5 : Answers
Evelyn :
Wife? What is he talking about now?
My mind was in chaos when I heard these words from a stranger. What kind of weed has he smoked if he is saying those things? Is he on drugs or something?
"Wait, what?" I widened my eyes out of shock, looking completely confused.
Raphael leaned back a step from me, giving me that intense gaze again, seeing the fire in his eyes burn completely. Giving me a smile, he opened his mouth.
"I know you're not aware of what I'm saying now but you know I'm telling the truth. So how do you explain that?" Raising his hand, he gently stroked the skin on my face with his fingertips. I immediately had a pleasant goosebumps, giving me a feeling of electric sparks all over my body but they were so good that I completely closed my eyes in bliss. Even without noticing, I felt myself coming closer towards him, again like a magnet.
"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, little one ..." quietly muttering under his breath, I felt through his chest some kind of purring sound as if he were a cat that had just gotten love and attention from his master.
My eyes immediately opened and I returned from that trance state, as if I didn't understand what was happening. Pushing him away with force, I surprised him unprepared, because he immediately faltered on his heels, looking at me, with a confused look.
I exhaled hard and only then realized that I was holding my breath. I needed air and fast, but it was not possible if I was in his presence, in this haunted house and completely in his custody. Okey, maybe not quite, if I can walk away anyway but my thoughts seemed completely confused and I didn't know what to do anymore.
"I need to ... I need to be alone. Please," I knew I was asking for the stupidest thing knowing I needed to be completely out of here, but I was kind of unbalanced and that thought scared me. I wanted to know how he could withstand my touch and of course needed answers to many questions.
Raphael remained serious, staring blankly for a moment, as if trying to calm down, but in the end smiled weakly.
"Of course. As you wish. You can safely go out in the garden, there's a nice place to think, so follow me," without waiting for a reply, I needed to just go after him because he didn't even stop to wait.
He got his jacket quickly and we both went outside.
The sun was up already we went out so the morning looked a little bit peaceful and I had my mouth open when he took me out. On the other side of the house where the large flower garden was hidden everything looked like in another world. Not at all like at night when you look at a haunted house.
There were gorgeous colors everywhere. Roses, Lilies, Tulips, Lilac bushes, Large Japanese cherry trees, Magnolias and other flowers.
I would not have imagined that there was such a thing behind a big ghost house. It was a big surprise.
"Wow ..." I accidentally blurted out when I saw it all with my own eyes.
The master himself smiled when he heard it.
"Yeah, you didn't expect that, did you?"
Turning his head sideways, I looked at him from the side and immediately inhaled, only now noticing that he looked even more beautiful in the sunlight.
Dangerously more beautiful.
I had thought of watching him quietly from the side, but before I could turn away, his eyes met mine. My heart immediately thumped in my chest and I thought it would pop out of me in the next few seconds. Immediately turning to the other side, I could still feel his gaze on me, but I wouldn't let him know when I stepped along the paved path of the garden, seeing a fountain nearby, like a garden pond with water in the middle. White statue - a man who was sitting on a stone, looking at the sky, folding his arms on his lap and had wings on his back.
With my mouth open, I even forgot that I was not alone when I heard a low voice behind me.
"I'll leave you alone now so you can clear your head in the fresh air and think about what I said earlier. I'll be in my office if you want to join me and you can go freshen up if you need. Everything is in your room." After glancing at him, I saw him already looking at me with his intense gaze, as usual. I could only nod.
Giving me a smile, he turned and disappeared back into the house without even blinking at my eyes. Again breathing air out of my lungs, I could only close my eyes for a moment, wondering what to do and gathering my thoughts on what had happened and would happen to me in general.
I was in the final mess and I was well aware of that. Why did it occur to me to break into a strange house overnight, breaking the rules? Now this has led me to a psychopath, a rather sexy psychopath who imagines that I am his wife. It was the extreme level of craziness.
After petting my messy hair with my hands, I went in the direction of the fountain, seeing a small bench by the pond where I could sit. At least I can clean my head of those bad thoughts in the fresh air. I had questions to which I did not know the answers, but if I want to know them, then I have to use the situation to my advantage and find out everything that has to do with this man and why I am chosen.
