Strange things in the wild.
Morning comes, and my mind is still racing over the events of yesterday. Did everything really happen? Or was it all a bad dream? After the crash, I drove straight home and ran inside me house. My mother had left a note that she would be gone all night at a social function, telling me that Hunters chef dropped off some dinner, and it is in the refrigerator.
I looked through my refrigerator and found the sauteed porterhouse stakes with grilled baked potatoes and mixed steamed vegetables. I devoured my dinner and washed up the kitchen. I went upstairs and stayed in my room most of the night. My trying to convince myself that it was a bad dream, this does not happen in reality. The more I tried, the more I could not escape that it was the truth.
I drove straight to school, I look around the parking lot, everything has been cleaned up. Also, thanks to “Mr. superheroes’” antics, no one saw me in the parking lot at the scene of the crash. He pulled me completely away from the parking lot somehow. As I parked my car I looked toward the forest. There was no one there now. As I walked into school I saw on the grass pieces of a broken headlight. Further proof that yesterday’s hysterics really happened.
I enter my English Literature class and take my seat. The teacher calls attendance and requests us to take out our study materials and the current book in class which is Shakespeare’s Hamlet. I absolutely love Shakespeare. Last month we read Romeo and Juliet, my favorite book. I asked that we perform the play, however, the teacher said that is up to the theater director, and he does not make those decisions. I was sad but, I have not lost hope. I would love to play Juliet. I look around the room getting myself comfortable and erasing the feelings of anxiety from my mind.
I noticed Carlyle in the corner of the room. I smile at him and wave. He smiles back and gives me a wink. I roll my eyes at his childish antics. I took out my book and read chapter seven for the rest of the class, while also writing a summary of the chapter.
The bell rings and we all walk out of the room. I feel someone following me. I look behind and it is Mr. Crandal. I pretend not to notice as I head towards my next class “Algebra.” Math is a drain on my soul. I hate math, I feel like I want to teleport out of this class. I sit down next to my friend Cynthia and prepare myself for the mental torture.
She passes me a note “are you alright? I heard about the crash, I saw everything, what in the fuck happened?” I stay silent, I wish I could tell her but, I am still baffled by it myself. I just shrugged and whispered I have no idea, that I cannot explain it. Because, honestly, I couldn’t.
We head out of the classroom towards our next classroom, home economics. This class I actually enjoy. I have two classes with this section of the school. I enjoy the “embroidery class” which also entails sewing, and quilting. I also enjoy culinary class, which I am currently entering. I love cooking. I learned to cook some dishes years ago from Barbara’s mother. However, my favorite things to do are baking, and cake decorating. After an hour of making pastries, and becoming messy with flour, class is over and wash myself up. Sometimes I wish I had a magic wand like in fairytales to “poof” myself clean. If only fairytales were real.
I exited the hallway and met Cynthia outside of her quilting class. We continue on with our day. After walking and talking for a while, we see one of the guys in honors talking to Barbara. They appear to be more friendly than expected. Barbara never shared this with me, and she’s looking very cozy next to Nixon Wilaby. That guy is a flirt, and a player. He is always trying to find an easy girl to shag. I really hope that Barbara will have enough brains her head not to be hooked by him. It does not look like it though. She sees me and turns a cold shoulder to me oddly. I give her a questioning look and she ignores me. He has her full attention. He is kissing her neck and whispering something in her ear. She suddenly looks at me and sneers walking away with him. What the bloody hell was that? What did he tell her? Cynthia looks like she is bloody livid as she looks at them. My heart is squeezing, I feel a sense of dread come over me like someone just died or did I just lose my best friend to those bloody twits?
I feel like I cannot breath, I decide to play hooky the rest of the day and just go home. I waved goodbye to Cynthia and found the hallway close to where I parked my car. I duck through the doors towards the parking lot. I make my way towards my car. I feel someone’s stare and I look behind me and I see Mr. Crandall watching me again. I climb inside my car and lock it. I begin to drive out of the parking lot. As I am waiting for a gap in traffic to leave the school, I feel someone’s eyes on me again from the forest. I look up to see the same boy I noticed yesterday. There is something about him that is entrancing. It is like I knew him from another lifetime ago. I suddenly feel compelled to park my car and I begin walking towards the forest as if I cannot control myself.
“Molly” I hear someone calling me and I snap out of my trance. I look behind me to find Cynthia leaving school. Cynthia is walking towards me with a smile. I waved at her then started to walk towards my car again. As I looked over my shoulder towards the forest. The strange boy was no longer there.
I embrace Cynthia and we walk together; we make plans to have a girls night. As we’re talking Bridgette Cynthia’s sister also walks over to us.
“Are you free this weekend?”
“Gee, people keep asking me that” I joke.
“Who” they both ask.
“Oh my God! Tell me you said no!” Bridgette said, both their faces twisted in disgust.
“I was caught off guard, I did not know what to say. I mentioned being a friend and I would have to let him know, yes, he did not like response.”
“Yeah, no guy wants to hear “we’re friends” it damages their ego” Cynthia said with a giggle.
“Besides, girl! Patrick is so beneath you! You should date Archy a thousand times before Patrick.”
“Archy?! Ugh! No thank you.”
“Girl! Seriously, so he only wants one night. He is amazing”
“Cynthia!” I shouted.
“What, girl you need to get shagged! You will love it!”
“I am terminating this conversation.” I tell both of them.
I wave goodbye to both, and step inside my car again. I decided to head into town. I do not want to go home right now; I would rather find a café and finish reading my book for school.
I drive until I find “Milly’s.” This café has been in town here for nearly fifty years. The woman is like a sweet grandmother to me. My mother does not know that I come here on occasion to study. The lady is sweet. I am not sure what my mum would do if she were to discover this. There are times when I feel like mum wants to lock me up and hide me away from the world. Sometimes I just do not get her? What is so special about me that she wants to isolate me from everyone? Yet, at the same time, she pushes me out of the house to associate with my friends like Cynthia, Barbara etc. Yet, some like Patrick, and his sister Francine, she does not let me associate with them. She saw me sharing malts with them once at the local mall, and literally pulled the hair away from them. That was bloody embarrassing that day.
“Hello Molly”
“Hello Milly, how are you?”
“You’re such a sweetheart, I cannot complain. My rheumatism is acting up but, I will be all right.”
“I will keep you in my prayers Milly.”
“You’re a doll” she says as she gives me a hug and a coffee, with a blueberry scone. She looks like she wants to say more to me then walks away. That was bloody weird.
I sit down and begin to finish reading my book. I feel eyes on me again. I look around and find Mr. Crandal watching me from the farmers market across the street. I notice he is starting to walk over. I panic, I collect my items, I excuse myself to use the restroom, and find a back door. I quickly exited out the back. I walk two blocks until I turn the corner and find the street where I parked my car. I notice that Mr. Crandal is no longer in sight. I stepped into my car and began to drive around the city. I found a quaint park near a wooded area on the opposite side of town. I walk over to a bench near a nature path. I sit and finish reading my book.