quick question crossed my mind. Did I bit off more than I could chew?
I trotted behind him as he climbed the stairs, two steps at a time and in a matter of record time, we were back where we had started less than twenty- four hours ago.
The chamber of the devil-priest of the Old St. Augustine Church and the office of the headmaster of the Mount Carmel Academy. The title was a mouthful.
“What are we doing here?” I asked, spinning around to face him.
For some unexplained reason, my mouth went dry, and my palms turned sweaty. If I were a little stronger or bolder, I wouldn’t have cared how his icy blue eyes drilled into me and tripped my pulse.
If I were stronger, I’d be able to look away.
He claimed the gaping distance between us, standing mere inches away from me and stood with his towering, wide stance in an intimidating posture. The dark alcove around him grew taller, making me feel defenceless and cornered.
“As I mentioned, it was a lacking on my part yesterday that I had let it slide,” he said with an unreadable expression. “I thought it was your first time, and you are entitled to be overwhelmed with emotions. Parting with the family and settling down in a new place can be rough.”
I resisted the urge to snort. Parting with family was a relief, but this place was no less than hell. Anything that curtailed my freedom was a prison.
“What the hell are you saying?”
He watched me with those artic blue eyes, drawing out time like an impending threat and pinched the bridge of his sculpted nose.
“You threw a tantrum, and I let you,” he admitted calmly. “Perhaps, I have given you the impression that you can get away with that kind of behaviour in this school. So it changes now, Miss Emerson. Pick up the handbook from where you dumped it yesterday.”
I gaped positively, my eyes bouncing between him and the mesh bin in the corner. “Do you really think I am going to put my hand in that shitty—Ah!”
He caught me by the ear, hauling me onto my tiptoes and dragged me towards the bin. Unlike last time, it was moved away from the corner, but the book I had dropped yesterday was still nestled in there, along with few crumpled pieces of paper and wrappers.
“I said: Pick up the book.” I felt his words like the tightening gripping around my ear, stretching and aching, that almost brought tears to my eyes. Maybe it was the pain or the humiliation, or both, but my face was flaming red.
“Argh! I can’t!” I gritted my teeth in protest. “You are holding me back.”
He twisted my ear further, accentuating his hold over me. “Get on your knees and pick it up. Now.”
“You assh—Ow!”
Having no way out, my brain impulsively obeyed. I slowly lowered myself on my knees, much against my disbelief, and picked up the book.
How does a man of God could be so diabolical, mercurial and ruthless?
“Now, turn to page fifteen and start reading it aloud,” he whipped out his command, finally letting go of my ears but still crowded my space. Instinctively, my palms rubbed the hurting ear. And the moment I tried to rise, he caught me by the shoulder and pushed me back down.
I glared up. “Don’t you have a Mass to attend?”
His stern gaze settled over me like a heavy iron blanket and then went on to retrieve something from the desk. It was only when he returned to stand before me, I realised what he was holding.
A fucking wooden ruler.
“You are not hitting me with that.”
“Page fifteen,” he prompted with a warning stare. “I will not repeat it again, Miss Emerson.”
I waited…contemplated.
The ruler slammed so hard against the nearest stool where I was kneeling that I almost jumped back in impact. My trembling hands caught the book somehow, promptly leapt into action. In no time, I flipped the pages and starting reciting the words like gospel.
“Students are expected to dress in accordance with school guidelines. That is, all shirts tucked in, shoes tied, no holes/tears in clothes, clothing appropriately sized for the wearer.”
From the corner of my eyes, I watched the impatient tapping of his feet.
“All students will wear the designated school uniform unless otherwise specified by the Headmaster. The uniform shall be worn at Mass during weekdays. Teachers and prefects will check the students regularly to ensure that each student is in compliance with Mount Carmel uniform guidelines.”
“It is imperative that all students read the guidelines carefully to ensure full understanding of the entire uniform guidelines. The school administration will determine if there is a violation of the dress code, either in fact or attitude. Students not complying with this dress code will be required to rectify their appearance as quickly as possible. Cheerful, consistent compliance is expected; grumbling and challenging attitudes will be subject to disciplinary action.”
This went on and on, describing in meticulous detail how the shirt, skirt and other garments were to be worn. They even went on to elaborate the length of respectable hairstyles and accessories, barring any kind of piece of jewellery and describing the ‘growing room’ for the shirts.
The hard floor bit into my knees as I struggled to balance my weight from one knee to another.
“Again,” came the whipping order as he tapped the ruler on the sides of his thighs.
He made me read the page over and over again, making me lose track of time. I finally sighed and stared up at him, almost pleadingly.
“Keep going.” I kept my voice straight and stern.
“How many more times?”
“As long as it takes to get the lesson through your thick skull.”
Her indignation flared. “I don’t have a—”
I slammed the ruler for the second time, making her flinch. It wasn’t as impactful as the first time, but I liked the effect it created.
Whoever thought that only children got intimidated by wooden rulers surely did not use them on full-grown nineteen-year-olds. Despite her fiery presence, I relished how nervous she looked.
So sweet and obedient and submissive.
“My knees hurt,” she whined, once again swaying side to side to relieve the pressure on her knees.
If she were a submissive under me when I was dominant, she would have known how the ruler felt against her naked ass.
“As it should.” I clasped my hands behind my back, gripping the ruler for self-control and slowly circled her. “You could have behaved and avoided this entire conversation. Not only did you miss the Mass, but you held me back as well.”
Sienna glanced over her shoulder. “Oh, so it’s my fault that you are a giant pain in my—”
“That’s it.” I rounded to stand before her; her eyes almost levelled with my manhood. And fuck! It almost made me hard. So I wagged the ruler at her face. “Three decent warnings are all you will get for the first day, and you have exhausted every one of them in one meeting. I suggest you hold your tongue from now on because I won’t be holding myself back.”
Like a sweet lamb, Sienna went back to the monotonous recitation of the School Handbook. Every time she would complete the page, her eyes would meet mine, more pleadingly than ever. I would arch a brow, and she would go back to the reading.
Almost after twenty more times, she put down the book and huffed a breath. “If you are done humiliating me, can I go back?”
“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Chapter one, verse nineteen of Isaiah.” My gaze bore into hers. I was surprised how she commanded my emotions I had locked away, test my confidence and haunted every thought. “Unfortunately, Miss Emerson, you are neither willing nor obedient. So, you will be spending in the corner on your knees until lunchtime and go through every word of the School Handbook in detail.”
Every humming, pulsing, aching for action muscle, and sinew inside of me knew exactly what pleading would get her.
In my previous life, if a submissive would have dropped on her knees and begged with those puppy eyes, I would have driven my cock to the back of her throat and relished the tears.
And similar hunger sprung out as I watched her on her knees before me.
Someone cleared his throat as my attention flew towards the doorway. Father Lucas stood there in his cassock, a bible in his hands and wearing a slight smirk as he slowly took in the view.
“I was wondering about your absence from the morning Mass,” he said, crossing the threshold.
Since my days from the seminary to being a priest and headmaster, I have only missed the Mass twice. Once, I was severely ill, and the second time was today. The big fat reason was to discipline Sienna Emerson.
I had anticipated this situation beforehand, and the moment it fell into my lap, I jumped at the chance to put her on her knees, just to see how enticing she would look.
It was already a sin on my conscience.
I closed my eyes and begged for forgiveness in my heart.
Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned….
**Thank you for reading the chapter. Please leave me a feedback below. **❤️