Chapter 7 - Fated Introduction
The silence in the room was deafening after all of the earlier violence.
Adalyn continued to stare at the ground as instructed. His sweet peppermint scent was slowly starting to overshadow the diesel smell that had previously attacked her senses. After a few more moments of silence, she heard heavy booted footsteps slowly approach her before a hand reached out to start tugging at her t-shirt.
Her eyes shot up not realizing that he was directly in front of her. She stared into his cool blue eyes trying to work out what his intent was. She could tell from the look in his eyes that she wasn't the only one feeling the impact of their connection. That heat that she felt in the pit of her belly when she first locked eyes with him in the square was back with a vengeance and she pressed her thighs together trying and failing to suppress this feeling.
Kai tugged again at her top as her focus shifted to what he was doing. She hadn’t realized that Greasy had partly exposed her in his earlier attempts to try and strip her and Kai was trying to protect her modesty and even more so his sense of self control at seeing the bare skin just above her breast.
Realizing what he was doing Adalyn forced her focus back down to the floor in embarrassment. She could feel her cheeks starting to heat and was sure that he had noticed.
“Are you hurt?” Kai questioned her softly. She could still feel his heated gaze on her and felt that if she looked up his eyes would burn a whole right through her.
“Excuse me?” Adalyn followed up, completely missing what he said in her daze.
“I mean did he… did he touch you?” Kai questioned again.
Finally realizing what he meant and how her state of partial undress might have given him that impression she snapped her face back up to his, startling both of them in result. “Oh! No he didn’t get a chance.” She beamed gently up in to his face hoping that she successfully hid her nerves.
'Fuck! She’s even more beautiful in person' Kai thought to himself. Being up close to her like this and breathing in her scent had his wolf prancing around like some kind of idiot. She was still tied to the pole and seeing her in that position, unable to move and half dressed suddenly gave him dark ideas. He could easily claim her now. Bite those full lips then slowly fuck her against that pole. He imagined a moment like this a thousand times before and his canines slowly started to descend as his wolf urged him on. He leaned in to her body and pressed his nose in to the crook of her neck to really take her all in. Her scent flooded his senses. It was intoxicating. He stilled and took a moment to bask in it.
Surprised at his forwardness she could barely get a word out of her mouth when the shock-waves from his proximity to her body had her tingling all over. She could feel moisture starting to gather between her legs and she forced her thighs together in an attempt to stop her body from betraying her. It was too late though. Kai had started to smell her arousal and his cock twitched . He had barely touched her, but her body had reacted and was being deliciously responsive to him. His eyes started to turn black as his wolf fought to finish what he had started. Realising that this could get dangerous very quickly he took a step back in an effort to regain some composure.
Adalyn instantly felt cold at the distance he put between them. If her wolf wasn’t currently being suppressed, she knew that she would already be dry humping him on the floor as they spoke. Speaking of which, she still hadn’t quite worked out who this mystery man was. It was definitely the prince that she had locked eyes with in the square earlier that day, so who was this guy? He smelled the same, but this guy in front of her was blonde. She couldn’t have two mates could she??
Examining the room, Kai noticed the guy on the floor directly in front of her was still breathing. 'Fucker!' His little mate had managed to subdue him. Whilst still restrained? "Impressive" he thought to himself.
Kai kicked Greasy over on to his back to check his condition. His breathing was laboured and he could see the bruising around his throat. This girl had really done a number on him. He wished he had made it in time to see her in action. Not only was she beautiful but she was strong too. Both he and his wolf smiled secretly in acknowledgement.
He knelt down and patted through the shifter’s clothing for signs of any weapons. It didn’t look like he was going to wake up anytime soon but he wanted to make sure he couldn’t do any harm incase he did decide to suddenly spring back to life. Having checked all his pockets, he couldn’t find anything of note on him so he pulled the lace of his boot and used that to tie his hands behind his back.
Having killed the two other shifters his wolf’s thirst for blood had felt moderately satisfied for now. If this one was still alive perhaps he could get some information out of him before he put him out of his misery.
“Umm excuse me?” A gentle voiced called out, breaking his inner monologue.
