Chapter 3-
I awoke to Ava pushing my shoulder “Ember, look. We are slowing down; I think we’re must be close to wherever they have been taking us.” She said almost in a whisper. It was dark, but I could make out lights and what looked to be a village surrounded by forest. As we came through, I noticed the town was larger than I had thought it was from a distance. There were a lot of spaced out houses many with gardens and small barns. The town also had what looked to be little shops all surrounding a small lake. It was hard to know for sure with the little light I had. We pulled up to an enormous wooden lodge and as we came to a stop, we were led still in our wagon groups of about twelve into the lodge. It was beautifully built and broken up into apartments. Even though I was still terrified of what could come next, I was impressed at the beauty and size of the building.
Each apartment had beds and a large fireplace, along with a bathroom that had shower stalls inside. It was warm and surprisingly comfortable, definitely a huge step up from the ship that had been our prison for the past few weeks. Each bed had laid on it a long white nightdress and a robe. We were told that we were able to wash and dress and that in the morning they would start the interviews. I had no idea what that entailed but was happy of the clean and comfortable accommodations. As we each were led into the apartment the chains were taken off our ankles. Although I was happy to be free of the painful burden it worried me how excited the man was to touch our legs and feet and how he had moaned quietly while he freed us. It took all my self-control not to kick him when his grubby hands were fondling my leg. Thinking about the man’s predatory gaze I began to realize that I had not seen any women in the village or the lodge since we came in.
Maybe because it was nighttime, I tried to reassure myself. There must be women here somewhere. After we were all unchained the door closed and we heard the lock turn. I am sure the door is guarded by the men who brought us here, there is no way that after all the effort to bring us here they would leave us unattended. The room held no windows and no chance of escape. Ava continued to be glued to my side as we were left in our new shared room even in the showers, she stayed right next to me. The feeling of washing the grime away after weeks at sea was amazing and set me slightly more at ease. I could face tomorrow now that I felt human again, clean and no longer chained like a rabid dog.
I couldn’t believe how much muck had clung to my body and hair during that time between my capture and now. I laid down in the comfortable bed clean and in my new night clothes. I felt a small tinge of hope, but that hope soon left me as Ava snuggled up against me and asked,
“Ember what do you think they are interviewing us for tomorrow?” I kissed her forehead and stroked her hair.
“I don’t know Ava, but we will need to be alert and do all we can to survive. Maybe we can even find a way to get ourselves back home. Now we need to get some sleep.”
I hoped I was right, and we can find someway to either earn our freedom or find a weakness inside these walls and escape. Sleep overtook me quickly it had been weeks since I had more than a few hours rest. I will need it for tomorrow. For whatever the interview would bring.We were woken up by the sound of a chime ringing through the building. Worry began to replace the peace that had come with the comfortable warm bed.
Thoughts about the interveiw and what was next came barreling back into my head. Ava and I got up and I brushed her hair out with my fingers and repaired her beautiful braid, I had tried but failed to tame my wild locks. We sat quietly waiting for what would happen next. The door was unlocked, and we were led to the downstairs of the lodge and into a large dining hall, each given a meal of hot porridge and eggs. None of the men were eating although there were many open tables, they all just watched us and whispered quietly to one another. It gave me the feeling that they were all in on something that we were missing, almost like we were on the wrong end of a sick joke. Is this part of the test or interview?
I just kept my head down trying not to make eye contact with any of them after yesterday I don't want to encourage them. After breakfast we were addressed by the man who had captured my attention the day by the wagons. The handsome one with the long blonde hair and strong air about him. I feel that strange heat again when he starts talking.
“Women you will stay sitting where you are. When you are tapped on the shoulder you will follow, without any dramatics. After your interview you will be led back to your apartment to rest. Commander Shane will deal with any insolence swiftly.” While he was doling out commands, I began to understand he must be in charge. The men all looked at him with reverence. He scared me and thrilled me all at once, what is wrong with me?
One by one the women were tapped on their shoulder and led out of the large hall and didn’t return. I hoped the beautiful man who stole my attention wasn't lying and that they were resting upstairs, not dead somewhere in this building. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest as the woman next to me was taken away. I just hope I make a good impression, or that this isn’t some kind of trap to separate us and then kill or rape us one by one. I saw a man coming towards me with a smirk on his face. I gave Ava a sweet smile and told her I would see her soon and not to be afraid. Even if I had no idea what was to come, I wanted to reassure her. I also don't want to cower infront of this new, smug stranger that seems to get pleasure from the idea of making women scared. I wish I wasn’t afraid, but I am, I hate feeling this weak.
I am led down a long hallway to a large room with a group of men behind a long table, each with a stack of papers Infront of them. One of the men in the middle of the table who was staring holes through me is none other than the man from the day we got off the boat. The man who gave us directions not long ago.
I have heard the men address him as Alpha, but I don’t know his name. Even now racked with fear I am so drawn to him. I don’t know what’s wrong with me why is my body trembling in both fear and arousal.