- Prologue!!
- New World!!
- Scars of my Past!!
- A Scent in the Air!!
- Say that Again!
- Guilt is a Beautiful Thing!
- Cruel Intentions
- 'I do' not want to go!
- A Trip down the Horror Lane
- A Drive never to be Forgotten
- The Ruins of Artena
- Falling for Damon...Literally!
- Here we go again!
- Into the Ruins, We fall!
- Is She for Real???
- She made me Blush!!!
- What the Hell!
- Oops!!!
- Do or he Dies!!!
- Need more than a kiss!!
- Our Wolves speak at Last!!
- Gifts or Demands???
- Better not be Dead!!!
- Save me from Her!!
- Running from the Truth!!
- Kingdom of Hell!!
- What is Wrong with People!!
- Pissed off Mate!!!
- I want the Name!!!
- Don't you dare to Cheat!!
- Dare to Attack!!
- Never a Good Time!!
- Arrested for What!?
- Serial Killer?? No Way!!
- Rogues are Shits!!!
- Double or (Trouble) Mate??
- Fire in your Scars!!
- Survivor, not a Victim!!!
- Mates are in Hell!!!
- Early bird catches the Worm!!
- I am (not) a Back-stabber!!!
- I need a Trigger!!!
- Brothers are Traitors??
- Marked to Kill???
- Monster in the Skin of Mate??
- Trapped in the Ruins!!
- Ghost freezes when Wolf unleashes!!
- If Betrayal has a Face!!
- Broken Mate Trapped in Cage!!
- I Fucked a Fossil!!
- Do I look a Doppelganger??
- Portal to Death!!!
- Death to Invisible Guys!!
- All Hail the Doppelganger!!
- Wounded Beasts needs a Feast!!
- Two Mates make me Wet!!
- Not a Dream this Time!!
- Can I have your Boyfriend!!
- Mate screwed by Fate!!
- Damon turns the Tables!!
- Mate scarred by Fate!!
- Lukas needs to Kick Ass!!!
- Hell breaks loose...for Trigger!!
- Oh Shit! Wrong Bitch!!
- To Hell with the 'Kingdom of Hell'!!
- A Mate lost without a Trace!!
- Third Mate?? For God's sake!!
- Mate in the Cage!!!
- Oh Yeah, I know the Bitch!!!
- Liar Liar! Bitches on Fire!!
- Dreams make me Scream!!!
- Mage in the skin of Mate??
- Supper to sniff the Traitor!!!
- Kissing me crazy way!!!
- Twins dancing on my Whims!!!
- Deal with handsome Devil!!
- We had a thing Once!!
- Definitely, My Type!!!
- Where the Blood leads??
- Traitor Unleashes and Heart Freezes!!!
- My Pretty Little Bounty Head!!!
- Mage sets on Rampage!!!
- Fear Gulped! Challenge Delivered!!
- Barrier goes Wham!!!
- Caged Mate hiding his Face??
- A Perfect grade of Eye candies!!
- Mates are shitting Rage!!!
- Letter and Gifts wrapped in a Twist!!
- A Touch that Burns!!!
- Mates Obsessed with Hate!!!
- Can the nightmares kill you??
- Master at Pissing off Mates!!!
- Where are my Hounds???
- She can't be the Mage!!!
- Creatures, creatures giving me Jitters!!
- Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight!!!
- Killing!! Morrighan Style!!
- A Friend's Journey Ends!!
- Fighting Mates unleashes the Mage!!
- Mage reveals her Face!!!
- Is she Nuts???
- Angel in the skin of Devil??
- Cursing that Day!!!
- Foolish Romeo getting Rejected!!
- Mage Haunting the Mates!!
- Liar spitting Fire!!
- Liar, Liar! caught in Fire!!
- Do I look Dumb???
- The World can take care of itself!!
- I Died that Day!!!
- Torn, shredded and Hurt!!
- Game Over! Bitch!!
- My World Collapsed!!
- True Love a blessing, Blind Love a Mistake??
- Demon with the face of an Angel??
- The Day She Betrayed!!
- Badass with the Heart of an Angel!!
- WARRIOR, not a Survivor!!
- Wild Desires, sets on Fire!!
- Killing the Feelings!!!
- Mate teams with Mage???
- Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge!!
- Fates be Damned!!
- I am Beautiful!!! Say it!! NOW!
- Sassy Queen!!! My Foot!!
- Taste of her own Venom!!!
- A Shattered piece of Heart!!
- He killed my Soul!!!
- Everything Falling Apart!!
- A World of Hurt!!
- Our Souls Kissed at Last!!
- Worst kind of Walking Alone!!
- Carnal Desires trapped in Nightmares!!!
- Shadows of my Mind!!
- Visions Trapped in Shadow Prisons!!
- A show of Death and Bliss!!
- Wild Desires...sets on Fire!!
- A Little Red Mage!!
- Mist and Mirrors!!!
- I don't want to be a Mage!!
- Fire Doused! Cauldron Bubbled!!
- I am here to Kill!!!
- Heart drowned in Abyss!!!
- Mate that won't Mark!!!
- The Rise of Morrighan!!!
- The Prophecy makes me Crazy!!
- Queen of Hearts!!!
- I am a Slayer!!!
- Grim Reaper without a Scythe!!!
- Immortal Shits needs Kicks!!
- Fear for your Bits!!!
- Truth or Dare!!
- A Stranger in the Mirror!!
- The Grass is Dead on this side!!
- Candies, Brawls and Mages!!
- Shadow that keeps Killing!!
- Dead Bodies Walking!!
- Fire in the Ice!!
- A Mother for every DoppelgÀnger!!
- Ring 'a' Round the Bushes!!
- Into the Witches Lair we fell!!!
- Trapped in Shadows and Mists!!
- A Mage for every Mirror!!
- Sinking down the Rabbit Hole!!!
- Creepy Mist with a Bloody Twist!!
- Predator in the skin of Prey!!
- Death screams like a Siren!!!
- Past that keeps Haunting!!
- The big-bad Wolf!!!
- Beauty who Slept forever!!!
- Beast kills the Beauty!!!
- Mage, Beast and Witch!!
- A cold hard slap of reality!!
- The Silver lining in the dark!!
- Crimson, the colour of betrayal!!
- Prisoner of promises
- Baptized with fire!!
- The touch that heal everything!!
- Into the death dungeons!!
- A stone lost in time!!
- Trouble with the bad beast!!
- Signing death warrant!!
- Say hello to my little dagger!