The Reaper - Part I


"Return here!"

"Arnfinn!" The juvenile yelled once more as the young boy ran around the dim hallway, giggling

"Father will arrive at any moment! Arnfinn, come back here!" He asked the boy again, but he was unmoved.

"Please, just a little longer, brother!" He asked, but his brother stood with his arms crossed

"It's time for you to go to bed. And if father sees you running around this late, he won't be pleased. Let's go!" He said sternly, and Arnfinn huffed and yielded. The brother extended his hand, which Arnfinn accepted. The juvenile led his younger brother into his room and tucked him under the warm duvet.

"Now make sure I don't find you outside of this duvet!" With a solemn expression on his face, he scolded and Arnfinn giggled.

"Okay!" He said

"Good night!" The juvenile said good night and exited, turning off the lights.

He was sitting behind his desk in his room, going over papers his father had given him to peruse. He was being groomed to be the next King, and the weight of responsibility was already weighing heavily on his small shoulders. He sighed as he placed the papers on the table and leaned back in his comfortable chair. When he looked out the window, he noticed the full moon glowing brightly in the night sky. He rose from his chair and walked over to the adjacent open balcony.

Among the stars was the ever-present glow of the moon, that mother of the sky who kept a steady and true eye on every beating heart. He leaned against the balcony wall, closed his eyes, and felt the soft breeze flow through his hair, graciously tickling his skin. When a peculiar scent flowed into his nostrils with the wind, his eyes widened in confusion. He moved closer to the balcony's rim and took a look around. He noticed a dark silhouette in black clothing fleeing the castle. It turned its head slightly towards him, and he took a deep breath as its bright red eyes stared at him through its hood before disappearing into the darkness. What was it? He pondered.

His thoughts were cut short when he heard a high-pitched scream. He hurried out of his room's balcony and saw people running in the corridor towards his brother 's chamber. As one of the many guards stopped in front of him, dread settled within him.

"Your Highness! Your younger brother!" The guard didn't have to finish his sentence since The Prince was already dashing towards his younger brother's chamber. He burst through the doors and saw blood all over the carpeted floor, and in the middle of all the blood was his one and only brother's lifeless body. He collapsed on his knees, shocked. Not a single word was uttered from him as everyone rushed around trying to help the deceased prince.

A lone tear fell from his left eye, and he wiped it away before anyone noticed. He knew who was to blame, and he will ensure that person pays with their life!

The number of trees gradually decreased, and she arrived at an open area in a matter of moments. She noticed the lights in front of the house were still on while hiding behind the bushes. She decided to hide and wait. She checked her watch and returned to the house, where the lights were still turned on. She took a deep breath and leaned against the tree next to her. The forest was clear here, and she could see the sky. The stars were non-existent. Those cotton balls seen during the day morphed into grey streams the color of ash and soot. But, oh, how the moon fought to shine its light on the earth.

However, the clouds stretched across the sky, creating a hazy, foreboding atmosphere. It's going to start raining soon. She looks down at the ground below her and then back at the house. She can't afford to get soaked in the rain right now. It will leave a trail of her footsteps. When she returns to the house, the lights are finally turned off, implying that everyone has fallen asleep. She sits up straight and pulls up her black neck sleeve, which covers her face and sits across the bridge of her nose, under her eyes.

She adjusts her gloves and weapon around her waist belt while scanning the area for guards. She emerged from the bush and ran around the back of the house. She leaps to her feet, grabbing the window seal on the first floor.

She gracefully crawls up to the third floor. She reached the window and discovered it was unlocked; she smirked to herself and quietly entered the house. She smoothly lands on her legs in the darkened corridor and makes her way through it. At the end of the hallway, there is a right turn. She was about to make the turn when she heard footsteps approaching her. She quickly moves across the corridor, her back to the opposite wall. She remains pressed against the wall until the footsteps reach her. She pulls out the blade hidden beneath her wrist. She strikes her blade through the man's neck without hesitation as soon as he turns into the hallway. And as his body falls limp and is about to hit the floor, she catches it and places it on the ground without making a sound. She turns right and comes to a brown double door at the end of the hallway.

She quickly reaches the door, which, as she expected, was locked from the inside. She gracefully moved her finger in front of the lock, and it made a click sound, implying that it had been unlocked. She smirks beneath her mask and turns the knob, allowing the doors to open. She moves into the dark side of the room, blending in with the shadows, and looks at her preys sleeping soundly in the comfortable king-size bed in the center of the room.

"How oblivious are they to the fact that they are going to die tonight?" she pondered.

She sighs and walks over to the king-size bed, where she finds two equally beautiful men and women sleeping soundly. She pulls out her silver blade and swiftly swings it through the woman's neck, not allowing her to gasp for air. She passes away peacefully in her sleep.

She moves towards the man and was about to slide her blade through his neck, when his eyes shot open. His eyes full of suffering, anguish, and vengeance. He grabs her hand and seeks to twist it, but her arm refuses to budge. He threw punches in her face, but they had no effect on her. He felt as if he were punching through a stone wall. She could see fear in his eyes and perceive it emanating from him. Under her mask, she sneers and sustains on his fear like a ravenous animal.

She twists his hand that was holding hers, causing a crack and the male to cry out in anguish. With a fluid motion of her palms, she closes the door behind her before the agonizing scream could break free the room.

She punches him in the face, and she hears a rewarding crack as his nose fractures and blood flows off from his nasal passages. When the smell of blood reaches her nose, her eyes light up bright yellow. She takes off her mask, revealing her magnificent yet horrifying face to the man she is about to murder.

"Well, you're going to die soon anyway. It would be a terrible shame if your blood was wasted." As soon as she finishes her sentence, she pounces on his neck with her sharp fangs, causing him to convulse. She begins slurping his blood, consuming every drop of it. The man collapses on his bed as all the blood from his body is sucked out, while she licks her lips clean. She looks at the man's almost lifeless body and places her silver blade on his chest, right over his heart, saying,

"So long, Alpha!"

She plunges her blade into his chest, squeezing out the last few drops of blood from his body. On his shirt, she wipes her silver blade, and tucks back into its case on her waist.

She pulls up her black hood and neck sleeve.

She opens the balconies door and jumps out of the house landing smoothly and quietly on her legs. As her feet touch the earth, her toes are bathed in the newly bequeathed rain. It gurgles, bubbling as she takes off in an inhuman speed flowing with the rain, soothing in its coolness.

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