Kai looked up at her from his knelt position.
“Could you help free me? My arms are aching from being in this position for so long.”
Kai stood back up, trying his best to keep a suitable distance between the two of them he walked behind her to check on her restraints. Adalyn's arm were locked with large silver cuffs. In the centre was a golden amulet. He’d seen these type of restraints used on shifters before but this one was particularly high class. It was designed to stop a shifter from being able to shift. From its design it looked to have a mixture of wolfsbane and something else in it to make it more potent. Again, this didn’t seem to make sense. There was no way that amateurs like this could have sourced or been able to afford something like that.
Adalyn had noticed that he had gotten suspiciously quiet since he stepped behind her 5 minutes ago.
“Err any luck?” she enquired
“I can break this off,” he answered back, still analyzing the handcuffs. “But it’s probably gonna take a while for the effects to wear off.”
“Oh okay” she pondered. As she rarely shifted, not being able to shift or communicate with her wolf for a while wasn’t really going to be an issue as far as she was concerned. With their fractious relationship she might even welcome the temporary break.
After a few more moments of silence, Adalyn heard the sound of clothing dropping to the floor. She couldn’t see behind her but summarized that he was getting naked. Her cheeks instantly flushed again.
“Errr..what are you doing back there?” she asked nervously
Kai couldn’t help but crack a small smile as he sensed her getting flustered. She was more innocent than he thought.
“It will be much easier for me to get them off if I just bite them off, so I was going to shift. Either that or I could kick the pole down and carry you out of here until I could get somebody to take a look at it”
“Oh err.. okay”. She a fumbling mess of ‘errs and ‘umms’ today. "What’s wrong with me?" she whispered quietly to herself.
“What was that?” Kai questioned, missing some of what she was mumbling.
“Nothing, please go ahead”
With permission granted Kai shifted in to his wolf. It had been a while since he had done so as he had been training to learn how to fight more in his human form lately. It was a technique his instructor had taught him to teach him how to get a better handle over his wolf.
He flexed his arms then allowed his wolf to take over. His bones cracked and clicked in to place making a satisfying sound. Fully shifted he shook his head enjoying the freedom at being able to flex his claws and stretch his limbs. Kai’s wolf was huge, his coat was jet black with an almost royal blue tinge to it in certain lights, but he had a streak of white fur down the centre of his chest.
Kai lowered his muzzle to her restraints. His wolf caught the scent of his mate but with her wolf currently subdued he was able to keep suitable control over him. He leant forward and gripped the inner edges of the cuff being careful not to catch her skin between his teeth. Once in position, he started to clamp down and apply significant pressure to the weak spots. As the cuffs started to come away he angled his jaw to make sure that he didn’t accidentally swallow some of the wolfsbane that had started to leak out.
Instant relief filtered through to Adalyn’s arms as the cuffs fully came away. Noticing the bruising on her wrists she rubbed both of her wrists with her hands to soothe them. She healed pretty fast for a low level wolf so she knew they’d be gone soon.
“Thanks, I appreciate it”
She turned around to thank him without realizing that he had already shifted back and was now standing completely naked in front of her.
She stared for a moment slightly stunned at what she saw then quickly turned back around and stared at the ground. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had shifted back already.”
He smiled to himself again. 'This girl really is super innocent' he thought to himself. Kai was 100% comfortable in his skin naked or not but he couldn’t help but notice where her eyes had focused when she looked at him. She definitely got a good look alright.
“Don’t worry about it” Kai pulled his T-shirt over his head and continued getting dressed. “I suppose its something that we’re going to have to start getting used to, with us being mates and all”.
Adalyn gulped. That was the first time he had verbalized what they both already knew. They were mates. Fated mates.
Now fully dressed Kai walked back round to her field of vision. Shifting to his wolf and back had reverted the effects that the potion had on his hair. His signature raven locks were back and with that Adalyn firmly recognized the man she locked eyes with in the square.
“I don’t think I’ve properly introduced myself have I?” He took a step closer to her. “My name is Kaiden Lucius Caine. It’s a pleasure to meet you Adalyn”.