Chapter One

As the years moved forward, Barbara and I grew closer than sisters. We had everything planned out to even attend college together. Fate has a way of flipping someone’s life upside down. I started to notice by the age of seventeen years old that there was something different happening to me. I felt like there was a spiritual presence that would visit me or stay with me. I would hear a voice whispering in my ear, as if my subconscious had developed a way to speak. It was curious and frightening at the same time. It took me several months to grow used to the presence. Many times, I would try to block it out, I was terrified I would be seen as someone with a psychotic condition which I never had. I never informed my mother or stepfather; I was terrified what they would think of me.

Along with this new sense of power that was evolving inside of me, I also noticed different things I had never noticed in childhood. Mother started to act differently, there were days when I questioned who she truly was. The caring, devoted mother she was when I was crippled, began to seem like a facade. In my wildest imaginings, I feared that she might be possessed. She would switch from the mother I knew to a dark twisted person within minutes. She was sweet as pie, unless I tested her boundaries then, a raging bitch would appear like a dangerous storm.

Sometimes, I would faint and wake up with little memory of what happened. Hunter, I could tell, he was different than other men. It was as if there was a secret neither were telling me. There were days when he would disappear, and mom never hinted where he had gone. He always came back, and that made me happy. Mom would look worried when he would come back, I tried asking her but, she said "You would not understand, this is adult business, it is beyond your comprehension". As if that would keep my curiosity at bay?! She should know that I have always been a curious mind, this is why I had grand dreams of attending Cambridge University to become a journalist. I enjoyed a thrilling hunt for news.

As the years passed, I had never seen my mother so happy than she was with Hunter Eldridge. I was not completely happy; feeling like I was different from everyone else I know was unsettling and depressing at times.

I would have dreams that I was walking through a forest side by side with a beautiful wolf. The woods felt oddly familiar, even though I know I have never been there. I felt connected to these woods as if a part of my soul is there. I would walk through this area feeling at peace in life. My eyes would shine with a purple hue as I start at the night sky. The dreams felt so yet, were so strange, I did not know what is happening to me. It felt like something hid deep inside my soul was breaking its bonds and coming forward. It terrified me inwardly to my core, what was this hidden strength that was becoming known? why was I starting to feel like I had another presence living with me? What was this? How do I ask my mother or my stepfather?

I kept these thoughts in the back of my mind, I heard a faint voice in my head "Molly!" I ignore the voice, it was difficult to ignore it the closer I reached my eighteenth birthday, the stronger voice continued to grow.

"Molly! Can you hear me?"

"No! you're a delusion, go away" I snap and block it out.

One day, a most unusual incident happened, it sent shivers through me to my core, as I went on a college tour with my best friend Barbara. I do not understand what happened but, the walls finally broke, and I could not keep the voice at bay anymore.

I smelled the most intoxicating scent that caused her to jump around and do a happy dance. She sang for joy, as a gorgeous man walked past me while in a college pub. Our eyes locked, I could not look away from his captivating eyes. From my corner eye, I saw my best friend Barbara stare at him wide-eyed, in awe with the largest grin. I was so absorbed with this Adonis standing in front of me, I paid her no mind. I heard him whisper something, with our gazes locked, he walked up to me, grabbed me by my hand pulled me into his embrace. His head went into the crook of my neck, goosebumps covered my skin, and my legs went weak at the knees as I felt him breathe me in deeply.

He lifted his head to catch my gaze. His eyes fell on my parted lips, and he sealed my lips with a scorching kiss. I knew right then I had just found my prince charming. Everything felt perfect however, little did I know how much my life was going to change afterward. If anyone would have told me at that moment the path my life was going to take, I would have laughed.

So many hidden secrets I would come to learn, and the harsh reality that life is never what a person seems. Looking back, I am left to question everything, all the lies that were hidden in front of my face. Now, I realize that the one person who I lived with was the biggest monster of all!

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