Like for example - he could touch me. The only living being who is not killed first by my touch.
Later, when I took a shower and put on wearable clothes - classic white pants with a red top and black sneakers which I found in the closet, not even knowing how the women's clothes were made in my size, but I couldn't think about that stuff. I needed answers and I wasn't going to wait until the day my gray hair grows.
After getting my hair dried, I got the courage and went to the office, where I had been before. When I found myself at the door, I had almost turned back in fear, but I couldn't show that I was weak. Before I change my mind, my hand managed to knock on the door three times.
It took three seconds to hear the answer through the door, again in a low voice.
"Come in."
After biting my lip, I could only take a deep breath and put my hand on the door handle to open it. When they opened, I saw Raphael sitting at his desk, typing something on the keyboard of his laptop. Not a moment passed when his eyes turned to me and he didn't even hide his close, passionate gaze that slid across my whole body.
He gave me a smile again.
"Come in, love."
With my mouth thining in anger that his voice did something to me and my reaction to his gaze and words left me blushing, I went inside, closing the door behind me.
"We need to talk," I said seriously.
Death turned his head to the side.
The nickname fits well with his dark angelic appearance, even if it sounds funny.
Stopping what he had started, he leaned back in his chair and looking at me for a moment nodded as if thinking of something.
"Of course you want. I'm your ears," he smiled darkly, and I shuddered as I sat down at the chair opposite him.
"Not your ears, but I need your mouth," I corrected him, but when I realized what I had said, it was too late when he started laughing at the ground and saw his eyes already flashing.
"Oh, little one, I didn't know you were so naughty, but I'm not even mad about it. If my girl wants to get something, that's what will happen, I can't deny you. I'm even happy to satisfy you," his words made me look like tomato, red like never before.
"E-I didn't mean it, you psycho! How are you not ashamed of yourself!" My cheeks glowed with anger and shame, it seemed that there was no more air space, feeling how hot I was.
Still smiling at my words and reaction, he put his hand on his heart.
"Sorry, that was rude on my part. So what did you want to talk to me about?" changing the subject, I frowned at his action, thinking he was trying to make fun of me, but also wanted to forget it quickly, I turned away, gathering my thoughts until a moment passed and I looked at him again.
"First explain what happened the night before. I know well what I saw and don't even try to lie. Those plants were alive and wanted to kill me!"
About my words Raphael remained very serious and he pursed his lips, looking even more menacing for a moment than ever before.
"It will never happen again, they have already learned a lesson from me. Now you are completely safe while you are in my possession."
"What do you mean that while I'm in your possession? Are you going to keep me here? I have my home in town," I explained, trying to remind the situation.
The master gave me a serious look.
"But you broke into my property, my territory. Others would have involved the court and the police a long time ago for breaking the law on invading private land, but you see, Evelyn, I'm not doing this because I've been waiting too long for you to be back and now that you have fallen into my hands, you will not go anywhere as far I'm concerned. "
My heart was beating faster.
"How long have you been waiting for me? There's no logic at all."
Raphael just shook his head conscientiously.
"There's logic, you just have to see it. Like I said, you're my queen, my wife, if, of course, you'd prefer better to call you my baby girl, or else, be sure to let me know."
I got up quickly.
"I'm not your wife, you know! Stop saying stupid things here! I'm leaving and you can't stop me, you told me that yesterday."
His jaw muscle twitched for a moment, as if trying to keep calm about what he was hearing from me. He shrugged, slowly rising to his feet.
"Of course you can go, but I don't know if you will be safe until you leave this area. We both know you can kill somebody by accident and I know more about you than you do about yourself. "
Those words were like a slap in the face. Sure, it was true, but they hurt like never before. Until he notices my tears, I turn around and throw myself out of his study before I collapse completely. Thinking that he would follow me and make me go back but I didn't hear any footsteps behind me, so to my regret, I went to my room, locking the door behind me, only when I fell into bed, only then did I allow myself to cry.